Week 1!!!!

emilynyman00 Posts: 25 Member
Okay for all of you who are ready to work!
This goal shall be easy.
1000 sweat points per day!!!!!
Sounds easy? It is.
We will start tomorrow.
If your in, just comment in!


  • Robyn120
    Robyn120 Posts: 249
    I'm in!!!
  • emilynyman00
    emilynyman00 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm in!!!
  • PRbyLisa
    PRbyLisa Posts: 6 Member
    I'm totally in! I LOVE Just Dance...not sure I will do it tomorrow. We don't have air and we are looking at over 100 degrees in Michigan :(
  • cass678910
    cass678910 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm in! How do you guys track it? As general dancing?
  • Hi Everyone!! I'm in!
  • lastmeli
    lastmeli Posts: 1 Member
    I'm ready! Will start today!
  • kaali85
    kaali85 Posts: 32 Member
    How do you track just dance? I was playing earlier, and had no idea so thought I wouldn't include it. Lol
  • MelSha70
    MelSha70 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in! Just got the Country Just Dance! How do you track the exercise - as General Dance? Thanks!!:smile:
  • Im in! :)
  • cass678910
    cass678910 Posts: 34 Member
    Done with day 1! A little over 2000 sweat points...30 minutes, logged as dancing, general. Now I'm off to the gym!:)
  • Im in.... starting today
  • done today. 1234 sweat points logged! :D i forgot how much this actually hurts your arms. i might start holding the other remote so i don't get one hench arm! (just kidding!) :D
  • JulieDillon83
    JulieDillon83 Posts: 15 Member
    For those that asked - Just Sweat is a feature in Just Dance 2 and can be found in the Dance Menu. I have an app on my phone that tells me how many calories I've burnt based on my weight and the time spent using Just Dance (you can select Just Dance from a range of activities e.g. walking the dog). When I jump on the Wii Fit Plus and log Dancing as additional Fit Points the calorie count is very similar.
  • day 2 done :D bout 2000 this time feeling super sweaty! does what it says on the tin! haha
  • cass678910
    cass678910 Posts: 34 Member
    Done with day 2! Around 1800 today! What will other weekly challenges be like?.
  • emilynyman00
    emilynyman00 Posts: 25 Member
    Good job guys
  • cass678910
    cass678910 Posts: 34 Member
    I need some motivation, guys. I haven't danced since Wednesday..help!
  • "Train like your stronger fitter evil twin is plotting to kill you."