7-20-2012 TGIF Mad Hatters

Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
its Friday.. WOO HOO!!

Never got to do my replies last night; :sad: was dog tired and hit the sack

But am thrilled its Friday; end of a long week for all the Hatters it seems

Wish there was a smiley of a rope we could post... but tossing out the lifeline to those that feel in need right now; know that we're all hanging onto the other end and we won't let ya go; and many hands are reaching out to give you that little help over the bump in the road..

Will do more tonight.. but for today.. let's forgive ourselves.. and be kind to ourselves... just like we'd be to any of our friends who were having a tough time with any struggle; we're battling our own and i think we deserve a little forgiveness too. It's about progress, not perfection - and look at all the wonderful progess so many of you have accomplished already, and some of us are just heading towards; an off day is just that.. one day. It's gone and there are so many lovely things to think about instead!

So forgive and forget, and have a great day today!


  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    As allways such a motivational post Snooozie. I just want to thank you for being such a strong advocate for all of us. Life has been too busy the last few days to check in much to see how everyone is doing, but to those struggling this is a marathon not a race. I see how much I have learned from you all and thank you. Wishing you all a great day & I will try to check in later. Heading out for my AM walk,
  • KLB960
    KLB960 Posts: 17 Member
    I am glad you posted this. Having to get a new scale (old one broke), this is my set back. 40 days on the program and not seeing forward progress but I know it is the scale change (you need to be consistent with your scale). I just can't imagine my true weight when I started. I feel sick thinking about it :( BUT this is just a set back and must plug on
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    Snooozie, as always you know exactly how to make a girl feel better :) Off to the gym, then work (ugh). Here we go...
  • CynthiaAnnGA
    Thank's for the words of forgiveness. I have the hardest time in the evening, I get so tired by 7pm & then I eat or snack for comfort. I struggle to walk everyday w/feel that hurt me. If I'm on my feet too much my ankles & feet hurt so bad I can't hardly walk. I think once school starts up it will be better because my teenage son & 5 yr. old daughter won't be eating throughout the day, but I will be babysitting a 2 yr. old, so I'll be busy. Today is a new day & I'm going to get on the treadmill & sweat. Have a great day everybody. I'm going to weigh tomorrow instead of on Mondays.
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Thanks, to all of you who inspire me to be a healthier person. I think that we as women have a tendancy to kick ourselves when we are down. How we break that viscious cycle I haven't a clue at the moment, but my hope is that we can learn to love and make our lives healthier for us and those we love.

    Make this the best day you can and give yourself a pat on the back instead of a kick in the *kitten*!
  • mdianne58
    mdianne58 Posts: 51 Member
    Oh how I needed to hear that this morning. Got on the scales & I have gain 0.4 lbs. I know it isn't much but I have worked so hard to stay focused & its frustrating to see the scales move in the wrong direction.

    That being said I will continue on this journey. Not giving up.

    Gonna track sodium & try harder to drink water instead of tea. Hoping that gets the scales moving again.
  • kupcake50
    kupcake50 Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks for the inspiration. I'be been falling off the wagon the last 2 days. I"ll track most of the day...then after dinner I"ll start eating lose track and never finish tracking. Without tracking it gives me a license to eat more...ugh!!!!! It seems to be a habit that I give in to alot :(

    I've never opened up my food diary to anyone...maybe if I did that it would help. What do you madhats think? I don't even know how to do it. HELP !!!

    :bigsmile: kupcake - glad the hatters were able to help with the advice and settings.. i love that i can post exactly what I ate without worrying about being judged here in the Hatters.. because i don't have to hide my bad choices here - it's about learning and growing with this group!! :bigsmile: Snooz
  • mdianne58
    mdianne58 Posts: 51 Member
    Kupcake, I think it gives you accountability. Knowing others will be looking at it might help to make better choices.

    You have to hold yourself accountable. You are only cheating you by not tracking more carefully.

    If you choose to open it up you go under profile to open it. You can choose public or friends only.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Good morning everyone. Looks like quite a few of us have experienced a tough day or two. Today is a new day !!! May we have a renewing of our commitments and strength to see them through.

    Dianne: Know the feeling and suspect those feelings are a contributor to why I am struggling this week. I lost nothing last week and then ate fried food on top of all that but I am refusing to cave to my cravings. You mentioned sodium, remember if you eat 1 mg sodium to try and eat 2 -3 times as much potassium it will eliminate the bloating.

    Kupcake I totally relate. I am barely holding on. I do believe that sharing you diary as Dianne said adds accountability. I know it does for me.

    Tonya: Great words and I agree we do often kick ourselves.

    Cynthia: Good luck with the walking, I have bone spurs and often find it hurts to the point I look like a 90 yr old wobbling across the floor. I have found that doing a little daily has built my endurance hope that happens for you also.

    While I still don't wanna exercise I am going to push myself to b/c I know I always fell better when I do.

