Completed my fat 5k, but had to walk it!

FloridaAimee Posts: 295 Member
I participated in our local July 4th 5k yesterday. It started at 9 am. By that time it was already 90 degrees and 80% humidity, and we were under a heat advisory!

There were 1,000 people in the race, a huge crowd! It was awesome! I had good intentions, I was hoping to run a good portion of it but that didn't work out so well. I ran maybe 5 minutes total. I did run to the finish line, though :)
By mile 1, about half of the runners were walking!!

A couple of people had to be driven back to the park, and a guy who came in a minute ahead of me was puking his guts out. I myself made it, but heading to the water station started to wobble a bit!!

I made it in 49:18...I was a bit mad at myself, I REALLY wanted to finish in under 45 minutes, but it just wasn't happening!! And my legs are a bit sore today (half of the route had hills).


  • slm0257
    slm0257 Posts: 72 Member
    That's almost exactly like my first 5k a few weeks ago. Very hot and humid. I think I managed a time of 45:14 but it was a struggle. Definitely had the same "wobble" to the water line. Better luck to us next time. The humidity is really killing my running. I may be a fall/winter/early spring runner and a summer walker. :ohwell:
  • momo3boyz
    momo3boyz Posts: 29
    Don't be discouraged! Just think...would you have even entered the race a year ago? 6 months ago? 3 months ago? You've come a LONG way baby!!! :) Chin up-you did it and you finished!
  • FloridaAimee
    FloridaAimee Posts: 295 Member
    Don't be discouraged! Just think...would you have even entered the race a year ago? 6 months ago? 3 months ago? You've come a LONG way baby!!! :) Chin up-you did it and you finished!

    Ah I didn't think of it that way...NO WAY IN HECK would I have done this a few months ago!!
    Thanks for the encouragement!!
  • dobberloon
    dobberloon Posts: 34 Member
    Completed my fat 5k, but had to walk it!

    There is no "but" after "completed my 5K". You started. You finished. You'll get faster if you want to and are aBle to.

    I am one of those "but" people so I am recognizing myself in your posting and then saying what others have said to me!!
    Great job!!
  • FloridaAimee
    FloridaAimee Posts: 295 Member
  • melzenitram
    melzenitram Posts: 67 Member
    i did a 5k a few years back...and i came in dead last. lol they didn't even wait for me...they all left. my two daughters did it with me and my oldest was embarassed of me. i was embarassed too! so...i started the couch to 5k. i have a 5k coming up in october and i am DETERMINED not to come in last again.