7-20-2012 TGIF Mad Hatters



  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    There are times when I want to throw that damn scale right out the window

    I was reading a post someone had posted the other day,, I don't remember who, (And this is just what I got from it....) .............. .she had gotten up , felt good about herself and was ready to enjoy her day......... UNTIL ... she weighed and found she was up 1or 2 lbs.......WHY DO WE GIVE THIS THING ( the dreaded scales) SO MUCH POWER...to be able to ruin our day like that?
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Sorry, Tonya, I was trying to use your line, above, but ended up qoting your line and mine.
  • CynthiaAnnGA
    Today is Sat., my new weigh in day & was down to 150. I'm going to be happy w/a 1 or 2 lbs. weight loss a week!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    I too know how this feels. There are times when I want to throw that damn scale right out the window. Then I calm down and realize that I didn't get this way over night. There will be weeks that you have a loss ans weeks that you have a gain. Yes, the gain sucks but you just have to move on and try again. I wanted to scream on Wednesday when I didn't lose a whole pound after trying so hard. Please don't give up, we need you!

    :flowerforyou: DITTO LELSLEY.. !
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    As allways such a motivational post Snooozie. I just want to thank you for being such a strong advocate for all of us. Life has been too busy the last few days to check in much to see how everyone is doing, but to those struggling this is a marathon not a race. I see how much I have learned from you all and thank you. Wishing you all a great day & I will try to check in later. Heading out for my AM walk,

    :bigsmile: right back at ya Bis!
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    Leslye, don't give up!! The only thing you have to gain by giving up is WEIGHT!! We all have bad days, and we've all had days when we're disappointed by the scale.. which is not an accurate reflection of your progress. It's a small slice of where you are at one very specific moment. You've had a crazy week, take a deep breath and don't be so hard on yourself, if you throw in the towel, you'll be disappointed in yourself later... It's a life long, lifestyle change. You can do this, and we can help each other be successful. We're rooting for you!!
  • mercinursi
    mercinursi Posts: 17 Member

    First, here is a huge hug!

    I am so right there where you are. I have had a horrible week, tried very hard to stay on track and still didn't lose any weight. I know I am a stress eater and going back to work, being confronted with all the same problems and then compounding it with employees that are not ready to have me back in my position of authority which decreases their power, in their eyes. Still having a problem with balancing home and work and all that entails, fast and easy meals were the key. Unfortunately that also means, high fat and high calorie meals! Add that together with the sweeping in my knee and ankle and you get a 5 pound gain!
    I have been mopping around my house today, upset with my husband for not agreeing with me on an idea and basically feeling very sorry for myself and thinking of all the things I wanted to eat that aren't good for me. I too am ready to give up. I have been this way my entire life.
    Then I saw your post. I don't want you to quit. I know you can do this. I have faith in you and don't want you to feel alone in this battle. I am linking arms with you, helping you back up and together we will march on. We will win this battle and be stronger for it!
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    Ladies, Thank you!!! In such a short time, you have no idea how much you've all come to mean to me....

    Okay, I’ve had my pity party and went and beat myself up on my treadmill and stationary bike. No worries, I won’t give up. I just needed to scream that I wanted too!!! If you’ll note, my first response was to come to you all… “Ladies I need you”… I knew exactly where I needed to go for the support and sweaty hands to catch me as I was falling. Yes it’s been a super shi**y week; between the migraines on Wednesday and Thursday, not working out the way I should, having beef on Thursday and, one other thing I think might be a part of this… If you’ve got stories, please share…. I started taking Estroven Max Strength I got from Costco. Yes, the sweats and temperature fluctuations have come down to almost nada. (yippee) However I have been retaining water like a sponge? Anyone else have these issues? Anyone else take/taken them??? I’m going to give it another week, but I wonder??? I’ve not been able to take my rings off since I started them. My shins and feet actually ache throughout the day, like my skin is too tight around them...

    So thank you all so much, just knowing you are there behind me helps SO much! Now, don’t worry about my workout… Yes it was pretty intense, and yes some of it was to beat myself up, shake the cobwebs out of my pity party head… But, my hubby went to work this AM, so knew I had all the time in the world to work out without him bugging me… are you done yet?