    I am still craving CRAP but two days and I have not given in, YEAH !!! If I can make it through the weekend I hope it will be over. The one thing I have learned from this experience is that "fried" food is a binge trigger for me. Since starting I have eaten what I have wanted as long as I had the calories without feeling deprived or wanted more or something else. It has not been this way with the fried food, when I make it through this episode fried foods will be off limits.
  • Huntress52
    Huntress52 Posts: 12
    Feeling alittle better, working hard in garden, sore muscles today LOL. Started light wt. work out, mostly streching. Scales havent moved and cant fit into clothes yet but I know it will take time. I have been craving salt! Enjoy your day ladies :)

    IPOU on knowing you're doing great and time WILL show i!:flowerforyou:
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Enjoy the weekend with the spirit of foregiveness suggested by Snoozie.
    We are stronger than the cravings even when we can not make them go away or stop calling our names!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hey girls!!! , I want to thank you ALL . … BIG IPOU”S to all of you. You ask why? Just because You are You. I have never had anyone to be accountable to and since I have joined the Mad Hatters, I feel like I have many KINDRED SPIRITS helping me along in this journey. I am actually starting to try to make better choices!!! More than once!
    Sometimes in the past, I have found it hard to keep going with my weight loss. Most of my friends aren’t interested in trying to get healthy and drop some extra pounds. So I fall back into my old habits. Thanks to you all, that has changed, because I have you all to turn to. SO THANKS!!!
    I think I have dropped a few ounces, not quite a pound s , I’m waiting until next week to weigh again.
    I hope everyone has a Wonderful weekend. Be good to yourself.

    ************* T2 ************

    i was so glad to read your post.. I know I've actually eaten more on occasion, just because I didn't want to have to explain to my friends I was trying to lose weight.. didnt wanna see the eyeball roll or the "is that all you're eating when we've all gotten together to celebrate" comments.. so I actually purposely ate like a pig ... because I thought that's what they would expect of me as well. Thankfully Im starting to realize just how dumb i have been in the past lol... IPOU !!!!!!! :bigsmile:

  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
    Wishing all Mad hatters a great weekend!

    Snooze you always know what to post for the day. I was feeling a little down myself but realize that I didn't put this weight on over night. So one lb. down this week and I know that's the best way to do it. We're in this altogether nice and slow for good this time! The turtle wins the race .

    Tarnold. I feel for you bone spurs are very uncomfortable . When I had them it was hard just to get up. Someone told me to put a pillow or something soft on the floor so when I stepped down that would help. And it did, then I could get going after that first shock of pain.

    Kupcake- I totally agree with dianne and tarnold & mdianne showing your diary makes you accountable for sure! You feel more guilty when someone is looking over your shoulder. Good Luck hang in there!

    Everyone have a awesome weekend!
  • abbezen
    abbezen Posts: 405 Member
    TGIF is right! Thank you Snoozie, for your awesome post.

    I can't wait for 5 o'clock. Going camping at the lake with the clan. Our campsite is one we have to boat to. We have 20 in our group counting adults and kids. Temps in the 90's all weekend....so lots of fun on the water. Two boats, a pontoon boat and two jet skis. It's going to be a blast.

    Be good to yourselves everyone....and I mean that in a healthy way. Don't forget you WATER.

  • kupcake50
    kupcake50 Posts: 89 Member
    Ok...I think I'll open my diary up to Friends. Thanks TArnold, MDianne, and adianne for the input.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I think most of the Hatters are safely tucked into their beds by now..altho since we've come together from across the globe, some may be just rising to greet their day!

    Left the house at 5am; just got home and it's almost midnight, so I'll save a real post for tomorrow.. but couldnt hit the sheets til I caught up on all we've been up to today; sounds like many of us have had a tough go lately; I think we all understand how down we can get; the sometimes overwhelming frustration of not seeing those scales move after putting so much effort in to our goals .. (or getting new scales and having an ouch moment); it seems so unfair sometimes when it seems like we try and try and don't see any results... at least, not the results we are determined to judge our success by.. those numbers going down. We tend to see it as a failure - and repeat the cycle of looking to "comfort food" because we're discouraged... and it's understandable.. but we seem to place an awful lot of value about how we're doing.. just on that little machine. Because after all, that's the goal right? To get rid of the fat and work those extra pounds away.. so it SUCKS when they refuse to budge an inch.. or an ounce...

