*Wednesday Weigh-In* Week 6 - July 11th



  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    CSW; 205.8
    LWW; 198.6
    CW; 194.8
    LO; 3.8
    TLO; 11

    Well I might make the 30lbs??
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    Well probably not going to hit 30 lbs but we'll see how close I get:

    CSW: 244
    LWW: 243.8
    CW: 243.6
    LO: 0.2
    TLO: 0.4 :grumble:

    Thinking about trying to eat at my BMR - does anyone else do this or tried it and how did it work?

    I eat at my TDEE -700 calories. I don't usually eat back my exercise calories. I usually eat between 1300-1600 calories. I split them into like 6 meals of like 200-300 calories with dinner being my biggest like 600. I do watch protein, fat, carbs, and calcium. (julian micheals said women need to watch calcium for weight loss and I have to make sure I take a vitamin if I don't get enough cause sometimes I don't) I'm at 40% carbs 30% fat 30%protein. This has helped me have a steady loss. You do have to find what works for you though. Give it a couple of weeks to see if changing works. Good Luck!
  • bunny1006
    bunny1006 Posts: 325 Member
    CSW: 158 (I think)
    LWW: 156.9
    CW: 156.7
    LO: .2
    TLO: 1.2

    Good Luck everyone!:bigsmile:
  • piperpooh
    piperpooh Posts: 15
    . I am seriously thinking about creating a 30lbs in 90days returns group after we finish this one in September. Any takers if I did?

    i'd be up for another 30lbs in 90days type challenge... Maybe we could call it just "90 day challenge" since everyone is shooting for different weight loss goals during the 90 days?
  • wafflesandiron
    wafflesandiron Posts: 15 Member
    HT 5'2"
    HW 175
    SW 157
    CW 158
    GW 125

    I'm up another pound, I'm now a pound above my start weight. It's frustrating, but it's totally my fault. I've been eating out a lot. I started a new diet today, the Dukan diet (some days you ONLY eat protein, others protein and veg). I'm eating some vegetables every day though. I can't get through a day without a vegetable! I guess I'm basically following Atkins. It's a good exercise for me becuase I usually don't get enough protein and that's basically all I'm "allowed" to eat now. I'm hoping to lose 10 pounds in the next 5 weeks, before I move to the other side of the country!
  • CSW: 257
    LWW: 249.3
    CW: 246.3
    LO: 3
    TLO: 10.7

    Now that's a better week :)
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    . I am seriously thinking about creating a 30lbs in 90days returns group after we finish this one in September. Any takers if I did?

    i'd be up for another 30lbs in 90days type challenge... Maybe we could call it just "90 day challenge" since everyone is shooting for different weight loss goals during the 90 days?

    I was actually thinking about that! :bigsmile:

    I will probably create it at the begining of August, so it will give everyone a month to join it. I will post details regarding it when I create it!
  • Cats315
    Cats315 Posts: 38 Member
    CSW: 273.6
    LWW: 270.6
    CW: 270
    LO: 0.6
    TLO: 4
  • Flyjsh
    Flyjsh Posts: 24
    CSW: Challenge Start Weight - 215
    LWW: Last Weeks Weight - 201
    CW: Current Weight - 197
    LO: Loss of - 4
    TLO: Total Loss of - 18
  • Aiea75
    Aiea75 Posts: 1 Member
    Aloha! I just joined the group so I wanted to say hello...I know it's not Wednesday, but this is where I'm at:

    CSW: 172
    LO: 0
    TLO: 0

    I'm looking forward to joining you all on this journey of improved health and fitness!