Any RockBand players here?

Just curious, I see a lot of other games being discussed in here, was wondering if anyone plays RockBand regularly. It's my main game, I try playing other games, but I always come back and focus on RB, lol.



  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    ME!!!! I used to play a **** load. I still come back as well. I still buy songs. When family comes, we rock the neighborhood! Look for Gilbrod on the PS3.
  • SilentJo
    SilentJo Posts: 66
    That's awesome! Yeah we try to get together with friends as much as possible to play. I'm actually on the 360 though, or I'd definitely would love to jam with you! I play all the instruments, but Vocals is my main focus, followed closely by Pro-Drums.

    HURLEYX3RO Posts: 269
    *Raises hand*

    Rock Band 3 has been my poison as of lately.
    Vocals mainly (even though I suck at singing)
    Id much rather guitar, but my guitar is an older GH3
    controller so lets just say it doesnt always do what I want it to.
  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member
    I still have all of my RockBand hardware and the games, but it always seems like a hassle just to get it out to play by myself. I'm looking forward to their Rock Band Blitz game coming out later this year. Also a fan of the Dance Central games, since they can make for a hell of a workout :).
    HURLEYX3RO Posts: 269
    I still have all of my RockBand hardware and the games, but it always seems like a hassle just to get it out to play by myself. I'm looking forward to their Rock Band Blitz game coming out later this year. Also a fan of the Dance Central games, since they can make for a hell of a workout :).

    Dance Central is my shiizzzzzz!

    Love dance central. It has actual choreo.
    Before I got lazy and gained a bunch of weight
    I was a dancer looking to become an instructor.
    So I really appreciate real choreo.

    But personally when it comes to burning calories/workingout I have found that I burn more with Just Dance on the Wii.
    The moves are retarded but repetitive, jumping around, running in place, waving your arms around like a crazy person.Really gets your HR up! Oh and the music sucks as well haha.
  • alovesopure
    alovesopure Posts: 610
    I am down to rock band with anyone :D
    I usually play keys, but can do the others.
    ADD ME! 360
  • mightymom2
    mightymom2 Posts: 312 Member
    I love :love: rock band

    i'm on 360 as mightymom2 if you want to rock out
  • alovesopure
    alovesopure Posts: 610
    I love :love: rock band

    i'm on 360 as mightymom2 if you want to rock out

    Sent a friend request :-D
  • alovesopure
    alovesopure Posts: 610
    I love :love: rock band

    i'm on 360 as mightymom2 if you want to rock out

    Sent a friend request :-D
  • alovesopure
    alovesopure Posts: 610
    I love :love: rock band

    i'm on 360 as mightymom2 if you want to rock out

    Sent a friend request :-D
  • Fausttt
    Fausttt Posts: 101
    man I haven't played that in a minute :) I loved rock band. I had over 300 DLC, I played Expert Guitar and was on Hard Pro Drums (working my way toward expert). I even own an ION kit. We haven't played in a while but we tend to bust it out if we have a party at the house.
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    Me too. We still play it a lot. Perfect drunken fun!
  • mightymom2
    mightymom2 Posts: 312 Member
    I love :love: rock band

    i'm on 360 as mightymom2 if you want to rock out

    Sent a friend request :-D

    got it :happy: just gotta get gold again
  • alanray81
    alanray81 Posts: 13
    I have Rockband 1, 2, 3 AND the AC/DC Live Expansion pack as well as a BUNCH of DLC songs. I have an X Box 360. My name is AlanRay81 BUT right now I don't have a gold membership.

    I use the guitar controller that came with my Guitar Hero: World Tour bundle to play guitar & Bass. I used to play the drums but my kick pedal died.
  • Permbaby
    Permbaby Posts: 71 Member
    I still love Rock Band. I try to play every chance that I get, but my family and friends have moved on to other. I end up rockin out all alone in he dark with tears streaming down my face. :(

    So yeah, feel free to add me sometime. I play on XBOX 360. I only have Rock Band 2 and some DL songs since I am a poor college student. My gamertag is Adult Poncho.
  • i used to play an obscene amount of rock band and have just way too much dlc. i took a break from it for a long while but am just picking it up again. my guitar fingers are rusty! but vox is always pretty easy to pick up. my gamertag is eStalker
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    Sadly, I haven't played a RB game yet. I was more of a GH player. I will probably be getting RB 3 this year because I am really liking the list of DLC songs. If RB and GH play the same, I will probably be on Expert, Guitar :D

    Will have to get into the groove of things again once I get it, but add me anyway and can set up a game when I do get it.

    GT: Zichu
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    Me! I'm not very good at it, but my fiancee is a beast at it. He plays everything on hard mode and does it well. Cray cray.
  • SilentJo
    SilentJo Posts: 66
    Zichu, I played more RockBand than Guitar Hero, but I've heard from friends who've played a lot of both that the guitar charts are pretty different between the two games. I've heard that Guitar Hero adds more notes and are overcharted, though I don't really know for sure. I've always preferred RB though. I usually play late nights (2-6am EST) so if anyone else is a night owl then I'd love to play sometime :) GT: PMS Silent Jo, just msg saying you're from MFP
