Introduce yourself



  • kimmbird
    kimmbird Posts: 55
    Ma'shallah..what a beautiful bunch of souls I this group. I am so moved and touched by all of you here...

    Salaam, my name is Kim. I hv been married to my wonderful husband for almost 28 yrs. We hv a son (24) & daughter in law' daughter (22), and our baby boy (15;) I reverted about 25 years ago. I hv spent almost 19 years of that time in Saudi & Bahrain plus a couple years in Holland. Now, I am back home to the States in wonderful Colorado w all my baby birds living in our basement. I miss all my precious familly and friends in the middle east. It's my home as well. I hv only been back to the states for 18 mths, I love it, but it's bitter sweet because I miss my loved ones back there toooooo!

    I hvnt reached out to my local community yet, so I am too you. I would love you to add me as a friend, so we can share and support...big hug to you all....Kim
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Salaamu aleikoum brothers and sisters,

    I'm Heni orginally European but I live in Algeria now. I've been a Muslim for over 10yrs now. I have 4 children elhamdullah. I started my life change in 2011 Jan machallah losing 60lbs. But then I found out i was pregnant then put on bed rest. So of course with no excerise I gained some back. My baby is 4m now so it's time to get moving again!

    With sucess using MFP I'm back here trying to get fit and healthy again. I try to eat only local fresh in season foods, halal of course. Little sugar as possible opting for natural sweeteners like honey and dates. I try to follow the Sunnah when it comes to my family's diet. Machallah it did work for me in the past (in 2011) so I plan to continue with it. I am happy to friend you all and give support where i can!

    Enchallah happy Ramadan to you all!
  • ZaynabA
    ZaynabA Posts: 2
    Salam Alakiom! My Name is Zaynab and I am 23 years old I have been married for 3 years and I have a son Named Obayda that is 2 1/2. Im trying to loose weight with Mfp about 50 pounds or so. So Inshallah we can achieve our goals together and make our lifestyles healthier! Ramadan Mubarak!! ~
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    Salam, my name is Mediha. I'm in California. I have been using MFP for a while. I started using it diligently in December, and have lost 14 pounds. I enjoy running, biking, and rollerblading to workout. I also use Jillian Michael's DVD's. I especially like No More Trouble Zones.

    Getting ready to start fasting Friday :)
  • TrackChic
    TrackChic Posts: 4 Member
    Assalamu alaykum everyone. My name is Yasmin and I am Muslim. I've been on MFP for a few months and its helped me lose weight. I'm from Texas (cowboy state, haha) I had gained 33 pounds in 4 months but have since lost 13 (lost 3 before coming on mfp). I hope to lose 25-30 more pounds.
    Happy Ramadan to you all!!
  • As Sallamu Alaykum everyone my name is Baseema which means smiling :smile: I took Shahadah on September 1, 2010 The best and most important decision I have ever made. I am new to MFP (only about a week) Soooo glad I found a Muslim group for support and motivation InshaAllah we can help one another obtain our goals. I am 41 years young with two grown daughters and one grandson and InshaAllah one more Grand on the way. I am recently separated from my husband and divorce is pending....Two years ago 2010 I made a goal list on that list was 1) To be more spirtually connected with GOD 2) To get healthier and loose weight 3)To conquer my fears and not let them control me. I am not just on a weight loss journey I am striving for a complete transformation of self: Spirtually, Physically and mentally InshaAllah !:happy: :heart: Peace & Blessings to All.
  • talamer
    talamer Posts: 516 Member
    Alsalamu Alaikom :) "Alekm Alsalam"<- for all who said "Alsalamu Alaikom" !

    My name is Talal,I'm 27 yrs.. Married and have one cute baby "Mashallah".. I live in Bahrain.. I'm alrdy born Muslim "Alhamdullah" :)
    It is Ramadan and we are fasting :) We pray for god and ask for forgiveness of all mistakes we have done.

    I have lost more than 45 lbs (20 kg) so far and trying to stay healthy all the way! with controlling food behavior! I hate when I eat too much during "Iftar"!!! bcoz I don't do any workouts in Ramadan! there is no time for that for me..

    Anyway I'm here to support you all :) feel free to add me as friend and please leave msg so I can know u are with me in this group :)

    Talal :)
  • locotoro
    locotoro Posts: 11 Member
    hello brothers and sisters,

    My name is Zak and Im muslim. Currently enjoying ramadan for the first time in a long time because i've already lost 6-7 kg.

    im new here and im hoping for some gentle encouragement.

    so whats happening?
  • As Salaamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,

    I am Sister Shahada in the metro Atlanta, Ga (USA) area. I accepted Islam in 1430 Hijri year (I don't remember exactly when), and I am so grateful to have been guided to this Deen. I have found my Peace and Security with Islaam.

