Harder on the weekends?

Maasmondy Posts: 54 Member
So, anyone else have a more difficult time on the weekends? I feel like I blow it on one or two meals over the weekend. I typically stay within my calories, but will have one or two non-paleo meals or items. It makes me crabby that I do this!

During the week it's easy because I bring all of my food to work and plan a paleo dinner but on the weekends we run around so much I don't feel like cooking all the time.

Tell me I'm not alone... :(


  • tsavisky
    tsavisky Posts: 78 Member
    You are not alone! I was fine Saturday and Sunday not so much. I can usually stay within my calorie goal but it's definitly not paleo (perogies last night!!!). As you said, it's easier for me during the week because I bring lunch to work and my dinners are planned.
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    I was having a really hard time with weekends, until I figured out that was my weakness. On Friday night, I'd go and have a beer or two with friends, and of course, I'd have awful foods with it because that's really all they serve at bars. By the time Sunday night rolled around, I was bloated and regretful from weekend eating. Once I pinpointed weekends to be my weakest point, because of the influence of my husband and children, I straightened it up by not drinking, or drinking wine and not beer, and making sure I planned accordingly with snacks (beef jerky, fruit, nuts) and meals that the whole family could enjoy. One huge help is our grill, as we like to try different things on there. It helps to have the goal in mind that when weekends are your weak point, attack those with a vengeance.
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    When I spend time with friends anyday!! (shift worker so I only have days 1 thru 4 on or off LOL) I make it a joke and call it my "freaky food thing" and I make sure I'm hyper-vigilant when we get together. I make sure I bring stuff that meets my needs that everyone is able to partake in. When we eat out I am always the last one to order so I can crack a joke how the three cheese fetuccini is gonna kill them!! lol
    Essentially I have opened myself up to the jokes by starting them.....Thants how I have empowered myself to make better choices for me! By doing this I dont feel pressured by ordering 'normal food'. My friends think I have a 'condition' that is mental where I cant eat certain foods...it's hilarious!! I give them the gears about not eating veggies they laugh at me cause I wont eat a french fry.

    You are not alone =) Just stay true to your goal of better health and if you make a bad choice so be it...keep going forward. (says the woman who is planning a wine tour in the Okanagan in less than a week...LOL)
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    Oooh-- wine tour in the Okanagan sounds awesome. Kind of sad we're not heading up to Osoyoos for our honeymoon!

    Weekends are actually easier for me, since I have time to prep a lot of meals from scratch and I can nibble at nuts all day (seriously, that's generally how I eat on the weekends) until dinner. Meal prep is on the low priority list right now, as I'm trying to get the house ready for our wedding.
  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    Self-control is the key. I don't have that problem. However, I do have problem when my friends invites me to a restaurant. I don't want to offend him, so I just take whatever is on the menu. It didnt happens that often.
  • kecarlto
    kecarlto Posts: 49 Member
    Yes! Weekends are so much harder for me, too. I tend to have lots of trouble with that "TGIF and I don't have to work tomorrow" glass of wine that sometimes morphs into 3 glasses if I'm with friends and in turn makes me hungry for things that I don't want to eat but hey, at 3 glasses of wine who really cares, right? Yeah - me, that's who. I care. I REALLY care in the morning! SO, I have been limiting myself to one weekend out with friends a month. As I get mo' better at eating paleo I find that it's a lot easier to make healthy choices when eating out and if I take my own snacks when visiting with friends they end up eating my food so the junk just disappears.

    I have been battling the "mean snackies" the last few weekends. I think it's a mental thing for me. If I don't have jerky or nuts or you know, snack type foods I start looking for other stuff. Having some great friends who like to slap my hand as I reach for "just one ______," and being prepared are the only things that helps me. Oh, and not drinking - ok, this needs work but it's a getting better!

    Figure out what your sin triggers are and change things up.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    yep - I tend to graze on the weekends...not so much on non-primal foods, but rather unlike the week where I have my lunch and set snacks I bring to work with me I just graze - so I might have a handful of nuts...then later on a sliced tomato...maybe a few slices of turkey...

    And water - I find it easier to drink water during the week while at work...on weekends - I tend to forget to drink