Members Lounge Area

mageekesh Posts: 57 Member
Hello everyone lets use this topic to have random chatter to get to know members of our group. We are all supporting one another and lets not be strangers :)


  • mageekesh
    mageekesh Posts: 57 Member
    Its Wednesday and looking forward to my 1st weigh in on Monday nervous and excited :)
  • tremilla
    tremilla Posts: 98 Member
    It's winning Wednesday!!! The fact that 64 people have already joined this group is motivation enough!
  • mageekesh
    mageekesh Posts: 57 Member
    I know I love it so much motivation! Yesterday when I did my walking in the evening I kept saying New Year New Me when I wanted to give up :)
    It's winning Wednesday!!! The fact that 64 people have already joined this group is motivation enough!
  • blandc
    blandc Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all, still getting use to the site. I have been on my fitness journey off and on for awhile. A soldier under supevision of my husband actually told him about this site and boasted on all the weight he loss. And my husband inturn told me about it. I love this site so far!

    I am excited to see results in my weight and fitness journey
  • THelgert
    THelgert Posts: 10
    thats funny I did the same chant when I was out walking and wanted to turn around! Thanks for the support, knowing your all here at the end of the day makes me want to work harder.
  • mageekesh
    mageekesh Posts: 57 Member
    Good to see it worked for you also lol tonight I was so tired but while on the treadmill i kept saying new year new me and every time i said it i worked harder and speeded up hahaha but it works and i have to reach my goal i know we all can do it :)
    thats funny I did the same chant when I was out walking and wanted to turn around! Thanks for the support, knowing your all here at the end of the day makes me want to work harder.
  • mageekesh
    mageekesh Posts: 57 Member
    Welcome to the site and group, I am pretty new joined last year but had no motivation I said this time I will be and the reason why i thought about a group with th same goals. I actually weighed myself today and this is day 3 and lost 2 lbs already (my weigh in was supposed to be monday ) but I was so anxious to know is my hard work has oaid off and it did!! So mondya hopefully i can shed another 2 lbs
    Hello all, still getting use to the site. I have been on my fitness journey off and on for awhile. A soldier under supevision of my husband actually told him about this site and boasted on all the weight he loss. And my husband inturn told me about it. I love this site so far!

    I am excited to see results in my weight and fitness journey
  • Everyone on this board sounds so excited about losing I am glad I am on here with you all.
  • mageekesh
    mageekesh Posts: 57 Member
    I am very excited and motivated :) I tried losing weight before on my own but with this group and friends on here I am so motivated and now in my head I feel its a must to log on daily and report what I am doing :) 2 lbs down in just 2 days New Year New Me!!
    Everyone on this board sounds so excited about losing I am glad I am on here with you all.
  • tremilla
    tremilla Posts: 98 Member
    If you didn't get started yesterday, start your journey today. You have to want it for yourself.
  • mageekesh
    mageekesh Posts: 57 Member
    If you didn't get started yesterday, start your journey today. You have to want it for yourself.
  • KelliJ49047
    KelliJ49047 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all.. sitting here browsing different message boards and realized that I am feeling 'excitement about the fact that one day... some day in the future... I will post the before and after pictures on the success board... I just can't wait and it sure does motivate me... hope you all don't mind my ramblings... but I am pumped to lose this weight...
  • THelgert
    THelgert Posts: 10
    Yes, I'm looking forward to posting after pictures! Together we can do this!
  • tremilla
    tremilla Posts: 98 Member
    It's Motivation Monday. Let's get our bodies moving!!! Only 162 days until the New Year
  • mageekesh
    mageekesh Posts: 57 Member
    Wow only 162 days? I better work even harder I can do this whew!!!
    It's Motivation Monday. Let's get our bodies moving!!! Only 162 days until the New Year
  • THelgert
    THelgert Posts: 10
    So I'm up 2lbs after a very snacking Sunday, stress eating is my weakness, so I dusted off my old Callenetics and did the whole one hour and today my backside actually aches when I walk. Tonight I went for a 3 mile walk unfortunately the 2 lbs won't come off as quickly or easily as it went on.
  • mageekesh
    mageekesh Posts: 57 Member
    Hello All,

    Wanted to share somethings that's working for me as we know the counting calories and eating less can really make us hungry or feel like we are starving lol but I went and bought some Raspberry ketones and live well &fit from gnc it is to curve appetite and breaks down fat molecules seems to be working for me I feel full all the way until lunch and dinner will let you all know how it works in a week so far so good :)
  • mageekesh
    mageekesh Posts: 57 Member
    Aww it will get better you know what I learned when your stress take it out on your exercise the best way to deal with it :)
    So I'm up 2lbs after a very snacking Sunday, stress eating is my weakness, so I dusted off my old Callenetics and did the whole one hour and today my backside actually aches when I walk. Tonight I went for a 3 mile walk unfortunately the 2 lbs won't come off as quickly or easily as it went on.