    But... ( you knew there was gonna be a but in here...) while it may not seem like a lot of "consolation".. remember that every good choice we make IS taking us one step closer to our goal; no matter what the scales may or may not say... every healthy food filled with vitamins and minerals and yummmyness too.. is helping us get to that REAL place we want to be.. healthy. The outside may be moving with maddening slowness to the point where we want to scream... but numbers arent the whole picture.. our goal is improving our overall health too, not just a weight loss this time around. Cause we've all been there, done that.. with a "diet". This time around though.. it's about more than that.. it's about learning to make better choices bit by bit; understanding how eating well and getting fitter will help us stay strong and mobile down the road, and afford us the opportunity to enjoy waking up every morning and embracing the day, rather than wondering how we're gonna get through it. I'm just starting to learn and have a long way to go yet; but the more I understand what effect what I put in my body has on my ability to enjoy life.. the more I realize there's nothing to "miss"; I'm not being deprived of anything but chemicals and preservatives and man made concoctions that will keep something fresh for 12 years on a shelf.. seriously.. do we want to put that in our bodies?? Of course we do.. on occasion. Do I still crave a bag of chips .. yuppers.. even knowing they're crap I get cravings for different things.. and will I give in sometimes? yep... for sure. Hell I've been doing bad things to my body thru poor nutriotion and no exercise for decades!! But the more I learn.. the more I want this body to be able to hold me up and carry me through the rest of my life.. without being exhausted at every turn or unable to do the things I want to do.

    So although the frustration level at not seeing the numbers move when we've worked realky hard can be enough to send us off the deep end, let's remember that every good choice, better choice or best choice we can make.. is absolutely improving our overall health; and IS getting us to our goal.... so maybe every so often we could give the scales the cold shoulder for a couple of weeks.. and just try everyday to make small improvements in our real goal; eating well and moving a few body parts every day.. and not let a little 2" line at our feet, determine if we have "succeeded" or "failed".. because if we're trying to learn to change our eating habits and choose good food, and choose to start moving a little every day?? There is never failure... there may be habits to break, and knowledge to gain, and understanding that there simply wlil be times when we will choose something for no other reason than we just want it.. and we want it now, then maybe we can eventually be comfortable with it, knowing a choice to have pizza one night is NOT failure.. if we know our goal is to eat good and nourish our bodies 95% of the time, there's nothing wrong with choosing something less perfect the other 5% of the time. But we've been doing it wrong for a very long time... so it isn't going to happen overnight all of a sudden. So we need to be understanding of ourselves while we change.. it WILL COME.. we will do it, but it's a learning curve for most of us this time around; refocusing on health rather than a "diet".. so lets not put ourselves down or chastise ourselves while we're getting there.. we've already taken the biggest step.. STARTING to change!

    So lets give ourselves a little pat on the back and reminld ourselves.. how far we've come already.. I bet each of us could look back to a year ago, or 6 months ago.. or 4 days ago and think wow.. look how much better I eat now; even when I go offside its an exception, not the rule.. could many of us have said that a year ago?? So celebrate your individual improvements, take a minute to say well done me..

    Hmmm.. one day I'm gonna do a really short post.. just to prove I can!! I just don't have the energy tonite to fill in my diary; but we went on a boat cruise after work; I chose to stay away from the alcohol calories, but had a roll and butter with dinner and enjoyed it as a nice treat. When we docked I walked back to the car instead of taking a cab since it was a gorgeous night; I didn't run like the wind but strolled along, enjoying the people on the street and the beautiful breeze. So I made some good, some better and some best choices (no alcohol was my best one!) and got some walking in as well.. Perfect day? Nope.. but a good day where I thought about what choices I wanted to make? yup... and that tells me I'm learning.. and reassures me that I CAN change.. sometimes I wonder if deep down inside I really believe it or not....that I really can change at this stage.. .. but I'm going to start REALLY believing it . because I'm seeing it happen.. and that's progress :)

    Sleep well Hatters... be good to yourselves and see you tomorrow!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Awesome Snooozie!!!! I'm printing this out and pasting it up to read every day!!
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    Ladies, I need you! I knew I had a rough week, but didn't think it was that rough. I am UP 4 effing pounds! up 4, really, no way. I need hugs ladies, I am ready to scream "I give up, I just don't care anymore"!!! :sad:

    Lesley: a 5 cent piece of plastic does not define who and what you are, sweetie.. sent ya a message but know that there's a whole group of women right here who know exactly how you're feeling right now...(and altho many people will say "I know how ya feel" and you just KNOW they don't have a freaken clue.. right here.. in this room... we ALL do know.. and there's nothing better than having friends who've been there and understand - cause sometimes as women, that's all we want. We don't want the answers or the platitudes, we just want someone to say I GET IT .. and it sucks...

    We do. and it does.

    But we're here for you... always!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning T2!

    Thank you.. but I have to confess.. I think my fingers just typed on their own as I was talking to myself last night :embarassed:
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member

    I too know how this feels. There are times when I want to throw that damn scale right out the window. Then I calm down and realize that I didn't get this way over night. There will be weeks that you have a loss ans weeks that you have a gain. Yes, the gain sucks but you just have to move on and try again. I wanted to scream on Wednesday when I didn't lose a whole pound after trying so hard. Please don't give up, we need you!