    Now, I am starving and I have a green smoothie screaming at me to consume it! I’ll catch up with you all in a while……….
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Perfect day? Nope.. but a good day where I thought about what choices I wanted to make? yup... and that tells me I'm learning.. and reassures me that I CAN change.. sometimes I wonder if deep down inside I really believe it or not....that I really can change at this stage.. .. but I'm going to start REALLY believing it . because I'm seeing it happen.. and that's progress :)

    I love this part of the post. What I have come to realize that making better choices is moving me one step closer to this being a life style change and not the dreaded D word. With that change will come the progress and success that I want.

    Now for my IPOM as I have posted this week has been loaded with cravings since returning from vacation. It has been 4 days now and I have not caved in or fallen off the wagon !!! It hasn't been easy but I do feel very good about this.

    Now I want to share something that I don't think I have ever experienced before. As I was shelling peas from the garden today I ask my husband if he would hand me a protein bar for lunch (b/c I didn't want to stop) He said, " I am so proud of you" Of course me ( the one that never trust a compliment as I always figure there is another motive behind it) asked, " What you mean?" He said the way you are making good food choices and really sticking with this. So this is where I usually just go thanks and shut down, but today I shared all my thought from the week. About fried foods being a trigger and that while I can eat things that maybe aren't so called healthy if I have the allotment that I don't believe its safe to eat fried foods again. He said he had noticed that a while back that when I would fry something that for the week after we always had really big meals but didn't think I would listen. I at first said I would have but then agreed that maybe I wouldn't have. The thing is I have never felt safe enough of supported enough to share any of my feelings about my food relationship. I really believe this is another step of progress on this journey.

    I can change and I am changing !!! Now back to shelling peas, everyone have a great weekend :)
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Just love all the support I see on here. Leslie I hope the rest of your day is going better. You have had a tough week with the apartment situation & all. Keeping up with your exercise will help with the stress & I bet If you check the scale next week you will be pleasantly surprised. I know a couple of weeks ago when I was on vacation I gained a couple of lb's then within a week lost those plus more.

    TArnold what a woderfull supportive husband you have. Give him an extra hug tonight :wink: It must be wonderfull to have those fresh vegtables. mmm mmm there is nothing like garden fresh .

    Not a great food day for me, but I am ok with it. I did go for a beautiful 3.6 mile walk along the river this morning, did house work, then went along with my BF, his daughter and my 18yo son to donated blood. I am so proud my son wanted to join us this time (it was his 1 st time) I figure we all needed a hearty meal afterwards. More calories and fat than my usual, but that's ok. Tormorrow is another day.

    Well have a good evening now all. I will check in again tomorrow
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    I should live by myself....in the middle of nowhere...maybe on another planet. If you don't hear from me for a few days, see if you can raise money for bail, I've probably killed a family member...and they think I'm the crazy one!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    I should live by myself....in the middle of nowhere...maybe on another planet. If you don't hear from me for a few days, see if you can raise money for bail, I've probably killed a family member...and they think I'm the crazy one!

    Maybe take a bike ride...lol...????

    Just don't throw them in the ocean...lol...

  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    I should live by myself....in the middle of nowhere...maybe on another planet. If you don't hear from me for a few days, see if you can raise money for bail, I've probably killed a family member...and they think I'm the crazy one!

    Maybe take a bike ride...lol...????

    Just don't throw them in the ocean...lol...


    Carol, I would love to take a bike ride! But alas, I am stuck in the car with these people (who, BTW, just stopped at McDonald's...cruel). We'll be home soon, and I'm planning on locking myself in the bathroom...until my kids go back to school ;)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    :devil: Everyone see that big bucket in the corner ??? Think we need to start raising some bail money for MeRobi..
    just in case!!! Tossing in a toonie to start us off :devil:

    Just a thot my dear... perhaps you could lock the KIDS in the bathroom til school starts?? That way you get the run of the rest of the house.... :bigsmile:
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    Ladies, I need you! I knew I had a rough week, but didn't think it was that rough. I am UP 4 effing pounds! up 4, really, no way. I need hugs ladies, I am ready to scream "I give up, I just don't care anymore"!!! :sad:

    Lesley: a 5 cent piece of plastic does not define who and what you are, sweetie.. sent ya a message but know that there's a whole group of women right here who know exactly how you're feeling right now...(and altho many people will say "I know how ya feel" and you just KNOW they don't have a freaken clue.. right here.. in this room... we ALL do know.. and there's nothing better than having friends who've been there and understand - cause sometimes as women, that's all we want. We don't want the answers or the platitudes, we just want someone to say I GET IT .. and it sucks...

