7-19-2012 Thursday Menopausal Mad Hatters Chatter

tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
I hope all of you had a great day. It will be another busy one for me. My Fitbit isn't syncing and that makes me.:sad:

I look forward to catching up with all of you later!


  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    I have to put mine on the charger to get it to sync. I know it is a pain.
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    I unistalled the software and reinstalled last night. I hope that it will work today. I have also sent them an email so hopefully it will work soon. I love mine and this is the second one for me. The first one...:blushing: went for a swim and didn't survive. I hope you have a marvelous day and let's get hydrated!
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    What are the benefits of the fitbit? Why do you like it so much?

    NSV—A Belt! How ordinary for most of you, but how exciting for me who has not worn a belt in years. This morning I got dressed intending to wear a silk blouse over navy elastic waist pants. It looked baggy, so I had the radical idea of wearing a belt. I checked way in the back of my closet and sure enough there in the back on a hanger, dusty from neglect were belts that had not been worn in years. I put on the belt and there it was-a waist! No longer looking baggy my outfit was ready for the day.
    Now a word about the blouse. I just replaced the buttons on this blouse, (green with purple flowers, much prettier than it sounds) because it had been languishing in the basement closet where my clothes are exiled when they become too small. (Note the phrasing-the clothes become too small-I don’t become too big.) To give you an idea of how long this blouse, which has always been one of my favorites, has been forced to remain in exile, I have a photo of me wearing the blouse on vacation, I am holding my 2 year old daughter and my 4 year old son is standing next to me. Yesterday my son turned 24!
    But in the spirit of Bastille Day I am giving notice to those other too small clothes languishing and waiting for me to become their size that liberation is coming. I promise that all of those clothes will be returned to their useful lives and be free from the darkness of the basement, because I will be free from the tyranny of an unhealthy lifestyle, so sing with me..
    Do you hear the people sing,
    Singing a song of health and joy,
    It is the music of a people
    Who will not be stout again
    When the beating of your heart
    Echoes the beating of good health
    There is a life about to start
    When tomorrow comes!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    The Fitbit is like a pedometer on steroids. It keeps track of your calories burned, steps and miles walked, and how many flights of stairs climbed. It synchronizes with MFP so that calories earned by walking can be used as excercise. It will even keep track of your sleep pattern if you so choose. I have a very sedentary job so it challenges me to get up and move more during the day because I wasnt to see those numbers up.

    You have a marvelous NSV! How nice that you can wear a belt especially one that you hadn't worn in years. I too have pulled a few from the back of the closet lately and there is no greater feeling in the world.
    Congratulations once again and here's to many more NSV's:drinker:
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    Hey ladies, happy Thursday….

    Sorry I was MIA yesterday. I was fighting a migraine, unfortunately IT won. I drank a ton of coffee/caffeine and even tried running/walking to get it to stop, but all I did was cause myself more pain and nausea. I had an Rx for Zomig, but I let it run out. I really hate taking medication. So Excedrin Extra Strength and iced coffee/tea was my drug of choice yesterday. It’s about 75% gone today finally, but still that nagging pain in the back of my neck and the sensitivity to light is killing me. :sad:

    My IPOM for yesterday was, with all that was going on with my head, I remained on track, didn’t eat anything I shouldn’t. Granted, I couldn’t walk out to the Jeep for the sun would have done me in, but still… I had all the blinds closed to keep it dark inside.:smokin: :sick:

    My IPOM for today, so far…. I came to work. I Really didn’t want to, wanted another day at home, but knew we were shorthanded already.

    Tonya, Cheryl, I too have a Fitbit and LOVE mine. Like you, this is, I think, my 3rd one? First one just died, wouldn’t charge at all 2nd one my cats played with and eventually gave to the dogs to chew up (my fault for leaving out) and now this one. It’s funny you say a “pedometer on steroids”, that’s my exact description too! I love that if, say, I’m 500 steps from the next goal; I HAVE to get it in. Time to take dogs out, trash, something! Only 4 flights from my daily 10?, ok hit the stairs and look strange to your neighbors… :laugh:

