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  • MamaEdmund
    MamaEdmund Posts: 70 Member
    1) What are your goals for this week?
    Well, I've rather fallen off the wagon lately, going back to work after mat leave and trying to get back into the swing of my rotating shift schedule. So my goal this week is to work out every day, and on the days I don't get to the gym, to do a Jillian DVD at home.
    2) What are your goals for this month?
    To see the numbers on the scale go DOWN. And to work on my core in particular.
    3) Which video will you be using?
    Six week six-pack
    4) How often do you plan to workout?
    Every day.

    Wish me luck!
  • Starting my Jillian Michaels adventure tomorrow! Wish me luck :bigsmile:
  • Hi everyone, I just started the 30 DS on Monday. Tomorrow will be my fourth day. Its tough, but seeing everyone on here is keeping me motivated. I think this morning was the toughest for me but i got through it.

    1) What are your goals for this week?

    Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day and stay within my calorie limit.

    2) What are your goals for this month?

    lose 10 pounds

    3) Which video(s) will you be using?

    30 DS

    4) How often do you plan to workout?

    I plan on doing the workouts 7 days a week.
  • Hi everyone,

    My name is Katie and I just joined this site yesterday. I don't have a lot of weight to lose but I haven't worked out at all in a long time and I really want to get in better shape and feel more comfortable with my body.

    1) What are your goals for this week? Drink plenty of water instead of Diet Coke! And to stick to working out everyday.

    2) What are your goals for this month? I don't have any specific weight loss goals, but I want to make working out a priority. I really want to get in shape and not be discouraged or give up if I can't finish a workout or miss a day.

    3) Which video(s) will you be using? 30 day shred and 6 week 6 pack

    4) How often do you plan to workout? At least 5x per week.
  • JanCathy
    JanCathy Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everybody!

    My name is Jan. I'm have about 45 pounds to lose and I'm using jillian michaels to do it. I know no one really cares about what I'm doing, but I'm going to introduce myself just to follow protocol. Plus, I have a question about Six Week Six Pack. :happy:

    1) What are your goals for this week?
    My goals for this week are to stay within my calorie allowance, drink at least 8 cups of water and workout twice a day, 5 times a week.

    2) What are your goals for this month?
    Lose 4 pounds this month and incorporate 5 workouts during the week I am on vacation.

    3) Which video(s) will you be using?
    I am going to be alternating between Burn Fat Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones AND use Six Week Six Pack everyday of the workout.

    4) How often do you plan to workout?
    I will be working out 5 days a week.
  • Hello All,

    My name is Tamar. I am here to lose weight and get fit! I just bought a bundle of Jillian's dvds. I did the 30 day shred yesterday and yoga meltdown today! Man, they are tough but good!

    1) My goals for the week are to work out 6 days and stay within my calorie allowance.
    2) My goals for this month are to work out 5 days a week and stay within my calorie allowance while in TX for three weeks.
    3) I will be alternating 30 Day Shred, Yoga Meltdown, Ripped in 30, and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism.
    4) My goal is to work out at least 5 days a week, if not 6.

    My sister is having a baby next week and I am going to Texas to help her for 3 weeks. The challenge for this month will be to fit working out in with a newborn and a new mom. I can do it!
  • GMPetti82
    GMPetti82 Posts: 43 Member
    Whoops, I missed the "Start Here" post!

    1) What are your goals for this week?
    I would like to complete the Week 1 workout 4 times
    2) What are your goals for this month?
    Actually stick with the entire workout series and complete it!
    3) Which video(s) will you be using?
    Ripped in 30
    4) How often do you plan to workout?
    4 times/week with the video. I also teach 2 Zumba classes each week, so that will be additional cardio.

    I am hoping to drop 5 lbs and tighten up my middle before 9/14, when I have my opening performance of "Cabaret" (locally)
  • jbosick80
    jbosick80 Posts: 47 Member
    1) What are your goals for this week?
    To get a plan for next week to start RI30 while trying to keep a household and go to school full-time :)

    2) What are your goals for this month?
    To at least get in 5 workouts/week. I have already done 30DS and loved it. Now I am wanting a little more toning in my life.

    3) Which video(s) will you be using?
    Ripped in 30

    4) How often do you plan to workout?
    5 days a week will be doing RI30. On Mondays & Thursdays I have class from 8am-10pm so I might try to fit in a little walk/yoga on those days but not a guarantee.
  • I'm joining too, I need the accountability! My name is Michelle, I had a baby 10 months ago and am almost 20 pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight. Now I really need to tone up the flab!

    1) Goals for the week: Replace my morning Pepsi with tea
    2) Goals for the month: Make my pants a little less snug.
    3) Which DVDs: Whatever I feel like doing, but mostly 6 Week 6 Pack and Killer Buns and Thighs
    4) How often: 1 level, 6 days a week
  • 1) What are your goals for this week? Finish Insanity and start ripped in 30
    2) What are your goals for this month? Ripped in 30 m-f, yoga meltdown, banish fat, or no more trouble zones on Saturdays
    3) Which video(s) will you be using? see above
    4) How often do you plan to workout? 6 days, plus gentle yoga every evening.

    Starting back to school (teacher)
  • bowser625
    bowser625 Posts: 95 Member
    1) What are your goals for this week? 5-6 workouts done by 5:15am (need to be out the door by 6:30am)

    2) What are your goals for this month? keep on Slimfast plan and workout

    3) Which video(s) will you be using? Jillian's BFBM mixed with Killer Buns/Thighs and/or 30DS

    4) How often do you plan to workout? for at least 35 minutes in the morning before work and maybe a couple walks with the kids/dogs in the afternoon
  • okidoki7
    okidoki7 Posts: 151 Member
    Hiya, glad i found this group, its great to get support from others following JM dvd's....i shall be getting back on track as of Tuesday, my children go back to school and i think its a great time to start a whole new routine for myself :) so im using these next few manic days to set out a meal plan, and exercise plan etc..

    1) What are your goals for this week?
    To set out my plan, so im raring to go for next week

    2) What are your goals for this month?
    to start and maintain an exercise routine and hopefully lose weight and inches

    3) Which video(s) will you be using?
    probably NMTZ and 6W6P

    4) How often do you plan to workout?
    DVD 3 times per week & 1 epic walk (approx 6miles) 1 time per week
  • 1) What are your goals for this week? To get to 200lbs. Currently at 202. :flowerforyou:
    2) What are your goals for this month? To complete a hybrid program of Jillian's DVDs without missing more than 2 days.
    3) Which video(s) will you be using? 30DS, 6W6P, RI30, and possibly Banish Fat Boost Metabolism
    4) How often do you plan to workout? I plan on working out 7 days a week for at least 30 days.