    We do. and it does.

    But we're here for you... always!

    If you really feel the need to scream, Just scream and get it over with. Then pick yourself up and get back to it. You are human, we all are. We need to forgive ourselves when we fail. The Lord can forgive us of anything if we but just ask. Why cant we be that way with ourselves. Lots of prayers and hugs heading your way.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I was going to start a new topic for Sunday, but I think maybe we should let this one just keep running through til tomorrow nite… just in case tomorrow any of us may need to re-read some of the awesome posts our Hatters shared today…

    I just read back through everything from the start …. and it struck me that.. it’s really quite extraordinary that every single one of us happened to end up in this group together.

    I mean… whether we were here on the very first post, or stumbled across it a few days later…. How is it possible that from every corner of the earth… each of us chose to make that one click of the mouse .. for whatever reason… we chose to make that one little click.

    Just one click.

    Doesn’t seem like much.

    One tiny click.

    What if we hadn’t?

    The rewards of that one little click.. was stupendous! Look what a treasure we found; an amazing group of friends, who not only offer support and encouragement to each other, but who can truly understand every aspect of what it means to be a woman our age… each of us have experienced a great deal over the years; we’ve survived everything life threw at us, and are grateful for the blessings we know we have. So who better to understand us than a “kindred spirit” (to quote Time2).

    Just one pound.

    Doesn’t seem like much.

    But one pound at a time….one ounce at a time. Just ONE ...WILL get us to our goals.

    and the rewards will also be stupendous. They may not appear today.. or tomorrow.. but they WILL appear. Would you have believed anyone who told you a week ago you would be here now in this group? I don’t think I would have. And look at what I would have missed.

    Do I believe now I CAN change?? I DO! Just one change, or one lesson, or one pound at a time.
    One is a powerful number. thank you to every ONE of the Mad Hatters.. because you’ve helped me believe in me!:bigsmile:
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    I should live by myself....in the middle of nowhere...maybe on another planet. If you don't hear from me for a few days, see if you can raise money for bail, I've probably killed a family member...and they think I'm the crazy one!

    I am sure my family would tell you on many a day that I should. Maybe we should all start a bucket fund to buy a Mad Hatters Island!!!

    Stay focused remember we are always in one of three places. We are going into a storm, we are in a storm, or we are coming out of a storm. As with all storms this to will pass and make you stronger !!!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Just love all the support I see on here. Leslie I hope the rest of your day is going better. You have had a tough week with the apartment situation & all. Keeping up with your exercise will help with the stress & I bet If you check the scale next week you will be pleasantly surprised. I know a couple of weeks ago when I was on vacation I gained a couple of lb's then within a week lost those plus more.

    TArnold what a woderfull supportive husband you have. Give him an extra hug tonight :wink: It must be wonderfull to have those fresh vegtables. mmm mmm there is nothing like garden fresh .

    Not a great food day for me, but I am ok with it. I did go for a beautiful 3.6 mile walk along the river this morning, did house work, then went along with my BF, his daughter and my 18yo son to donated blood. I am so proud my son wanted to join us this time (it was his 1 st time) I figure we all needed a hearty meal afterwards. More calories and fat than my usual, but that's ok. Tormorrow is another day.

    Well have a good evening now all. I will check in again tomorrow

    A 3 plus mile walk is something in itself. I have been walking two weeks and I can say it will be a long while before I am any where near that.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    :devil: Everyone see that big bucket in the corner ??? Think we need to start raising some bail money for MeRobi..
    just in case!!! Tossing in a toonie to start us off :devil:

    Just a thot my dear... perhaps you could lock the KIDS in the bathroom til school starts?? That way you get the run of the rest of the house.... :bigsmile:
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    I should live by myself....in the middle of nowhere...maybe on another planet. If you don't hear from me for a few days, see if you can raise money for bail, I've probably killed a family member...and they think I'm the crazy one!

    I am sure my family would tell you on many a day that I should. Maybe we should all start a bucket fund to buy a Mad Hatters Island!!!

    Stay focused remember we are always in one of three places. We are going into a storm, we are in a storm, or we are coming out of a storm. As with all storms this to will pass and make you stronger !!!

    LOVE this! I see blue sky :)