    Hair – I don’t have a basement, but yes, I too have a closet where those blasted “shrinking clothes” are punished until they can behave and become the right size again. Yes, some of mine are probably 20 years old too; it’s been that long since I was that small and I REALLY hate shopping. Not in style? Oh well, they fit, they look awesome and I’m old enough that people will ignore me anyway…

    Have a great day everyone! Know that you are all supported by this FABULOUS group of women. Granted, our hands may be sweaty from time to time, but we will NEVER let you drop! :flowerforyou:
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hello, It's a Happy WET Day here. Plenty of thunderstorms going through our area. I really wanted to call it a no-show today, but great employee that I am, I came anyway..... I wish they thought as highly of me ,as I do myself....LOL

    Tonya & Cheryl...How do I get my fitbit to sync with MFP? Is it complicated? I don't retain much info, as far as tech stuff goes.

    Leslye, So sorry about the migraine, and today you are probably worn out from that. So I hope you took it easy.

    HSHon...that is so cool that you have a closet like that. I have one too, only all the clothes that I put into it, fit me until I am ready to take them out the next year. Then I can tell they shrank during their length of stay from one season to the next.. LOL Must be the time zone thing. ; )

    Snooozie, I know you haven't had time to log on yet, but I saw you had a good . Except WHERE"S THE WATER?// . HaHa .I'm having a bit of trouble getting all mine in today.

    Well, I'm off to get in a few stairs before I go home.

    Signing off for now,
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Evening Mad Hatters!

    Just a quick post tonite (yeah.. I know.. you’ll believe it when you see it!)
    Thanks to everyone for the lovely support comments on a pound gone; I felt lighter this morning so decided to hop on (yep it was DEFINITELY the mustache Time2 LOL!!!) I may make Thursday my usual weigh in day; gets me past the Wednesdays which can be tuff for me, and motivates me to stay on track for the weekend.. anyway its not really abount the numbers this time around; more about getting healthy and dropping the excess fat..

    I had a “disappointing” eating day; I didn't eat crap, and I stayed within my calorie count... but again, went too long between eating and did not eat anything resembling a vegetable; I had a perfectly good yummy salad in the fridge but it got so busy I didn’t allow myself the time to sit and mix it up and chow down. Something I’n going to have to focus on for this next month of strait days for sure. I jiggled my food diary so the snacks are between meals now... in hopes it will remind me to stop and eat… (tonites has all the food and amounts, but its all in the wrong place now so it looks like I had ½ kashi bar for dinner… Im too tired to change them around since its accurate in what I ate. Tomorrow the work gang are all going on a boat cruise after work; couple of hours around lake Ontario and a dinner on board; I chose steak since I’ve eaten enuf chicken to start bawking this week; but I’m not worried about pigging out there.. am actually hoping there will be some raw or steamed veggies along with but I can make good choices = may have to bring ½ the steak home in a doggy bag tho LOL.. Am going to make up some nice healthy food for during the day tomorrow, but focus on things I can eat that don’t have to be prepped there.. that I can grab and eat “as is”, Rolled a thin slice of turkey around a few slices of red and yellow peppers; and some raw veggies and LF dip on the side.. can nibble on both all day and stave off the “starvation” mode!

    Long day and left early to take my senior friend to the doc and for groceries; hit rush hour coming home so this Mad Hatter is gonna hit the sack in about an hour.. Heck if I had known when I was 8 years old I’d be going to bed at the same time 40 years later, I’d hav stayed up then!!!

    Have a great day tomorrow my friends.. gonna catch up on the posts!
  • mazie61
    mazie61 Posts: 106 Member
    I hope all of you had a great day. It will be another busy one for me. My Fitbit isn't syncing and that makes me.:sad:

    I look forward to catching up with all of you later!

    Hi Tonya- There seems to be a problem with Fitbit syncing, someone started a thread on it-
    TOPIC: Food not syncing my my FITBIT / MYFITNESSPAL

    I just got my fitbit and I'm still trying to figure it out. Someone said they "unlinked" the fitbit to MFP and then relinked and now it syncing.
    Hope this helps
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Good evening everyone,

    It has been a busy day and I hope you are are well and happy.

    My Fitbit is syncing so I am a happy camper! I did several things so not sure what happened to make it work. T2- it is easy to sync it to MFP just go to Tools click on the fitbit section and follow the instructions.

