Lets Get Fit for Fall Semester!!!

Okay so I am currently 127, down from 136... I would love to lose another 10 or 11 lbs before the summer is over, which would put me at 118.

height: 5'4''
current weight: 127 lbs.
goal weight by Sept. 4th: 118 lbs.

I plan on striving for smaller portion sizes, dancing 4 days a week, and running days that I do not dance- AKA physical exercise of some sort pretty much every day:)

My motivation: Seeing what my body looks like at that goal!! I haven't been that size in a long time!


  • kikicanwearanything
    HELLO! (=
    I am going to college soon. I have to be packed and ready to leave by August 17th and I too am striving to lose some weight before the fall semester begins. I want to start fresh and feel more confident by dropping a few pounds.

    height: 5'3
    CW: 142lbs
    GW by Aug 20th: 136lbs

    My UGW is 117-119lbs though. I have trouble sometimes gathering up the motivation to get up and exercise, but I am aiming to break that habit. good luck!
  • nightfire389
    nightfire389 Posts: 3 Member
    I got about 6 weeks till my last year of college starts. I'd like to start the fall off better than I ended my spring semester!

    Height: 5'8''
    Current Weight:156lbs
    Goal Weight:149lbs

    I plan to make sure I get my 3 days of gym in for the week and strive for 4 days once clincals are over at the end of this month. And as always work hard to stay under my daily calorie goal!

    Good luck friends!
  • kileemae
    kileemae Posts: 9 Member
    CW: 125.4-126
    GW by Sept 1: 120
    gotta look great for all the beginning of school activities! :)
  • Gogretchen1
    HELLO! (=
    I am going to college soon. I have to be packed and ready to leave by August 17th and I too am striving to lose some weight before the fall semester begins. I want to start fresh and feel more confident by dropping a few pounds.

    height: 5'3
    CW: 142lbs
    GW by Aug 20th: 136lbs

    My UGW is 117-119lbs though. I have trouble sometimes gathering up the motivation to get up and exercise, but I am aiming to break that habit. good luck!

    Is this going to be your first semester of college? What an awesome way to start it out! Good for you. I also have times where I am unmotivated to work out- or there are too few hours in a day! We can motivate each other to keep on a goin.;)
  • Gogretchen1
    Kileemae- I am so excited that we have such similar goals! I put 118 down but I would be SO happy with 120, too:) I realize that's a lot to lose in 7 weeks... but hey- If we stick to mfp, we will get there. its that simple:)

    nightfire389- congrats on your last year of college! I will be a senior but will have at least one extra semester.

    Everyone-feel free to invite friends!! I have a limited amount of friends on mfp...so I only invited a small amount myself.

    The more the Merrier <3
  • kgiuffri
    kgiuffri Posts: 11 Member
    Going off to grad school at the end of August. I'm hoping to be down 10 lbs by then.

    Cw: 151
    Gw: 141

    How do I plan on getting there?

    Hydrating every single day
    Packing lunches for work
    Eating more fruits & veggies
    Counting everything and no more eating out/splurging every week
  • rozsbluejay
    rozsbluejay Posts: 303 Member
    Hello all!

    My first day of school is Sep 20

    CW: 323.5
    GW: 299.0

    How do I plan on getting there?
    *Cutting out soda
    *Drinking more water
    *Going to every group meeting (we walk and aerobics)
    *Walk everymorning
    *Chores on super overload
    *Measure my servings

    Good luck to all.
  • haley_94
    haley_94 Posts: 1
    I'm starting my first semester in around a month and a half. I'd love to lose 10-14 pounds by then but anything is good really!
  • daniellexcara
    daniellexcara Posts: 114 Member
    I'm going into my second year of college and im currently at 137. I want to get down to about 120 hopefully. Ive been going to the gym at least 3 times a week and doing 30DS every day. Im also trying to get more protein and less carbs in my diet and lots and lots of water. Good luck to everyone, we can do this! :)
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Hi :)

    I'm late to the college scene but I am really planning to look good on the first day and look even better in December!

    I'm 26, 5'4", 152lbs and about 30% body fat.

    I'd love to just stick to my plan for the weeks between now and Aug. 20.
    This plan is 1640 calories a day, 40% carb / 30% protein / 30% fat and 25g of fiber.
    I have been given a new goal by my doctor, which is to consume 1500mg or MORE sodium per day (kind of opposite what most people need)

    My exercise goals are to lift 3x a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday). Also I'd like to be 'active' on the other days, walking to the store, taking a jog if I feel energetic, cleaning a LOT of my house.

    This will be my first year at University, and I'm a junior! I earned my associates at community college and transferred in this semester. :D
  • kristenn_53
    Okay, so I'm starting my second year of college next month, and I really want to look a bit more "adjusted" physically. A few people have noticed some changes, but I want more! (Yes, I'm an attention hog. :)

    I'm at 213 pounds now, and my first day back is August 27, so I'd love to lose maybe 10 pounds or so. I've got a membership at Gold's, but I've also got to take care of my mom before her surgery, so I really want to fit in more exercises at home, and if I have the time I'd love to take some more exercise classes. Those are a bunch of fun.

