
Here we go...

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Julie and I'm a 24 year old from Eastern Canada. I have about 90 lbs to lose and my young horse is my main motivation. I have three crazy cats (two were wild kitties from Turks & Caicos) and a supportive boyfriend who doesn't have much to lose but needs to get fit.

I will be helping Crissie (LilCrissieBug) run this competition, so if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to get in touch with either of us.

Your turn :)


  • hijude57
    hijude57 Posts: 97 Member
    Count me in. Ths competition sounds like something I really need. I have 120lbs to lose and I'm just starting.
  • vportillo14
    vportillo14 Posts: 11 Member
    My name is Vanessa. I'm 25 I have 2 daughters and i have 35 pounds to lose. just started p90x. my motivation is looking good for my 26th birthday in october and fitting into my clothes i wore before i got pregnant with my last daughter or better yet having to buy a new wardrobe.
  • blessingsx2
    blessingsx2 Posts: 119 Member
    I love the idea of a competion! My names Gloria, 25, and the mother of 2. I'm 5'1" and weigh 132.5 and trying to get down to 118-115.
  • I am so exited I was looking for a competition it makes this more fun, I am 30 yrs old and a mother of 3 and have struggled with losing weight since I gave birth to my first born child. I was over 350 lbs and have lost 117 lbs in total I have more weight to lose but I know I will get there if I give it my all. My goal is 185 lbs and even tho its still considered beign over weight that is a number I would love to see when I get on the scale.
  • Timmyttt418
    Timmyttt418 Posts: 103 Member
    Count me in, I just started MFP on June 28th an have lost 23 pounds so far and am looking to lose a bunch more!
  • Jernate
    Jernate Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I'm Wendy. I'm 43 and need to lose about 45 lbs. I'm hoping that keeping accountable by posting each Friday will help get me moving!
  • tammyandzach
    tammyandzach Posts: 922 Member
    My name is Tammy. I have lost 48 lb. I have at least 50 more to go. I was a part of the last Group and it helped me a lot. Especially the money pool. I really want new clothes. One of these times I am going to make it.
  • lowry12
    lowry12 Posts: 74 Member
    im in my name is trish ive lost 23lbs since april 24th and would like to loose about 75 more and i love a challenge and i weigh in on fridays anyway so itll be perfect :)
  • curlyprice
    curlyprice Posts: 2 Member
    :smile: Hello my name is Paulina 25 years old and I've been on this journey since February of last year. I've already lost 46 lbs. but would ideally like to lose another 64 lbs. I need more people to push me through these last pounds because it seems to get a lot harder once you're out of the 200's to lose weight. Any help or encouragement would be super encouraging.
  • happydays2525
    happydays2525 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi! My name is Margaret and I'm from Eastern Ontario,CA and I'm 54. I have been using MFP since 2/29/12 and have lost 29.8 lbs. I was also part of the last Biggest Loser Challenge and at the same time was part of a Biggest Loser Challenge at work. I would love to be part of this new group. Good luck to all the new people and the ones that have decided like me to join again. Thank you ladies for doing this for us.
  • KayTay612
    KayTay612 Posts: 37 Member
    I would love to join in! My name is Katie and I'm going into my senior year of college. I have about 100 lbs to lose to be relatively healthy, more to become an average weight. I'm an avid horse lover and have a horse on loan for the summer so spend my afternoons after work at the barn. My best friend and I have taken up walking/jogging and are on a mission to become healthier. I'm making an effort to live a healthier life and to just not give up!

    Nice to meet everyone! :)
  • TryingAgainIn2012
    TryingAgainIn2012 Posts: 27 Member
    Count me in, too. My name is Cyndi, I am 45 years old and just joined MFP last month. In 2011, I lost about 50 lbs. and for the first time in my whole life I was actually in a healthy weight for my height (I'm 5'6")!!! Unfortunately, in the past 7 months I have gradually put 20 lbs. back on. This challenge will hopefully keep me motivated to get these last 20 pounds off for good! I am also interested in doing the money pool! Thanks for running this challenge.
  • meaglesjb
    meaglesjb Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in! Meghan from Toronto - 35; mother of a 13 month old little girl. Lost my baby-weight, but still have some "post-wedding; pre-baby" weight to lose. Looking forward to getting to know you all over the next couple of months! Thanks for the motivation!
  • deedee0398
    deedee0398 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello im Danielle and im 35. I have about another 60lbs to lose. I need this to help getting me moving in the right direction again :)
  • Tinkerbell1010
    Tinkerbell1010 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm Sandi , I'm 42 and need to lose about 30 lbs. I love the support and encouragement from MFP and would love to be a apart of the biggest loser :)
  • Fit_2013
    Fit_2013 Posts: 326 Member
    Hi I am Renu from Maryland currently gained weight on a vacation and looking lose 30lbs.My 50th birthday falls on July 25th and I would like to be part of this group starting my next decade.
  • DeeChan634
    DeeChan634 Posts: 34
    I'm in!

    I'm Dee! I'm 5'3 and 155 pounds. I'd like to lose about 20-30 pounds before september if I can!
  • I'd love to join please!! My name is Colleen im 38 and I am tired of being fat and want to be confident in my own skin. I want to lose at least 45lbs and then see how i feel when i get there. I currently weigh 192lbs!
  • LMB419
    LMB419 Posts: 3
    Hey I'm Leigha and I am a single mom with a 7 year old son. I was looking for something to participate in just to help me stay motivated. I have tried to do this on my own but ended up quitting because I would always put off going to the gym until tomorrow. I am starting slow to try to make sure the habits stick (every other time I have gone with a really strick diet and hated it). I am wanting to lose 120 over all but have set a small goal to lose 20 lbs at a time.

    Here goes nothing....I'm excited to make the change.
  • I'd love to join please!! My name is Colleen im 38 and I am tired of being fat and want to be confident in my own skin. I want to lose at least 45lbs and then see how i feel when i get there. I currently weigh 192lbs!

    and i didnt realize my daughter was logged in so i just posted on her account let me try this again!! lol