    Thanks Maizie for the update, I appreciate that. I have stayed on track today and hopefully will continue on into the evening. Lately, this has become a problem for me. Not sure why but I think I need more protein during the day so I am not starving. Today for breakfast I had Fage greek yogurt and a scoop of protein powder. It seemed to help so I am going to try it as a snack later in the day to hold off the hungries at night.

    Tomorrow night is "Ladies night" at my house. Trying to come up with some healthy appetizers so if you have any ideas let me know. I have a friend bringing a veggie platter so it has to be different.

    Hope you all had a great day and a better tomorrow!
    Together, we can do this!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Hello everyone, hope this finds everyone doing good. I have missed reading the post:sad:

    I know I have been MIA for a week but I have been on holiday which has been both good and bad as you will read. I am barely holding on to the wagon. :explode: Unlike the last trip my willpower did not hold as well this time. I didn't eat over my calories but I ate fried foods and now I am find myself craving CRAP !!!

    We have been home two days and I have resisted, but I am feeling deprived for the first time since starting MFP. I am hoping that as the days past it will get easier or I will find a renewing of my will power.

    Part of the problem is I really don't feel like cooking or eating then suddenly I am hungry for junk :noway: I want to weight and see success but am afraid if the scales have not gone down I may lose grip on that last straw. I desperately need a someone to throw me a rope :grumble: I will include TOM came to visit at the same time we returned home and I find my emotions are on edge and raw. I have always been an emotional eater. I keep telling myself that it will pass but as with all storms we often can't see the sun rising in the distance until it has passed.
  • 1slimlinda
    1slimlinda Posts: 44 Member
    :grumble: Had a crappy day......not logging the wine. Hoping tomorrrow is better and yours is great. Going to bed. :grumble:
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Praying for you :) May your night be restful and tomorrow be bright :wink:
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    There must be something in the air...sounds like a tough day for everyone (mine was yesterday)!

    SlimLinda, sorry you had a crappy day, but glad you enjoyed your wine ;)

    TA, I was on the CRAP wagon yesterday! I craved it ate it, and then regretted it. I realize I feel crappy when I eat crap! Here's hoping you find your will power (I know how difficult that can be). Just try and get through one day, it will get easier after that!

    Tonya, I agree with your protein assessment! The days I eat more protein, I feel full longer. The more carbs I eat, the more I want (not a good thing!) How about edamame for your healthy appetizer (they have a decent amount of protein, too!)

    Hairspray, Hooray for your belt moment! Congratulations! And I loved your comment about your clothes getting smaller, lol!

    Leslye, sorry about the migraine, it sounds like it was awful. Glad you're on the mend, and that it didn't derail you! IPOM!

    Snooozie, sorry about the disappointing food day, but tomorrow is a new day, right? You techie girl you! I didn't know I could rearrange my snacks in my diary! I'll have to figure that out :)

    My IPOM was getting my exercise in at 9:00 tonight. I went to work early, thinking I could get out early (didn't happen) and exercise then. By the time I got home it was almost 8, and 9 by the time I got on the treadmill. When I was done, I said to my husband "I deserve a medal, that was really hard", and the idiot said something really stupid like "oh, that's good". I fantasized about beating him into a bloody pulp with a frying pan. Geez, can I have a little support at home?? It's bad enough you eat crap, and don't exercise (and by some cruel twist of fate you're thin), BUT would it kill you to be supportive?? Whew! Thanks for letting me get THAT off my chest.

    Have a wonderful evening, and hopefully I'll get a chance to check in tomorrow (but heading down to DC to spend the weekend with our daughter, so maybe not!)
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Can't bring myself to exercise today....and I really should have because I had a day off yesterday...its freezing and windy and I ate some yoghurt for lunch which has made my stomach a bit upset....so I'm going to light a fire and have a simple dinner and plonk on the lounge! :yawn:

    Tomorrow, tomorrow...its only a day away!

  • PearlGrey
    PearlGrey Posts: 23 Member
    :grumble: Had a crappy day......not logging the wine. Hoping tomorrrow is better and yours is great. Going to bed. :grumble:

    Me too, too bad to log even. :-(. Restart on a blank page tomorrow.