Brand New Caveman...err...woman

breeanreyes Posts: 228 Member
Just yesterday I bought the Primal Blueprint 21 day challenge book and today was my first day changing the way I ate... I can't believe the difference one day can make! I already have noticed a difference in my hunger levels, I'm a massage therapist and I ate a good protein rich, delicious breakfast and then proceeded to complete 6 hours of back to back massages before I even realized I was starting to get hungry.. On any other SAD day I would not have been able to go more than 3 hours without snacking. I'm so excited about this right now and can't wait to see the changes! My only challenge now is to easy my hubby into the Primal way (i forsee a mutiny when I try to take his carbs away all at once) if anyone has any tips on how to transition into this I would appreciate any advice! He's not opposed to it but I saw a little light go out in his eyes when I mentioned bread, chips, and candy so he'll definitely need a more gentle approach. Also, any quick recipes would be very helpful, I live in a remote rural community in Montana and have a fairly limited supply of the more exotic ingredients (we do have a very well stocked healthfood store for the staples though)... looking forward to being part of this community!


  • concerto3
    concerto3 Posts: 94 Member
    Welcome :) I'm sure all of us will be more than willing to help however we can :) Try sourcing out things online, my personal favorite site for cheaper, and great quality foods that are otherwise hard to find is
    I have been paleo/primal for 2 years now! I like to think I know the ins and outs, but still sometimes have my far from perfect moments!
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    Hi! I didn't even tell my husband we were going primal -- I just starting grilling lots of meats, making lots of big salads, buying even more fresh veggies than before and insisting we need to eat them before they go bad. I bought him boxes of mac & cheese and cereal, chips..all the usual stuff..and besides hot dog buns here and there, he hasn't reached for anything carby for about a month. You could try the same approach and just kinda sneak it. I fully intended to let hubs continue to eat his crappy chips and cereals, but now he just naturally doesn't want those things.

    As far as recipes go, I usually make easy things: meat and veggies, salads with some kind of grilled meat, eggs and bacon. Sometimes I throw stuff into the slow cooker (like chicken cacciatore: chicken pieces of whatever cut you like, chopped onion, chopped red pepper, some chopped tomatoes, sliced mushrooms, can of tomato sauce, italian seasoning, some red pepper flakes if you like it a little spicy, and a few black olives if you like them. Cooked on high for 6hrs or on low for 9 or 10)

    I also like these sites for ideas:
  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member

    Since you're just starting out, I figured this might be a helpful read on what you should expect over the next few weeks. It won't always be awesome, fair warning!

    As far as the hubby goes, if he's open to it like it sounds like he is, just make sure you're making yummy foods for him to eat! My bf still sometimes crave the crunch of chips so we'll pick up so root veggie chips at the store (they have mostly clean ingredients, other than canola oil but he uses them as a treat only once a month or two so that's not so bad). If I have the time, I fry or bake my own from sweet potatos & parsnips. There's plenty of alternative snacks to try! Our favorite paleo snack is homemade beef jerky. It doesn't last long when I make it :D

    Good luck!

    ETA: Agree with the above sites linked for recipes, and adding
    She has a great cookbook out called Well Fed and we've both enjoyed more recipes from that book over all the other paleo/primal cookbooks. His favorite is the meatza.
  • breeanreyes
    breeanreyes Posts: 228 Member
    thanks for all the great resources! the one thing i love about this is your not expected to be perfect all the time, and I know my hubby will probably not go for giving everything up forever, but I figure as long as we're doing this most of the time it will be incredibly beneficial for the times when his urge for real spaghetti kick in (and maybe it'll show him the benefit once he eats it and realizes how he feels). It's so funny because the hardest thing for me right now is getting out of the SAD mindframe where I'm concerned about the bacon and the butter :) i can't say i'm complaining though, who doesn't like bacon?? :P