7-23-2012 Menopausal Mad Hatters - Monday Chatter!

Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
Good morning, Mad Hatters!!

Just before I started today's page, I read Patrice’s message at the end of yesterdays postings. and it really struck a chord with me.

Today.. is a new day. A new day with a world of potential for change, any kind of change we might want to make…whether it be a change in our minds, our bodies or our souls, it’s ours for the taking if we can get past our self-doubts and start believing that we can do anything we put our minds to..

I saw a quote from someone the other day: “If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results”.

Hmmmmm.. inspiring words..

but change is so hard for many of us.. as.women, we’re pulled in so many directions and give so many pieces of ourselves to everyone else, that routine and habit bring us comfort, and sometimes, we just don’t really believe that we can change.. cause change is hard..

But…. We’re women!.

WHO does hard best?? WOMEN!

We’re so good at hard!

Hard choices and hard work and hard decisions.. we've done it all. Many, many times.

We excel at HARD! We’ve each had decades of success at HARD… we KNOW we can DO HARD!

"Being fat is hard, losing weight is hard, maintaining is hard. Choose your hard."

We can SO do this, Hatters!!! :bigsmile:


  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    WHOOT!!!! WHOOT!!!!!

    Standing ovation to you Snooozie!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    just bringing TArnolds post over from yesterday since she posted as I started todays..(sowwy TA!) and it's too good to miss!

    POSTED BY TArnold:
    Yeah for me !!! Tonight we had commencement at church tonight after VBS. Of course that means there was refreshments. As I approached the table I quickly noticed there wasn't any healthy snack No veggies at all !!! Really ? What was I going to do? So I looked to see what would be my best choices. I have really wanted chocolate this week so I selected a small brownie (about half the size of a regular), one sausage cheese ball (anyone that knows me would most likely not believe this !!!) two shaved pieces of cheese about one inch square and 3 pickle slices

    Now this could have been a disaster for my day but I didn't choice the sandwiches (mayo !!!) chips, cookies, cakes, or pies. I took enough to not appear rude but choose things I do enjoy but don't trust myself to cook at home. This gave me the opportunity to enjoy them in a somewhat controlled environment b/c once I left it wouldn't still be there tempting me. And most important I took reasonable portions !!!! In the past I would have just gave in and forgot about what I am trying to accomplish and ate what I wanted.

    :bigsmile: WAY TO GO TA!!! Look at you rocking CHANGING old habits!! You did it!! Awesome.. it's happening!!
    congrats on thinking about what you really wanted, and making super choices too!! :bigsmile:
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member

    I saw a quote from someone the other day: “If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results”.

    Hmmmmm.. inspiring words..

    Absolutely inspiring words! I'm gonna put that as my screensaver on my computer (since I spend a good part of my day on my computer)... It's still Sundaty evening for me. 9:15pm. Day is now done. Tomorrow is another day! Let's get this!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hope you had a great sleep Patrice and are ready to get it on!!

    Just wanted to let you guys know I won't be around today; having eye surgery this morning but will check in before bed tonite to see how everyones doing! :bigsmile:

    We CAN change!
  • Lindawoj1
    Lindawoj1 Posts: 26
    lol Snoozie. eye surgery, see. good luck with it. Thank you for your words that will help me get back on board. yesterday was a bad day for me. I am not good with parties. Had all the wrong things. Starting a new week. I'm afraid to weigh in.
    Have a great day all.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Good Morning Everyone, Just another day getting ready for work. I really loved
    TA's post. Very Good example for me to follow,
    Snooozie, Best wishes with your eye surgery, Prayers sent your way.
    I had to work all weekend, and I am as tired now as when I went to bed, could make for a long week.
    I hope everyone has a great day.
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Snoozie, great way to start the week, best of luck with the eye surgery.
    Weigh in today---nothing, nada, scarecly a budge. Yesterday I posted about the importance of recognizing progress even when the scale does not. Easy to say to other people, harder to accept when you step on the scale with thoughts of the healthy food you ate and the tropical drinks that you did not. I decided it was time to wear something in my closet that had never been worn. I tried on a dress that was snug when I bought it 2 weeks ago. It wasn't too snug and because I don't do sleeveless for work, I added a consignment shop top. Looking for confidence I decided on high wedges. I think I looked good, so I got out my camera and while the family slept I put on the timer and took my picture to remind me of how far I have come. I added the picture to my profile.
    So to be completely honest-I am disappointed in the stuck scale, but I will continue to stay focused on change and not the result.
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    I have not had a great weekend and according to the scales have gained 6lbs since last Wednesday. I weigh every morning but only count what I weigh on Wednesday's. I have a real problem with stress/emotional eating and drinking. I am working to change these habits but they are hard ones to break. Excercise has always been a problem for me and with the heat and humidity it has become non existant. I have a pool and you would think it would be easy to do. I always feel like there is too much I have to do and I don't have time.

