7-23-2012 Menopausal Mad Hatters - Monday Chatter!



  • flipflopsintx
    flipflopsintx Posts: 26 Member
    Happy Monday (afternoon) ! I haven't been on in quite a while, between work and being sick I haven't had the time or energy. I haven't walked in the last, week? but I still managed to lose 1lb. I hope to walk tomorrow now that my energy is back up.

    It is a struggle to lose the weight but I'm happy with my results so far, if I lose one pound a week I'm happy. My husband is not much help where food is concerned. He will walk a cross the contry if I ask him, he will not let me eat cookies or cakes or candy or ice cream and so on. BUT when we go out to eat (which can be often) he is no help at all.

    So I have coined the phrase "It is ALL ABOUT ME" .
    No one is going to lose the weight for me.
    Only "I" can make good choises.

    If anyone is struggling, Remember - it is ALL ABOUT YOU!
    Take care~
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Evening Hatters.. just popping on for a sec; still can't see out of the eye yet (had a myopic cataract extraction and an intraocular lens implant and LRI astigmatism reduction as well, Charip). Which means they ripped the lens out of my eye and put in a fake one basically, and did somethint to rix the astigmastism. Not a happy camper cause having had bad sight all my life, means I freak out at anything even NEAR my eyes.. let alone a guy with a scalpel. Anyway.. can't stay on long but wanted to thank everyone for the wishes and see how the HAtters are doing..

    LOVE the fact that the Hatters who had some discouraging scale moments are changing their old thinking and not giving up out of frustration or sadness, but recognizing its ok to be disappointed, but the number on that little machine is truly irrelevant to our long term goal of becoming healthy... To those of us who struggle with falling back into hold habits... it's taken us 50 years to make those habits.... cut yourself a little slack in learning how to break them!! If you trip on a stair, you don't throw yourself down the whole staircase because you tripped LOL..

    Change is progress.. . and we're looking for progress in our battle; not perfection.

    If we progress just a little each day.. or a little each week... we can't help but get to our destination!!

    Loving the quotes from everyone - they ARE inspiring!!
    Wish I could do replies but have to limit puter time; but will check in for a few minutes throughout the evening.
    But IPOU's to all the hatters, for all the hard work you're putting in, and the courage to confront your fears and innermost doubts and even share them with each other here.. because there's nothing better than having a friend who.. just gets it.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    P.S. Had to fast of course for this morning, so eating times are out of whack, but am logging all food and trying to still make good choices for the day, but it's gonna say below calories when I finish so just know it won't be from great nutrition choices, or trying real hard today.. just from not being able to eat for 1/2 day LOL..
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    P.S. Had to fast of course for this morning, so eating times are out of whack, but am logging all food and trying to still make good choices for the day, but it's gonna say below calories when I finish so just know it won't be from great nutrition choices, or trying real hard today.. just from not being able to eat for 1/2 day LOL..

    Maybe a pretend doctor could tell me I have to have a procedure done every day, and therefore I can only eat for half the day...every day?
  • lorielou111
    lorielou111 Posts: 30 Member
    I also have that problem!! Had a jewelry party Saturday out by our pool and of course I had to serve refreshments!! We tried to keep it healthy and my daughter even made this fab dill dip from nonfat greek yogurt ! All went well til we got into the CosmoRita's and then the resole goes out the window!! Today is a new day, back on track. Good luck and prayers Snoozie for a great outcome !! Did I mention I got over 400.00 in free jewelry?? Apparently the CosmoRita's did some good! :laugh: Have a great day tomorrow all! Lorie
  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
    glad to here you got along great. Tomorrow you will feel better. Keep using your drops. You will be amazed at what you have been missing all these years.
    take care Anita
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    About to call it a night

    Snoozie glad your doing good, still praying for your recovery.

    I wanted to share these words with the group as it reinforces that we may not make the right choice one second but we have the chance to start fresh from that moment to continue changing.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Hatters!!!

    I know it's stil showing Monday chatter.... lol but since there hasn't been much chatter, and there are some excellent stories and inspirations.. I thought I'd just leave it on here til it gets unruly to move around.. any thoughts frome the hatters? would you prefer a new daily page or let it run for a day or two.. inquiring minds wanna know lol!

    I gotta catch up on a few from yesterday and grab some brekkie to go with.. this morning I made a wee mess...poured the milk BESIDE my mug of tea instead of into it .. im thinking by the time im fully recovered it might be a good excuse to get a cleaning lady in for a day instead of doing the chores.. (it wasnt my fault.... i couldnt see the dirt on the floor, or the dustbunnies playing tag in the living room) yeah... hmmm... this might work!! lol :bigsmile: See ya in a few, Hatters!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Morning Hatters!!!

