New to group

Hello all,

Just thought I would take a moment and introduce myself and my swimming.

My son (just turned 14) has been on a competitive swim team for 3 years. I'm super proud of him and have gotten involved in the clubs we have been with. I am currently the registrar, meet manager and officials chair. I officiate at all of the meets that he is at. I have found that it makes me understand and appreciate more of what he does, plus gives us a bond.

I was asked in January to officiate at a Master's meet, as they were short on qualified people. Imagine my surprise to see these swimmers. I guess I had it in my head that they would all be fit and excellent swimmers. Granted, some were. But for the most part, they were all ages, shapes and sizes, and all levels of swimming. The big thing that I noticed though, was that they had no qualms about strutting around in a swim suit, regardless of how they looked.

This in itself was a boost to my own (lack of) self image. If they could do it, so could I. I hadn't swam for awhile, although it is something that I always enjoyed (just did my own thing but I could manage to get back and forth down the lane, even if it wasn't pretty). I talked to my son and he was actually excited to have me swim with him (I raised my boy right!). So I joined the masters team affiliated with my son's age group team.

I'm loving it!! Eventually, I will add some other exercises to my current workout schedule (reading up on weights and stuff). But for now, I'm happy with this and feel great. I swim with the team 3-4 times a week, and when my work schedule doesn't allow me to get to practice, I still get to lap swim time. I still have a ways to go, but my free and back are looking good, I've finally mastered flip turns, and even managed some dives today.

I am feeling more confident and comfortable with my body, and I know this is helping to give me my daily boost and keep me going and on track.

Looking forward to catching up on more threads in this group and getting to know some other "fish".


  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member

    That's a good story ....

    As far as I can work out the adult swimming clubs in the uk all seem to be for higher end and race swimmers. (they advertise minimum times and only the results of the race winners etc etc). I live in London - am I right?
  • ChocMich
    ChocMich Posts: 23
    I'm in Manitoba, Canada. The Master's clubs here seem a bit more relaxed then that. Yes, you can be competitive and go to swim meets, but not everyone seems super-crazy serious. I guess it depends on the club and location. I know that I wouldn't like it as much if they were that serious about things...I'm simply not at that level.
  • melindaberg
    I am new to this as well, just started swimming two weeks ago. I was an avid swimmer when I was younger, I swam on a few teams and taught swim lessons. I'm just trying to get my strokes better right now but really living my time in the pool.