Fitness Challenge 7/9/12 - 7/15/12



  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    Oh so the Polar active is like the Fitbit? I really want something like that. Nike has the Nike fuel band. I am waiting for the new version of it to com out.

    I burned 327 calories today. I started on the treadmill and ran for 16 minutes for 100 calories, then did my CLX Lean circuit 3 for a big number of 227!
    I killed my workout today. I feel great.
  • JasmineElaineT
    JasmineElaineT Posts: 43 Member
    344 calories burned today... I did a variation of crunches and pushups, walked, did some of a dance workout, and I did tons of toe raises!
  • GrammaBonnie
    GrammaBonnie Posts: 232 Member
    Oh so the Polar active is like the Fitbit? I really want something like that. Nike has the Nike fuel band. I am waiting for the new version of it to com out.

    Yes, Shaycat. As far as I know, the Polar Active provides similar info as the Fitbit. I wear it on my wrist -- it has a watch as part of it. I wear mine 24/7. It breaks down my day (and night) into five levels of activity. Anything that it doesn't registered is presumed to be sleep. (I have fooled it by lying really, really still!) It counts my steps and computes my daily calories. Ran my heart rate monitor for 24 hours and compared it to the Active. Very close.

    It's good, but not perfect. Washing my hear is vigorous activity. Riding my stationary bike is sitting. (Unless I wiggle my arms while riding.)

    I don't think you get data from the Fitbit until you connect it to your computer. Active is right there, easily visible. Fitbit does altitude. I don't know if the Active does.

    The Active resets itself every 24 hours at midnight.

    If you need something to keep you moving ... if yo unwed something to keep you accountable .... one of these might be a great investment.

    Feel free to ask me more questions about the Active as you do your research.
  • GrammaBonnie
    GrammaBonnie Posts: 232 Member
    What does 300 calories feel like? I THOUGHT it felt like my time in the pool today. I was really bummed to see that I only burned 150 calories today. (But I had a blast with my granddaughter, who went under water for the first time today!)

    I did some extra flights of steps as I moved some of my daughter's stuff around. I hauled a bunch of bags to my car, and then into the house when I got home. I scrubbed her microwave. I picked up my granddaughter (52 pounds) several times.

    I did the inevitable toe raises -- part of my knee rehab. As much as possible I balance on one foot or do toe raises.

    I don't know if I made the 300 for today, but I tried.

    Oh, and I had my annual physical. My Doc is doing the Happy Dance! My weight, blood sugar, cholesterol ... they have all improved! :)
  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    The doc was happy!? THAT IS GREAT NEWS!
  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    GrammaBonnie ~ there are some days that I feel i burned so much and when i see my HRM am so dissapointed. So i understand the feeling. I'm signing off to push play right now, lets see how much i burn...
  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    499 calories burned doing 200 calf raises, grocery shopping, doing crunches and doing a 10 min trainer(core cardio)
    Ohhhhhh AWESOME!!
    200!?! YOU GO GIRL@
  • JasmineElaineT
    JasmineElaineT Posts: 43 Member
    836 calories burned doing Yoga Flex 10 min trainer, grocery shopping, and working. gonna make tonight an early night because I work tomorrow and im soo tired i was tripping all day over everything!
  • GrammaBonnie
    GrammaBonnie Posts: 232 Member
    Whoo-hoo!!! My HRM said I burned 455 calories today. A TINY bit was doing pushups (exceeded my goal!!!). Most of it was light cleaning and organizing. Not impressive workouts, but better than being a couch potato!

    And, yes, Denise, the Doc kept saying, "I can't believe it!" EVERY number went down considerably. (Cholesterol from about 210 down to 175; A1C from 6.1 to 5.8, etc.) Happy Dance!!! :)
  • JasmineElaineT
    JasmineElaineT Posts: 43 Member
    1062 calories burned today... i had to work by myself and that required alot more effort!! plus a 10 min trainer :)
  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    1062 calories burned!?!?! you are killin' it!!! Make sure you are getting your liquids k? that is awesome!
  • JasmineElaineT
    JasmineElaineT Posts: 43 Member
    1122 cals burned working, doing tae bo and 10 mins of weights
  • GrammaBonnie
    GrammaBonnie Posts: 232 Member
    Today, in three bursts, I worked on organizing my home for my daughter and family to move in with us. My HRM said I burned 960 calories! Whoo-hoo! (The Great Migration has begun, but the bulk of their stuff comes on Saturday.)
  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    OMG !!!! THATS SO GREAT. my favorite part of your day was the organizing, I love that stuff!!!!!