    After seeing the insproational qoutes this morning I think it is just what I need. I also have another one to add and I had to remind myself of it yesterday.

    "The three C's of life: choices, chances & changes. You must make a choice to take a chance or you life will never change....

    I am going to take a chance and make a change. I have to, or else I might not be here to enjoy the rest of my life.

    Have a great day everyone and Snoozie, good luck to you today and I will be praying your surgery goes well and you can "see" us here this evening:)
  • KLB960
    KLB960 Posts: 17 Member
    All you girls have been so inspiring this morning! Good luck Snoozie with your surgery! SEE you later :smile: I find myself weighing every day and the new scale I found is 6 lbs heavier than the old one (not so broke now). But I feel it in my clothes too. Pants and shorts that were snug are fitting better. So the scale is just a tool towards the CHANGE and HARD CHOICES. Everyone have a wonderful Monday
  • mazie61
    mazie61 Posts: 106 Member
    Snoozie- Good luck with your surgery. Keep us posted. Thanks for the inspirational words!
    Tonya- I can relate...having the same issues, had a terrible weekend. After all this time on mfp,
    It amazes me how I can revert back to terrible habits. Today is a new day!
  • charip
    charip Posts: 55 Member
    Good Morning! What a wonderful group we have- it always makes me smile.
    Hard to believe just a few days of eating not so great choices can add four pounds- but sure enough, that's what happens! Took me the past three weeks to lose those four pounds I gained at the first of the month....I'm not sure I believe the calories in, calories out theory of weight loss, lol. I certainly didn't overeat by 14000 calories on those few days, and I've been staying at 1200 ( or under) ever since. However, enough belly aching, lol, I'm down an extra pound- so that's 29, I'm a happy girl! Just occurred to me this morning....if I could lose just one single ounce a day...till the end of the year...10 Pounds would be gone!!! Just one single ounce at a time.....who needs to lose pounds, just a single ounce is something we can do! When the scale won't move, I think, ok, I'll try one more day, and if I don't see progress after today, I'm going eat something wonderful...then the next morning, if the scale still hasn't moved, I say, one more day......lol, so it turns out I keep on track, just thinking I'll splurge tomorrow.....
    Wishing you well with your eye surgery this morning Snoozie. Just wondering....what do you do for a living? I'm thinking it must be motivational speaker..... you're one of the best!!!
  • Lindawoj1
    Lindawoj1 Posts: 26
    Snoozie, great way to start the week, best of luck with the eye surgery.
    Weigh in today---nothing, nada, scarecly a budge. Yesterday I posted about the importance of recognizing progress even when the scale does not. Easy to say to other people, harder to accept when you step on the scale with thoughts of the healthy food you ate and the tropical drinks that you did not. I decided it was time to wear something in my closet that had never been worn. I tried on a dress that was snug when I bought it 2 weeks ago. It wasn't too snug and because I don't do sleeveless for work, I added a consignment shop top. Looking for confidence I decided on high wedges. I think I looked good, so I got out my camera and while the family slept I put on the timer and took my picture to remind me of how far I have come. I added the picture to my profile.
    So to be completely honest-I am disappointed in the stuck scale, but I will continue to stay focused on change and not the result.
  • Lindawoj1
    Lindawoj1 Posts: 26
    Good for you. Great attitude.
  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Everyone is very inspirational this Monday morn. What a way to start the week off!

    Good Luck Snoozie on your eye surgery. Just curious what type of surgery are you having. I work for a optometrist. The eyes are a very amazing part of your body.

    Have a great week ladies.
  • abbezen
    abbezen Posts: 405 Member
    Good morning Ladies~

    Snoozie, good luck with your eye surgery.

    @ALL who struggled over the weekend~ Don't beat yourselves up to much over it. Today is a new day...get after it! This applies to me as well. I was camping and boating all weekend. Ate whatever I wanted. I was up 4 lbs this morning. Not happy about that at all, but I WILL GET AFTER IT THIS WEEK!!!!

    All those who made better choices than some of us....IPOU!!!!

  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    Good Monday morning everyone…. Sorry I was MIA yesterday. Sunday’s are my long and busy day. I am basically at church the whole day. With going for “myself” in the morning, then I am a youth leader at the High School group in the evening. My hubby and I have a few hours in between to eat and just chill together. I only have my phone, so I can’t log in and read all the chats.

    Can someone explain to me why we work 5 days a week and only get 2 off? Is it just me, or is this completely imbalanced? Whoever designed this plan should be shot… :grumble: The weekends go by SO fast. Even 4 days on, 3 days off would be better???

