Requesting prayer

LovesPrimes Posts: 27 Member
My husband is applying for the position of youth minister at our church. They had 27 applicants, narrowed it down to 14 and had each of the 14 fill out a LONG questionnaire. Tonight they will decide who to interview. I would appreciate prayers that he gets an interview and that he gets the position.

I know this has nothing to do with weight but it definitely has to do with the life journey we are on right now!


  • sweetpea5445
    sweetpea5445 Posts: 36 Member
    In my prayers
  • GodsGirl37
    GodsGirl37 Posts: 348
    will be agreeing in prayer for your husband on the youth pastor position. I welcome any prayer requests or any topics you wish to talk about.
  • smn957
    smn957 Posts: 13
    Praying for you and you husband. That's awesome that he wants to serve God by ministering to our young people.
  • Edove80
    Edove80 Posts: 2 Member
    will be praying for you and your husband!
  • LovesPrimes
    LovesPrimes Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you so much! He got a call tonight requesting an interview next Tuesday. Please keep the prayers coming!
  • LovesPrimes
    LovesPrimes Posts: 27 Member
    For those of you willing to pray, tonight is the night of the big interview!
  • GodsGirl37
    GodsGirl37 Posts: 348
    defintely will pray
  • mommanurse33
    mommanurse33 Posts: 189 Member
    Prayers for God's will for your husband and family. I hope this works out, but if it doesn't, bear in mind this thought. Everything happens in HIS timing and that He may have something bigger in mind for you. Blessings.
  • LovesPrimes
    LovesPrimes Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks for the prayers! He felt like it went well but we found out that he was 1 of 5 being interviewed yesterday. They called him this morning to get his references so that is a good sign but we don't know if they are doing that on everyone. So, time for more waiting, I guess. I'm not good at patience, lol!
  • JustSinging
    JustSinging Posts: 21 Member
    praying now
  • LovesPrimes
    LovesPrimes Posts: 27 Member
    Further update. The search committee has been slow contacting references. Not sure why. But they called last night and asked my husband to lead a devotion for the committee Wednesday night and then they will have some more questions for him (which I see as a second interview). We have no idea if they are doing this with anyone else as well but it certainly means that they are seriously considering him for this position.

    They hope to have the decision made by the end of the week so there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Please pray for our peace of mind and pray for my husband as he prepares this devotion and prepares for this meeting/interview.