    I have joined the site just under a week now, and with the main purpose of holding myself accountable while really striving to make good changes in my life. I have recently started a new chapter in my life, and I wish to take care of my health as a way to show appreciation for Allah's blessings.

    If there are any sisters in the Atlanta area that wish to be in touch, please do in sha'Allah! The encouragement is a great thing!

    I have typically been shy about my weight and health issues in the past, but my goal is to please Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala; if I have to open up some ugly wounds in order to heal, then alhamdulillah.
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    Salaams everyone, and belated Eid Mubarak!

    Everyone in this group sounds SO lovely :)

    My name is Mo'aaza, I'm from South Africa and born a Muslim.

    I have a few kilo's to lose - the problem is that i've always had a few kilo's to lose! I'm tired of being tubby and want to give it my all to be slim, strong and healthy.

    Feel free to add me :)

  • asalaamu alaikum
    My name is Fatima I have been muslim less than 10 years, I live in bethlehem pa.
    I am 45 and looking to get down to 180 insha Allah.
    i am looking to be fit, not thin.
  • Assalamu Alikom,
    I am Asmaa, I am from Cairo Egypt.

    I need to lose 29 kg . I really hope it goes well this time. I really wanna do this :)
  • kemmysal
    kemmysal Posts: 9 Member
    Asslam Alaykum All,
    My name is Kemi. I am a mum of two and I am looking to lose about 15 Ibs. I enjoy many different sports. I am currently learning tennis (which I am really enjoying!) and I enjoy swimming too. I do a lot of exercise at home, some of my favourites are Jillian Michaels 30 day shred; Total core pilates; Cathe Muscle Max and Zumba. Hope we can all encourage each other to achieve our goals!
  • Hello Everyone, As Salaaam Alaykum...
    Im Adly from South Carolina, USA. I am full time student studying Early Childhood Education. I am single without any children. I just signed up for MFP last night. I am looking to drop around 30 pounds. I have been walking and running for the past two weeks and trying to do the Special K diet plan. The drinks are good for me because they have a lot of vitamins and proteins, but I need more of a push!!! I am looking forward to looking better and feel better about myself as a person, as a Muslimah. My goal is to love myself.
  • SJiqbal
    SJiqbal Posts: 19 Member
    Hello & Asalamu alaykum,

    Hope we all reach our weight loss goals inshallah. Feel free to add me =D
  • Hibbba
    Hibbba Posts: 4
    MashALLAh I teared while reading most of your stories. SobhanALLAH alhamdullilah to see you all converted to Islam :) This is really a true bless.

    I was born Muslim al hamdulillah, my english is weak since I'm arabian. 27 years old got married 5 months ago and moved to uae with my hubby. Being away from my family and everyone made me gain so much weight since now i stay at home all the time and i know no one here except my husband. That's why i joined MFP hopefully to feel motivated and try eat healthy and exercise more inshALLAH.

    Feel free to add me if you like to because I really need some friends to talk to :)

    Salamu alaikom
  • mrskhairol
    mrskhairol Posts: 6 Member

    My name is Sue from Malaysia, born as a Muslim..happily married with 3 kids.
    I've joined MFP for a week now.

    At current I'm at 156lbs and to reach my 121lbs GW by new year..
    Salam Eiduladha to all muslim friends ^_^
  • Salaam alaykom everyone. My name is Nasreen and I am from South Africa. I am a revert too and reverted just after September 11th.I am married to my best friend in the whole world, Noureddine who is from Morocco. He is so supportive and really wants me to do well. He cares about my health as well as my deen and that is what means the most to me.

    I have always had problems with my weight and it is hard because I am naturally a very big person as well as tall. It is hard to accept that I will never be petite so I am aiming for "sporty",lol. I am addicted to food but I am doing well so far and have really changed my life. I excersize a lot and watch what I eat.

    If anyone ever wants to chat or wants a support buddy in this battle against the bulge then feel free to contact me.

    Keep well InshAllah and I am personally rooting and making duaa for all my brothers and sisters on this site to achieve their goals and get healthy, Ameen.
  • Esselamu aleikum!

    My name is Devleta :) I am Bosnian muslimah living in Chicago. I started to gain weight around 4th grade gradually. And unfortunately I came to a place where I am not happy with my body. I am trying to lose 40-50 pounds to be in the healthy range for my height. I am doing this for myself and to be healthy. I have always been called fat and made fun off at school and at home (they say they are only joking) but it hurts. However, I am not doing this for those people. I just want to feel happy about myself. InshaAllah we are all successful in out weight loss journey!
  • mrskhairol
    mrskhairol Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome to the group Dev ^_^