    Nothing terribly exciting for me today, long night, dummy me drank coffee at church, then tea our youth group get together so yeah, wired until 2:30 this morning. It will make for a long day today I’m sure… :yawn:

    Hey, I had a question that I’d posted in my ranting the other day that I don’t think any of you all caught,I would really like to see if ANY of you have an answer/thought?… Wondering if this could be part of the huge gain I had last week. I know I wasn’t the best I could be, but I really didn’t think I was 4 lbs. bad… :huh:

    …..I started taking Estroven Max Strength I got from Costco for menopausal symptoms. It was one week ago Saturday. Yes, the sweats and temperature fluctuations have come down to almost nada. (yippee) However I have been retaining water like a sponge? Anyone else have these issues? Anyone else take/taken them??? I’m going to give it another week, but I wonder??? I’ve not been able to take my rings off since I started them. My shins and feet actually ache throughout the day, like my skin is too tight around them….. :sad:

    Any thoughts, ideas, comments would be much appreciated
  • 1slimlinda
    1slimlinda Posts: 44 Member
    Good Morning! I have really missed you all. I worked this weekend as well, and it isnt pretty there. Overwhelmed with stress at work right now. I am hoping for a better week. I never weigh myself on a Monday! The scale is always up on Mondays. Um beer, good food.....lots of salt and hot weather: Adds up to fluid retention, which means the scale is going to reflect the extra fluid. I weigh myself on Friday mornings.( Which by the way has been stuck.) One of my MFP friends reminded me of the 80/20 eating rule....my 20 is on the weekend. I am back at it today with a new attitude. Thank you for all the inspiration here. We are all here toether because we care about our health and each other. Kudos to all of you that continue the great efforts of not only your personal sucesses, but supporting others along the way. You are here! Good for you all! IPOU
    Snooozie, hope everything goes well with your eye surgery.
    Lesley, I tried the Estroven from Costco too. It did nothing for me so I stopped. I am being tormented right now by hot flashes, I just need to get pissed off enough to make the appointment for my GYN. I hate going to the doctor and I have decided against HRT. Harumpf!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Leslye, I have never taken any supplements so I am not the one to answer your question. I do hear talk here on the forums about sodium and eating twice the amount in potassium. I'm not sure if this will help you but thought I would throw it out there.
    I have a hard time with sodium. Not that I eat alot of it but it sure does swell me up.

    I hope someone can aswer this for you here if not, you may have to post it in the forums.

    Good Luck,
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Good morning (well almost lunch) everyone

    Snozie prayers being lifted that hands be guided by God and for comfort and a quick healing. :flowerforyou:

    Leslye: I totally relate about the being wired. I only have caffeine once or twice a week so I have to be very careful to not have any after 2 p.m or I am up all night. As for the bloating I suggest tracking your sodium and potassium then be sure and take in 3 mg of potassium for ever 1 mg of sodium. That makes a huge difference in eliminating bloating. Check the sodium content of the med and include that in your tracking. Hope this helps.

    Kimberly: such a positive post, great attitude and yes it will happen just keep going after what you want :smile:

    Charip: I love this ==> I'm a happy girl! Just occurred to me this morning....if I could lose just one single ounce a day...till the end of the year...10 Pounds would be gone!!! What a way to break it down and see the positive. Great thoughts

    Maxie today is a new day and the beginning f a new week as you said, good luck !!!

    KLB we all really need to remember your thought " the scale is just a tool towards the CHANGE and HARD CHOICES" Tool not the end all. We need to remind ourselves of some of our daily victories to boost our spirits when we don't see what we think the scale should say.

    Tonya I completely understand about the heat, humidity, and exercise, living in the south I have never enjoyed exercise and suspect I never will. That said I do love a pool now for the hard part what ever you feel is more important let it go and get in that pool the energy you gain as a result will having time for both. Good luck

    Hairspray: I have to agree about how easily we have the answers for others but we don't seem to take in our own words. I have shared that before I have all the answers its the putting them in motion for my own self that I haven't been able to do. That is changing and you will soon be seeing change on the scale !

    Time2 hope you get more rest through the week.

    Linda best of luck in the new week

    Patrice hope you got some rest and have a great week not sure where the words came from but love the inspiration. Glad you quoted them.

    Mem have a great week

    It a new chance to make change happen. Good luck to everyone and have a wonderful day and week.
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    On the run today, but wanted to wish Snooozie a speedy recovery and offer my dictation services should you not be able to type. Because I don't think we could be without your incredibly motivating and supportive posts for long...

    To everyone who seemed to struggle over the weekend (myself included), be kind to yourself (we're still here on MFP, and that's a testament to our commitment) and buckle down...let's have a good week (that last part was mostly to myself, lol).