Hot 4 Halloween



  • hellosara08
    hellosara08 Posts: 140 Member
    Hello. :smile:

    I'm 5'3".
    CW: 153 lbs
    GW: 130

    That's 23 lbs to be lost from here to Halloween. Let's have it my fellow challengers! :drinker:
  • Lalala_Liz
    Lalala_Liz Posts: 36 Member
    Count me in!

    SW: 165
    GW: 155
    UGW: 150

    I would be thrilled to be 155 by Halloween, but if I can make it to 150 then I know I'll REALLY be lookin good!
  • RedRelish
    RedRelish Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5'3" and somewhere around 135 rights now; would love to get down to around 115 by Halloween! I've just started training for a half marathon in October as well so as long as I stick to my training schedule I should be on the right track, my biggest downfall is just eating too much tasty food!
  • minburke
    minburke Posts: 241 Member
    SW 68kg
    GW 60kg
  • Marquerite11
    Marquerite11 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey everyone!!!
    My current weight is 204 and by Halloween I would love to be at 170.

    Sooo 34lbs lighter HERE I COME :wink:
  • stephanne82
    stephanne82 Posts: 49 Member
    Current: 150 lbs.
    Goal by Halloween: 140 lbs.
    My ultimate goal is 130 lbs.
  • sara6442
    sara6442 Posts: 9 Member
    Starting: 184

    By Halloween: 164 (at least)
  • vsm9330
    vsm9330 Posts: 3 Member
    I like goals, so this one sounds good to me.

    Current: 181
    Halloween: 157
    Goal: 145
  • mariselaalves
    mariselaalves Posts: 42 Member
    Starting weight: 255
    Goal weight for Halloween: 227 :happy:
  • paulipet
    paulipet Posts: 70
    Starting at 207
    Goal weight for Halloween : 190
  • kekagel
    kekagel Posts: 94 Member
    Starting weight: 235.8
    Goal weight for Halloween: 215
  • gotchakatja
    gotchakatja Posts: 44 Member
    Starting weight: 134.8 lbs

    Goal weight by Halloween: 120 lbs

    I've been at a huge plateau all summer, so I'm worried I won't be able to make it happen. :c But I'm gonna try! I believe I can do it.
  • AUNique24
    AUNique24 Posts: 52 Member
    Starting Weight: 224 (size 16)
    Goal Weight by Halloween: 209 (size 14)
    15 lbs...5lbs per month!

    No costume in mind! But I don't want to wear my dad's or stepdad's Army BDU's anymore!!
  • Cbwade
    Cbwade Posts: 3 Member
    I am in!
    My CW is 212.
    I want to drop 25-30 pounds by Halloween. That would put me at 182-187.

    Exercise is going to be the most difficult part! HEELLLPPP!!!
  • CW: 128.6

    Hot 4 Halloween GW: A TONED 120 lbs.!
  • natural813
    natural813 Posts: 183 Member
    Sounds great. I had my goal earlier in October..but then again it might not be until November I reach it so.
    I will love to be hot by halloween..


    My goal weight of 156 would be great!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ds233005
    ds233005 Posts: 20 Member
    Yes! I am in! I LOVE Halloween!
    Starting weight: 129
    Goal weight: 124? I don't care so much about the actual number..
    I want to lower my % bf. Around 25% now, would like to get to 22% for Halloween!
    Good Luck to everyone! Can't wait to see everyone in their costumes!
  • RoyalsFan24
    RoyalsFan24 Posts: 8 Member
    Starting weight: 232
    Goal weight: 199

    I would love to be below 200 lbs once Halloween hits!!!
  • derekjnichols
    derekjnichols Posts: 49 Member
    Halloween's one of my favorite days because it gives me a chance to break out of my introverted shell. I wish I was as outgoing as I am on this holiday all the time. I think this is a great idea to help me prep for having a crazy/ revealing costume!
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 354 Member
    Starting weight: 209
    Halloween Goal Weight: 185

    Sounds like a fun challenge.