Calories vs. Healthy Eating

judiknyght Posts: 8 Member
Just a question for those more experienced at this than me. I'm trying to eat a whole/least processed diet. I'm not following any sort of program for that, just trying to use common sense and eat a minimum amount of processed foods/white starches (though I still eat potatoes)- mostly no white bread/rice, limited pasta, cooking meals from scratch rather than opening a jar or a box.

MFP gives me 1990 calories per day (I'm 5'8 and currently 365lbs). I set my activity level as sedentary, as I work a desk job and while I do get up and down during the day for various tasks, I'm mostly sitting in front of the computer. I am a hockey player, but at a very low skill level and I don't get on the ice more than once a week, and I do try to get to the gym several times a week and I earn anywhere from 250 to 600 exercise calories on those days.

So here is my question- I have a really hard time eating all my calories when I'm eating this way. I have logged everything I plan to eat today and I'm just under 1200 calories, leaving me just over 800 calories in my normal daily calories, plus whatever I earn at the gym tonight. I can throw a snack in there but I am trying to get away from eating for the sake of eating.

Does anyone have any suggestions? My portion sizes are healthy. I'm not under 1200 for the day because I'm intentionally limiting that, that's just how it worked out today. Most days I'm closer to 1500 or 1600. The days I go over are usually the days I choose more processed foods or have eaten out.


  • Mirdir
    Mirdir Posts: 39 Member
    I don't think eating under 1200 cals a day has the same negative effects on weight loss as someone with a lot less to lose. If your concerned about it though you could try eating more calorie dense foods like avocados or nuts. Add olive oil or honey to things. You could also drink your calories with whole milk or juice.
  • lstillwell1128
    lstillwell1128 Posts: 23 Member
    There is nothing wrong with "eating for the sake of eating" if you are eating for 'fuel'. Eat a lean protein like boneless skinless grilled chicken 4oz will run you about 300 calories. Also you can eat nuts or even Edamame. The body needs smaller more frequent meals (including snacks) to keep the metabolism going at its best, if you skip meals and snacks then your body starts to slow the metabolism so that you don't run out of 'fuel'. Don't be scared to eat as long as you eat smart.