    Good luck you guys! We've got this!.
  • beteblanche
    beteblanche Posts: 15 Member
    Hey folks! Returning to school after a two year break. Hoping to continue making positive changes!

    CW 144
    GW 130

    How I plan to get there is:
    60 mins of cardio everyday
    Taking a fitness class twice a week
    Walking after meals

    LIMITING ALCHOHOL. I couldn't believe how many calories I was consuming from beer
  • sushieminie
    height: 5'3'' (very petite)
    current weight: 124 (untoned, flabby, love handles)
    goal weight: 107

    in 6 weeks, i would like to lose around 12 pounds (2 pounds/week) and get more toned
    i plan on eating even healthier (i already eat relatively well), reducing my alcohol intake, and starting to workout. i am joining a gym tomorrow and plan on attending the cardio, yoga, zumba, toning classes

    my motivation: feeling energized and healthy like i used to when i was a full-time athlete
  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    Hi :)

    I'm late to the college scene but I am really planning to look good on the first day and look even better in December!

    I'm 26, 5'4", 152lbs and about 30% body fat.

    I'd love to just stick to my plan for the weeks between now and Aug. 20.
    This plan is 1640 calories a day, 40% carb / 30% protein / 30% fat and 25g of fiber.
    I have been given a new goal by my doctor, which is to consume 1500mg or MORE sodium per day (kind of opposite what most people need)

    My exercise goals are to lift 3x a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday). Also I'd like to be 'active' on the other days, walking to the store, taking a jog if I feel energetic, cleaning a LOT of my house.

    This will be my first year at University, and I'm a junior! I earned my associates at community college and transferred in this semester. :D

    I was also a late comer to college. I started at my current university when I was 26 as well after doing a two year program. I'm a double major psych/sociology and minority in criminology. Half way there!

    I'd like to be in better shape by fall semester, but my ultimate goals are for spring semester because I'm moving to Guam for the spring semester to attend the university there and it's the dry season during that time so I want to be comfortable in cute dresses and feel confident as well!

    I'm going gluten free because of a gluten intolerance, I eat around 1680 cals a day and I work out typically 3-5 days a week and I do leisurely bike rides almost daily as well as swimming in my pool at home. I am 4'11 and at 175 pounds, I'd like to be around 165 by the time fall semester starts.
  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    Hey folks! Returning to school after a two year break. Hoping to continue making positive changes!

    CW 144
    GW 130

    How I plan to get there is:
    60 mins of cardio everyday
    Taking a fitness class twice a week
    Walking after meals

    LIMITING ALCHOHOL. I couldn't believe how many calories I was consuming from beer

    I need to start hitting up fitness classes at the YMCA. Wanna do a challenge together to go twice a week? Make sure you wait to walk after your meals or your food won't digest :)
  • haddock21409
    haddock21409 Posts: 14 Member
    I am starting school in August for my pre recs. I have two toddlers and a husband.....so 3 kids to take care of. lol! I was pregnant for 2 years in a row so I am more than ready to get my pre baby body back. I have alot to lose so I wanna take it slow and steady. I hope to lose at least 10lbs before school starts.

    SW 207
  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    I am starting school in August for my pre recs. I have two toddlers and a husband.....so 3 kids to take care of. lol! I was pregnant for 2 years in a row so I am more than ready to get my pre baby body back. I have alot to lose so I wanna take it slow and steady. I hope to lose at least 10lbs before school starts.

    SW 207

    Congrats on going starting college! You're absolutely gorgeous by the way!
    SASSYJAX Posts: 103 Member
    I am a 45 year old student! Just about to start my thrid year, I start on September 16th so thats 8 full weeks.

    I went out with a guy who liked to eat out nearly every night - put on a ton of weight! Im not with him now so I need to get me back...what was I thinking!!!

    Im 5'8'' and big frame.
    I am now at 172lbs

    So a reasonable goal would be 2 lbs a week right so I am aiming for 160 lbs

    I am dancing Ceroc twice a week and an hours walk other days.
    I also have a cross trainer I can use every morning for 30 minutes!

    Exercise is good but IT HURTS!!! This kind of puts me off...but I know its a great feeling when I come off!
  • cprys8942
    cprys8942 Posts: 123 Member
    Hey everyone I'd love to join this group! My name's Corin and I'll be starting my senior year f college in the fall(: I'm currently 155.5 down from 175ish. I hope do get down to st least 145 by the start of the semester! Add me if you'd like!
  • Gogretchen1
    Hello all!

    My first day of school is Sep 20

    CW: 323.5
    GW: 299.0

    How do I plan on getting there?
    *Cutting out soda
    *Drinking more water
    *Going to every group meeting (we walk and aerobics)
    *Walk everymorning
    *Chores on super overload
    *Measure my servings

    Good luck to all.

    I have been measuring more of my servings, too. Turns out what I think is a half of a cup....is not really a half of a cup.. haha! Get it, girl!