Insanity success stories??

aloha311 Posts: 118 Member
I am on Week 1 of the Insanity DVDs and was looking for success stories. I just got the approval from my doctor to start this heavy workout since I just had a baby 6 weeks ago. I am loving the feeling of working out again. So what are your success stories so far? And did you just do the workout and eat healthy or did you do the workout and follow the nutrition plan as well?



  • SkylinkFitness
    Hi Sarah,

    Congrats on taking the plunge with Insanity! I finished my first round back in June and got pretty good results! I lost 8lbs and dropped 3% in body fat! I'm still about 8lbs from my goal weight but I was very happy with my progress after my 60 days of Insanity!

    I did NOT follow the Nutrition Guide, rather I used it as a guide for ideas and shopping lists. I just chose to eat healthy and make certain changes in my diet. For example, I cut out coffee and subsituted it with Shakeology! I no longer crave caffeine and Shakeology is beyond one of the healthiest decisions I ever made... been having it for about 5 months now and have nothing but good things to say about it.

    Anyways, keep up the great work, you'll see results in no time... just keep pushing play and eat as clean as you can! :)

  • Super_Dave_32
    After losing about 40 pounds doing p90x over the span of two years, I was stuck at around 205 pounds (I'm 6' 4") for months. So I started Insanity. The first month, I dropped a little bit of weight, but the second month, the weight fell off. It gets hard in month two, but you've got to stick with it. In the end, I lost 10 pounds going through the program once. But more than that, I lost it in the right places. The weight in my midsection was always stubborn, but this program took care of it. I'm down to a size 32 in jeans for the first time since my sophomore year of high school (I'm turning 33 this week). Don't feel bad if you can't keep up with the DVDs. I didn't, and I got results anyway. It's all about working as hard as you can for the duration of each DVD without giving up. Don't get discouraged and don't make excuses. Just put the DVD in each day and make yourself go as hard as you can. Trust me, it will work for you.
  • Apresner
    Apresner Posts: 32
    I just started month 2. In the 1st month I lost nothing.......recovery week hit and I dropped 6 pounds like that. I'm hoping month 2 is good to me!
  • adjoa84
    adjoa84 Posts: 261 Member
    I've only just finished week one but I have some results :-) I'm trying to eat as clean as possible but I do allow the occassional cheat treat. Following trying to follow 40 carb 40 protein 20 fat as recommended, also keeping my calories to 1600 as per formula. So far I've lost 0.5inches off my waist and 0.6 inches off each thigh and my body fat is down by 1% after a week. My weight is up by 1lb/1.5lbs but I'm not stressing myself about it although I will try not to go over on carbs and fat this week and see what happens. I'm doing all my measurements again after Day 15 and Ill be happy to share them again then! I hope this encourages you to press play!

  • aloha311
    aloha311 Posts: 118 Member
    Awesome results everyone! I am getting ready to finish Week 1 and so far nothing but I don't officially weigh in or take new measurements until Monday so we will see if there is a difference. I have heard though that you see the most results in Month 2. =)
  • dmnagbe
    dmnagbe Posts: 4
    I just finished the first half and had awesome results. Lost 8lbs first 2 weeks then had like a plateau for the next two. This was my "recovery week". I did some research and found out I actually wasn't eating enough so I ate more this week and added 2 servings of whey protein and saw MAJOR changes. 2lbs gone the first 2 days. Definitely encourage everyone to eat more but Insanity is absolutely something I'm sticking with!