Warrior Dash in IOWA!!!!



  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    There is another event in Boone at Seven Oaks the weekend of May 19-20. Its a little pricey but I have run the course to GPS map it and I can say it was a lot of fun. Here is the link below, I have been doing p90x for a few months on top of being generally active and found this to be a very challenging course. Should be a great time and a good challenge for all!

    BTW - I just found this group and would like to say hello to my fellow Iowans - my name is Nick and I live in Des Moines (Grimes).

    Looks fantastic! Can't do it this year ($$) but if it's there next year I'm up for it.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Completed the Warrior Dash in Earlham today.
    Whiny parts: It was hot and sooo many up/down hill climbs. They should have put that mud bath in the middle of the race, say 1/4 mile before the vertical net or halfway through the race. It was filthy but refreshing. I whimped on 2 obstacles. I tried but had to pass by the vertical wall and vertical net. The heat had just taken too much out of me. :( Oh and $20 for parking? geesh!

    I'm glad I did it but don't think I'll do a Warrior Dash again...at least not a Red Frog official one. There's a similar run at Sleepy Hollow 8/25 - I'll have to check how they have their obstacles set up. A water challenge in the middle would really help when it's hot.

    No idea on my finish time-over an hour I'm pretty sure. The 'live' updates weren't working so nothing posted to my facebook/twitter and it'll be 2-3 days before results are on the website.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    So Id love to hear what you all thought of this event. How did you do? Did you have a good experience? Was it well organized? Are they making too much money? LOL
  • merd0210
    merd0210 Posts: 32 Member
    I loved it, this was my first race of any kind and was easier than i expected. The obsticals made it so much more fun (but I agree there should have been mud/water in the middle). My husband, brother and I decided to finish together and we did in 38 minutes, so not bad for my first run/race. My Brother and I are actually training to do tough mudder next year (12 mile obsitcal race).
  • llarsen29
    llarsen29 Posts: 19 Member
    I loved it as well! It was hot but doable I thought...the obstacles could have been a little tougher I thought. Agreed, water in the middle would have been nice.
    I was running with friends, so didn't push myself too hard...I think we finished in a little under an hour.

    Guess what?! There is a Tough Mudder on my birthday (July 20th) next year in Minnesota. I'm already preregistered!!!