Start Over?

muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
I've missed an entire week due to an insane work week: 15 hour days and 6am flights and I still barely got all my work done. I've only just begun NROL (2.5 weeks in) and it's been very rough just trying to find my bearings and get comfortable. I think I started with TOO much weight, hurt my lower back and have been doing alternate exercises and going lower in weight instead of progressing higher.

All this to say, I think I've finally got it figured out and now that I know what I'm doing, I feel like I should start fresh so I can really make the most of Stage 1. And my back is much better too - feeling about 95% normal.

Because of my weak back, I've added back extensions and a 10min ab routine at least once a week. My legs are stronger than my back and I think going too heavy on squats and deadlifts killed me.

I'll probably just start over unless you guys have different opinions. Thoughts?


  • jamkat
    jamkat Posts: 77 Member
    I was bascially in the same boat as you. I completed the 1st two weeks and love the program. On my last workout July 12th I pushed my lunges a little too far with 20lb dumbells. I thought my knee should be going lower and tried to improve my form - not smart when you are increasing your weight! Form first and then add/increase weights!!! I strained my left knee and on each day after that I was to workout I felt it needed some more time. Then my son got into a car accident and totaled my car last Sunday. Nobody hurt which is the most important thing!!!! So last week was spent dealing with insurance and finding my next car - definately no time for working out.

    So this morning when I realized that it had been 10 days since my last workout, I was thinking the same as you. BUT then I thought, why start all over again? So today I did a repeat of my last workout Stage 1 3B. I was afraid that I would have to lessen my weights but I was able to get through it using what I used last. With the exception of the lunges. I will perfect my form before I add any weight again.

    On the upside, while I had gained a couple of pounds since I started NROL4W, last week without any exercising I lost 4 lbs! I have read others post that it was during their rest weeks that the scale finally went down. I haven't remeasured but my clothes are fitting a little better.

    So long story short - in my opinion I think you should re-do your last workout and keep on going. Good luck!
  • julie781
    julie781 Posts: 221 Member
    Yeah! You'll be starting over w/me :)
  • donnam40
    donnam40 Posts: 246 Member
    How timely - I just had almost a week off due to a kidney infection. I though the same as the previous poster - repeat the last workout and move on. I am on stage 1a and am not entirely new to lifting.

  • kag1526
    kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
    That early I might start over. I did something like that too... However later if it happens there is something in the book about that, he says you can take your weeks off at slightly different times. I just got back on Saturday after a week and 1/2 off for no good reason then I just got lazy. However Saturday was B7 for me so I'll just count that as my week off between stages and will do A8, B8, then go to stage 2.