    I know it's stil showing Monday chatter.... lol but since there hasn't been much chatter, and there are some excellent stories and inspirations.. I thought I'd just leave it on here til it gets unruly to move around.. any thoughts frome the hatters? would you prefer a new daily page or let it run for a day or two.. inquiring minds wanna know lol!

    I gotta catch up on a few from yesterday and grab some brekkie to go with.. this morning I made a wee mess...poured the milk BESIDE my mug of tea instead of into it .. im thinking by the time im fully recovered it might be a good excuse to get a cleaning lady in for a day instead of doing the chores.. (it wasnt my fault.... i couldnt see the dirt on the floor, or the dustbunnies playing tag in the living room) yeah... hmmm... this might work!! lol :bigsmile: See ya in a few, Hatters!

    don't cry over spilled milk...lol...:laugh:

    the bunnies need to stay in the yard...... we have a couple who love my husband's garden - too bad he doesn't feel the same way about them....:wink:

  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Good morning world!
    Snoozie, if you lose weight, AND get a house cleaned by someone else and you can still see when fully recovered, it sounds like a good deal to me. Heal quickly and call for the house cleaner!
    Bunnies in the garden make for a cute picture if it is not Your garden. At least that is better than the groundhogs who turn my husband into the crazy guy from Caddie Shack.
    Lori, when you say the CosmoRita's lowered your resistance were you talking about food or buying jewlery. Getting $400 worth of free jewelry sounds like I very successful party. I made the mistake of agreeing to host a Longaberger party not knowing anything about the price, then I served and drank Sangria, I had no idea until the end how much it would cost. I picked out a basket that seemed affordable and then the lady said wouldn't you like a plastic liner-sure, wouldn't you like a cloth liner-sure, have another sangria, wouldn't you like a top, ok. Then since it was my house-this hostess basket is half price-ok I love a sale, did you want everything to match your other basket-sure. The sticker shock was a quick way to get sober.
    Speaking of sticker shock, I just got calorie shock, I met my 29 year old daughter for breakfast, she is so busy that is the only time I get to see her in the summer. I had challah french toast, only 2 of the 3 slices with only fresh strawberries on top. No butter, no syrup, no whipped cream and I have already used up 482 calories!! And unfortunately I know that it wasn't enough protein to keep me from being hungry by 11. Next time I need to plan better. I really do need to get a data plan for my Ipad then I could have checked MFP for the calories before I ate.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @ hairspray - we have groundhogs on Fort Dix - love Bill Murray in caddyshack....lol....

    the holes however we could do without - very dangerous.....
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hairspray: that was me the day I got the so called "healthy muffin" and discovered to my horror the calorie and fat count .. and it was only 7am..! and like you.. knew I was going to need protein thru the day to keep me going..

    This might be a good time to try that "zig zag" technique of keeping to the same weekly total of whatever your daily calorie goal would add up to, but zig zagging the daily numbers.. today could be your zig zag UP day! And bonus. that meal was right at the start of the week so you have lots of time to jig the numbers around and still get in your deficit for the week to snag a loss!

    With this being a lifetime change now instead of another diet, it's going to be interesting seeing how we each deal with a day or two of high calorie intakes as we progress... changing the mindset from "i made a mistake" to "well.. today turned out to be a higher calorie count than I'm comfortable with now"... I'll either kick in some extra exercise if I can to burn it off, or I'll simply watch my calorie count for a few days to make sure this was an exception, and not an old habit creeping back..

    but life is going to be like this for all of us from here on in.. daily choices.. every single day.. deciding for ourselves what we choose to eat, but NOT falling into the trap of thinking "I screwed up" "I messed up".. if we choose something. You can't screw up when you're NOT on a diet.... we made have made some less than perfect choices owards our weight loss goal tperhaps, but its not about dieting and denial anymore.. its about choosing what eat to keep us healthy, and how much we eat until we lose the excess weight we're carrying. Kinda nice feeling I think.. not being on a diet anymore??? :bigsmile:
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    You really need to write a book my love. Your words always are such an inspiration to me. We all know that “diet” is a four letter word that we never should be using. That we need to change our minds, hearts and thoughts to grasp a new lifestyle of health, not just a bandage to bridge us from one weight loss event to another. This is a long term commitment ladies, we must grasp our heads and hearts around that. Thank you Snooze as always….

