fitbit question(s)

bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
hi all- considering biting the bullet and buying a fitbit. just have a few questions:

1) is it the fitbit or BMF that needs a yearly subscription?
2) do you wear the fitbit to work out/does it track that stuff?


  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    hi all- considering biting the bullet and buying a fitbit. just have a few questions:

    1) is it the fitbit or BMF that needs a yearly subscription?
    2) do you wear the fitbit to work out/does it track that stuff?

    It is the BMF that needs the subscription (and also it doesn't have a display, you have to purchase on top of the device).

    You can wear the BMF to workout but it doesn't track most exercise aside from running and walking very accurately. There is a start/stop function on it that you use for when you are doing something like weight lifting and then you log that activity and it updates your calories based on that.
  • sassylm22
    sassylm22 Posts: 54
    hey Heidi,
    I actually just got my fitbit and I really like it so far. The membership with fitbit is free, but you can upgrade if you want more stuff on your site. For me personally, I think the free membership is more than enough. It calculates everything and I wear it throughout the day at work and when I get home I start my workouts with it. Girl it calculates EVERYTHING!!! I did a comparison btwn fitbit and body media and fitbit recieved better reviews plus its more discreet opposed to wearing a huge band on your arm like bodymedia. Hope this helps you! Still learning to use the fitbit, but so far so good.
  • sassylm22
    sassylm22 Posts: 54
    hey bethad5
    I actually just got my fitbit and I really like it so far. The membership with fitbit is free, but you can upgrade if you want more stuff on your site. For me personally, I think the free membership is more than enough. It calculates everything and I wear it throughout the day at work and when I get home I start my workouts with it. Girl it calculates EVERYTHING!!! I did a comparison btwn fitbit and body media and fitbit recieved better reviews plus its more discreet opposed to wearing a huge band on your arm like bodymedia. Hope this helps you! Still learning to use the fitbit, but so far so good.
  • Fit bit is awesome... as already said there is no subscription with fitbit you just buy the bit (try amazon or ebay I got mine cheap on amazon) and then create your own membership on the fit bit website for free. There is a premium option but I can't see that it is needed. You can also sync the fit bit to your mfp food diary rather than using 2 sites. The fit bit site will transfer over a 'adjustment' to ensure you are taking into account your full daily burns.

    I wear mine 24/7 at the mo on my belt or bra!! its tiny so no one even notices.

    Fit bit has been awesome for me as it has showed my how big my non workout burns at work are... I can easily hit 2300 kcal per day just with walking for work... so now FINALLY I understand why my appertite was previously sooo out of control as when adding gym to that I was burning 2700 on some days but trying in vain to unknowingly eat a 700-1000kcal deficit.... not good!

    I've used it for running and walks and it was accurate but i am investing in a basic heart rate monitor to measure my spin and lifting and circuit burns as the fit bit can only really measure steps and pace of steps not upper limb stuff etc, resistance etc
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    hey Heidi,
    I actually just got my fitbit and I really like it so far. The membership with fitbit is free, but you can upgrade if you want more stuff on your site. For me personally, I think the free membership is more than enough. It calculates everything and I wear it throughout the day at work and when I get home I start my workouts with it. Girl it calculates EVERYTHING!!! I did a comparison btwn fitbit and body media and fitbit recieved better reviews plus its more discreet opposed to wearing a huge band on your arm like bodymedia. Hope this helps you! Still learning to use the fitbit, but so far so good.

    That's why I got the fitbit too! I love that it is so discreet, the BMF on the other hand is quite large and must be warn on your arm. I didn't want people at work asking about it so the fitbit was a MUCH better option.