Level 2

misskatibear Posts: 158 Member
I know I'm a few days early that most, but I started level 2 today (since I'm on day 11 now).

I almost cried :( Anyone else at this stage? It's so hard! I'm shaking like crazy. I'm still glad I did it though but MAN, I hope it gets easier.


  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    I just finished Day 11 (level 2 day 1), and MAN. I had to modify SO MUCH. My arms/shoulders are DEAD.

    Stick with it and I will too!
  • mmancini73
    mmancini73 Posts: 89
    I started level 2 last night...lots of modifications!!
  • misskatibear
    misskatibear Posts: 158 Member
    Yeah, like. WHAT THE HELL. Haha.

    Jump rope I don't mind doing okay, but double jump rope - It's not that I don't WANT to do it, or don't have the energy - it's that I find it physically impossible to move my arms that fast! Haha.

    Oh my, I can tell this level will DEFINITELY show improvements!

    Nice one girls on doing it too =D WE CAN DO THIS... </dies> ¬_¬
  • lindylubilou
    lindylubilou Posts: 51 Member
    I am starting level 2 today and now I'm scared ha ha Well done on doing it.
  • kerryjudson
    kerryjudson Posts: 137 Member
    yep i started level 2 today aswell, ended up in a sweaty heap 3 times and lost track of the expletives i shouted. i'm hoping that as with level 1 i improved day by day the same will happen with level 2 but i had to do all the easy modified versions. determined to stick at it though :happy:
  • txsgirlK
    txsgirlK Posts: 171 Member
    After I finished day 6 on Sunday I looked ahead to Level 2....scared! But we can do it girls! Good luck to all of you!
  • kerchki
    kerchki Posts: 63 Member
    I'm on day 14, so 4th day of level 2 and it seems to be getting harder... but I can now do the exercises so I guess that makes it harder! I agree with the jump rope, I feel like I'm jumping higher and stronger, but I can't get my arms faster!!! All the plank aerobics are killing me! But I know I'm stronger than I was, and I imagine I'll get even stronger!
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I tried Level 2 yesterday after finishing my Level 1 workout. Oh my! Tough! I will be following Anita for sure. I'm hoping by the end of 10 days, I can actually complete the workout all the way through. I actually like some of the exercises better like the lunges and abs exercises. All the things in pushup/plank position are a big problem for me with a bad wrist.

    It's so tough, Natalie has to keep taking breaks for the advanced level though. That's reassuring at least.
  • lindylubilou
    lindylubilou Posts: 51 Member
    I did it, it was super hard and I did a couple of altered moves too but I did the whole thing and boy did I sweat lol. Definitely harder than level 1 but nice to have a change, bring on tomorrow. :)
  • mscrumbyy
    mscrumbyy Posts: 116
    I'm due to start tomorrow, I avoided looking ahead until now because I thought it would be demotivating. I'm glad I didn't until now, it looks brutal :laugh:
  • sharkweek
    sharkweek Posts: 165 Member
    Just tried it tonight and whoa! Intense! But not impossible. Is it weird that I get surprised by being able to do stuff? :laugh:

    I had to modify all the plank moves though. Turns out I am really, really bad at planks. Might post a separate thread for that one -- I am in desperate need of advice. :)
  • Shelleybonz
    Shelleybonz Posts: 27 Member
    What do you guys think??? Getting any easier for you? I remember that when I first started with Level 1 days 1-4 were the hardest and I was the most sore. I was really sore after day 1 and 2, but not so much now. Not sure if it is getting easier, but I am doing more of the workout now.