    So, I have decided that I am going to stop taking the Estroven pills. I stepped on the scale again this morning (just as a confirmation test) and yes as I feared I am up another 2.5 lbs. My hands and feet are SO swollen. My rings are killing me. When I got dressed for work, I was putting on my big girl dress pumps, my feet would not go into the shoe! The ONLY thing I have done different in the past week (ish) is started taking those pills. Yes, the sweats and temperature fluctuations have completely stopped, but I seriously can’t “turn” the rings on my fingers, much less take them off!! I have a slight cut underneath the stone setting where my skin is being scraped by it. My legs and feet ache like the skin is being stretched to the max. I am going to double my water intake for a few days (this should be fun! Slosh, slosh, slosh, here comes Leslye….) try not to drink coffee until the weekend (gah, this will kill me) only green tea, will stop and get some cranberry juice after work and see if any of this helps.

    This is so disappointing! They did what they are supposed to do, but it’s not worth the physical and mental pain they are causing….

    Other than that, I am actually having a pretty good day. Praying for protection from all temptations for you ladies today. We’ve got this!
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Leslye, the rings and shoes are the keys, you are retaining water big time and I am glad to hear that you are stopping the pills, they sound dangerous. While you are trying to flush that extra fluid out of your body drink LOTS of water. Janet
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Leslye I agree with HRH 100%.... am so glad you came to that decision to stop taking them.. the side effects seem to be pretty awful!!

    IPOU on knowing when your body just doesn't feel right!!!!! We'll be here to get ya thru the lfashes and sweats in the interim!!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    The sun is setting on this Hatter’s day.. back from the doc’s with a couple more scripts and some instructions but it’s all good; might have to limit a bit of puter time for a couple of days as its pretty tough seeing at the moment; other eye has a heavy glasses prescription and now this eye is no script but not back to whatever sight its going to be at.. so it’s a little hard seeing anything between the two different views… add in drops that make them super sensitive to light (in the middle of summer and beautiful bright sunny days) so I’m wandering around with shades on in the house even with all the blinds closed… yep I’m one “hip” chick with the shades on indoors LOL!!

    Clarified the exercise; nothing more than walking around here for a week or so because the lens is a “hanging” one and needs time to settle into its proper place or something.. but then I can start walking as long as I can see well enough not to kill myself tripping over something… BONUS: I live in a condo so I can walk up and down the corridors 100 times if need be.. and I will!! But until then am content to work on my eating and thinking about why I have always turned to food .. lots of time on my hands without being able to do much else.. so will utilize it to give the little grey cells a workout!!

    But when I get the go ahead to go back to brisk walking, I’m gonna be looking to the Mad Hatters to kick my butt if I start to slide…. I love that I can be honest about my food and exercise diarys here.. I don’t have to say “Im not going to put that in…what will people think?” or whatever excuse I’ve used in the past.. because it’s all about progress.. and learning every day why I do some of the things I do and what it really is that can drive me to dive into a bag of chips when I’m sad or depressed or tired or whatever.. what am I getting out of that bag of chips, or think that I am getting back from them??? Love? Comfort? Friendship?? From chips??? Hmmmm Many things to ponder…. And lots of time to do it so might as well use the time to good advantage!!

    My biggest challenge is going to be staying away from the puter for long periods!!! But lots of little short ones will get me around that LOL.. so.. a few quick replies til I shut down for an hour or 2..

    Lindawoj: I know you said you were “afraid” to weigh in.. but remember..as one of the hatters said.. its just a snapshot of today… its nothing more than a tool to use, not the whole enchilada (hmm.. well you know what I mean lol).. use them if you need to keep yourself in check or to remind yourself that perhaps you’ve made a few extreme choices lately, but theyre no more than that.. a tool to remind you what youre aiming for, not a punishment. Use it for what it does for you, not what it does TO you! :o)

    Time2: you must be exhausted, woman!! Take a little R&R if/when you can grab it!!

    Tonya.. loved the three C’s!! And huge IPOU on taking the chance to make a change!!! Remember it doesn’t have to be a HUGE one… little ones add up over time to huge ones on their own.. so big congrats on making the decision!! Would love to hear any tips from any of the hatters too about the whole stress/emotional thing as that’s a big prob for me diving headlong into food as well…. So this week is my time to look at why and see what really lurks behind it!! Look forward to hearing how it’s going for you!!

    KLB: Beautifully said!!! Yes!!! I used your words above cause they were so right on with it just being one tool.. AWESOME on the looser fitting scales.. woo hoo… that’s the real reward.. it’s not about numbers its about feeling great!! IPOU!

