New Year New Me Introductions

mageekesh Posts: 57 Member
Hey Everyone Lets use this Topic to introduce our selves let everyone know where we are representing from


  • Hi my name is Barb,30 yr old mother of 2 boys, and I'm from Philadelphia, Pa...
  • Sopsongbird
    Sopsongbird Posts: 48 Member
    Hey! I'm 24, I live in NC, and I am currently in remission for Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I was placed into remission October 2011 and am looking to drop 100+ lbs.
  • TrinaTW
    TrinaTW Posts: 88
    My name is Trina, I'm 40 year old, married, I have a 13 year old son on the Autism spectrum, I'm a bookkeeper and live in SW Washington State.
  • amandaschroeder
    amandaschroeder Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! I'm Amanda, 31 years old, married, and a mom to a 5 year old girl. I teach 3rd grade. I live in Wisconsin.
  • jlophillips
    jlophillips Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Julie. I am a 34 year old mother of 1 daughter.
  • THelgert
    THelgert Posts: 10
    I'm Tammy, I'm 53, have four daughters(19-32) and one grandson(12), I'm a manager at a bank so I sit on my butt waaay to much during the day. I live in Saskatchewan.
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm Sherri, from Wisconsin and will be 42 this Sunday. Looking forward to starting 2013 100lbs less than I started 2012.

    I started at 260 and so far have only dropped 32lbs but I had a set back in mid-May that put me out of all exercise for over a month and a half - surgery.

    I'm back on track now and wanting to continue my progress towards hitting that 100lbs mark for the year. But I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't hit it, cuz I'm going to weigh less than I have in many years!

    I've been using MFP consistently since Jan even though I started here around Sept or Oct of last year. I wasn't committed and focused on weight loss at the time, I was just messing around. But after the new year, I had had enough. I was at the highest weight of my life, tired and hurting. Time to start focusing on my health and really losing weight.

    I hope to lose enough weight so that I can get completely off my BP meds. I want to lose weight so I can wear a bikini for my husband! I want to lose weight and have people I haven't seen in a while do a double take when they see me!
  • la20la12
    la20la12 Posts: 29
    hi i am lavani twenty five years old.And mother of two children.
  • momto1son
    momto1son Posts: 3 Member
    Hi ~ I'm Brandi from Colorado! I am married and the mother of a 6 yr old son. Can't wait to soak in the motivation from this group!
  • mageekesh
    mageekesh Posts: 57 Member
    Hello All! So happy to see so many ready to lose weight before the new year :) Would love to share pics at the end so everyone can see the results and many people will know that with team work it helps. This is my 1st time serious about losing weight and I am in day 2. Will be starting a topic about whats working for everyone so we can have many ideas on what to do to lose the weight.
  • mageekesh
    mageekesh Posts: 57 Member
    Great to see you ay 32lbs lost that is so much motivation for me and I am sure others. Keep up the good work

    Hi Everyone!

    I'm Sherri, from Wisconsin and will be 42 this Sunday. Looking forward to starting 2013 100lbs less than I started 2012.

    I started at 260 and so far have only dropped 32lbs but I had a set back in mid-May that put me out of all exercise for over a month and a half - surgery.

    I'm back on track now and wanting to continue my progress towards hitting that 100lbs mark for the year. But I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't hit it, cuz I'm going to weigh less than I have in many years!

    I've been using MFP consistently since Jan even though I started here around Sept or Oct of last year. I wasn't committed and focused on weight loss at the time, I was just messing around. But after the new year, I had had enough. I was at the highest weight of my life, tired and hurting. Time to start focusing on my health and really losing weight.

    I hope to lose enough weight so that I can get completely off my BP meds. I want to lose weight so I can wear a bikini for my husband! I want to lose weight and have people I haven't seen in a while do a double take when they see me!
  • mageekesh
    mageekesh Posts: 57 Member
    Hello Tammy 16 lbs aready lost you go giril that is motivation :)
    I'm Tammy, I'm 53, have four daughters(19-32) and one grandson(12), I'm a manager at a bank so I sit on my butt waaay to much during the day. I live in Saskatchewan.
  • Hi there! I'm Mo, I'm 38... I have a wonderful husband, three children, and a dog. I'm off for the summer and trying to get back in shape before school starts at the end of August. Looking forward to working with everyone!
  • Charlene_91
    Charlene_91 Posts: 323

    My name is Charlene and i'm from the U.K. Im 21 and engaged. I've already lost 25lbs hoping to lose another 55lbs, it would be great to lose another 25lbs by the new year :)

    Please feel free to add me :)

  • alliecg27
    alliecg27 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi All! I'm Allison, 27 years old, and a (relatively) new school psychologist. Just moved back home to upstate NY so that I can find a job near my family, but times are tough so Im finding myself sitting around doing applications all day long. Gained a lot of weight in the last year and hoping to get down to a healthy BMI.
  • andieellengreen
    andieellengreen Posts: 65 Member
    Hi all, Im Andie, 22, from the UK and ready to loose some weight! New to this so please add :)
  • NdigoBlue
    NdigoBlue Posts: 37
    Hi everyone! I'm Ondjelle. 25 years old (+11) Lol!! :smile: I live in Maryland and I'm a newlywed of 2 months with a wonderful husband and a new 9 year old daughter.
  • laurajean2
    laurajean2 Posts: 52 Member
    hello new freinds! im laura a 36 yr old mother to matthew and alexandria. we live new hampshire. I started my diet in april and has lost 18 pounds already .i need to lose another 93 pounds to be at my goal weight of 110.
  • Hello everyone my name is Judy, I am 53 and I feel old on this site with everyone that is so young but I need to lose at least 40 lbs. I have 5 grandkids and a wonderful husband. Its nice to meet everyone
  • tremilla
    tremilla Posts: 98 Member
    I'm Tremilla and I'm 25 yrs old. I'm from Miami. I'm tired of my weight fluctuating. I want to lose the weight and keep it off for good!