How did you break a sweat today?

mrgmama Posts: 8 Member
I did 45 minutes of the Les Mills Sh'Bam dance class at my gym - broke a decent sweat and feeling good! My first workout since I joined MFP last week. I was pleased to come and add it to my exercise log!

How did you get active today mamas?


  • daoc1972
    daoc1972 Posts: 92 Member
    I played Kinect Adventures with my 4yo. :bigsmile:
  • adriensmommy88
    adriensmommy88 Posts: 22 Member
    I walked around the mall for an hour and did Zumba!!
  • Emily_fitat30
    Emily_fitat30 Posts: 32 Member
    I did two hours cleaning while my babies slept :)
  • I did 15 minutes of sit ups, 15 minutes of squats and 15 minutes of pushups plus walked for 10 minutes before and after. Broke a decent sweat.