    Charip: great idea focusing on the ounces… like the changes, they will add up to pounds eventually too!!!! Isn’t is strange how we all do that thing… eat well for a few days then say if it doesn’t show a loss to heck with it im gonna treat myself with something… it sounds so weird when I say it out loud… it really makes no sense at all lol.. and yet its something I’ve done reptetively for 40 odd years… but I still don’t get why I think I need a reward of something crappy…when I’ve just eaten well for a week….you’d think instead we wouldn’t even dream of having something bad if nothing has changed…. But no…we go immediately for crap…?? Its just so weird really.. and yet.. its exactly what I at least.. have always done too… (but that was whenever I was on a DIET.. which I’m never going to be on anymore.. ever!) HUGE IPOU on 29 lbs.. omg that’s AMAZING!!! I cannot wait til I can say that.. well done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doing the snoopy happy dance for ya! (oh.. and sorry to report.. I’m just a clerk in a government office LOL… I’ve never seen myself as any kind of motivator.. so it must be you wonderful hatters bringing a little out in me!)

    Sorry guys eyes are hurting a little so very quickly

    Kimberly so glad you had a n awesome weekend.. I was so jealous!!

    Leslye: it was a man came up with that idea. Personally I much prefer the 5/4 (5 days one week.. 4 days the next.. get a long weekend every other week!

    1slim…. I suffered badly with the hot flashes; found some triggers (like coffee in the morning always set me off. But I refuse togive it up so I suffered thru.. then they stopped for some reason during morning coffee lol. They tend to come and go now …here for a week..then gone… will keep fingers crossed they fade for a while at least for ya!

    Merobi: thanks very much for the dictation offer LOL!! But I get so much motivation from you guys I don’t really see what ya get from me.. but as long as we all get something from each other, it’s a win win, right! And good reminder to be kind to ourselves…. And that we rock at HARD lol!

    Flipflop so good to see you was getting a little worried abou ya! I think most of us are in the same boat with spouses and/or kids….. would that we could make them responsible for our own food choices… (and I completely salute anyone who has to cook for ANYONE more than themselves… I honest to god don’t know how you do it!) but alas.. we gotta suck it up and realize that ultimately we’re the only ones responsible for what we put in our mouths – and I hate that fact I really do LOL!! Hang in there sweetie; you’ve been sick too so take care of yourself!!

    Gotta take a break.. be back later for the rest 
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Just stopping in reading everyone's post. Looks like we are off to a good week.

    Had sister's day today and did lots of shopping :noway: accounts for me being mia today.

    Tomorrow I will be about the same except it won't include spoil me shopping this time. I have a dr apointment for an annoying rash that my sister thinks may be shingles. Next going for a pair of Nike's and groceries. That will be most of the day gone since where I live we have no grocery stores and it means a trip to the next town over on a short day but I am driving two cities over to the larger store. Days when I have groceries to buy I miss Seattle where I had 8 stores within 5 minutes :wink:

    Everyone have a great HUMP DAY !!!
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Happy Wednesday my friends. I have a question for you all. We all see this journey we are on as a one to make healthier choices for life by increasing our fitness thru exercise and healthy food choices. How many of you actually measure you food? I have not, usually just eyeball it and make healthy choices. So far I feel I have been successfull (down 25lb since December 18, 2011), although my weight loss has slowed to a crawl these days. But I also know I am nearing my goal, have lost major inches and overall fittness better than I have ever been in life. So who measures?

    Have a great day all and Snooozie rest those eyes. Do not push yourself to much we all know you are here & in this for the duration.

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Hi Kathy,

    I don't use a food scale to measure simply because I don't have one. I do however, use a measuring cup or spoons when possible. Meats I generally try to use the (deck of cards) sizing. Since December 20th or there abouts I have lost 38lbs. It seems to be working for me as well. I know at some point I might need to change the way I do things but for now it works. I gained 1.4 pounds this week but I know how I did it and I simply made poor choices.

    I am not ready to move on to major workouts yet as I feel I still need to work on emotional eating/driking and better nutrition. I still try to move more everyday and it seems to be working.

    Hope this helps or at least gives you some idea as to how my mind does or doesn't work...lmao
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    Hey ladies,
    I am back it has been pretty busy. My granddaughter has been here since Monday. I just get much done with her here.
    Guess what ladies I was another day older yesterday.
    I hope everyone Has a great day today. lets all make GREAT CHOICES!!!!