Looking for PCOS friends!

kimberly2504 Posts: 60 Member
Hi ladies, I would love to have some friends who understand this whole mess that is PCOS. Especially friends who are just starting out here on MFP. Please add me!


  • MartiJ521
    MartiJ521 Posts: 434

    I'm Martha :) I also have PCOS and i'm fairly new to my fitness pal. I too,would love to have some friends who understand this :/
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    sent friend requests to you both
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    I have been on consistently for about a month. I am in the same boat too! Looking for people who understand how awesome being able to lose even a pound after struggling forever!
  • eigotrish
    eigotrish Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm relatively new to MFP and also suffer from PCOS. I would love to hear how others handle it. As I'm getting older (now in my forties), I've noticed a lot of changes to my body as a result of PCOS so would love to get some advice....:smile:
  • Casey here. I'm looking for buddies, too :)
  • Hi girls!!

    I've been on MFP for about two months but I recently took a small "hiatus" for a week and put on like five pounds :( boooo.

    Anyway, most people will tell you the only way to do this is low carb but I'm a firm believer that the low carb is not a lifestyle for me so I still eat whole grain bread and whole wheat pasta and I'm losing. Slowly but surely.

    PCOS sucks....now that I'm actually thinking about children it sucks even more.

    Good Luck,
  • ShannonJohnson
    ShannonJohnson Posts: 86 Member
    I would love more PCOS friends! Everyone has such great knowledge and it feels good to have others to talk about things with.
  • vegan444
    vegan444 Posts: 39
    Hi everyone. I'm in the same boat. I have PCOS and I'd love to talk to some people that understand it. I'm not even sure how much I really know about it.
    My husband and I are hoping to start a family soon, so that's my biggest motivation for being here. It's all about the ovaries!
    This is a new account that I started after a few weeks of slippage, but I've been counting since February and it seems to be going well for the most part. I'm hoping that making new friends will help to keep me committed.
  • readingfrenzy21
    readingfrenzy21 Posts: 6 Member
    I would love to have PCOS friends as well. It's so hard to stay motivated when you see people lose 5 lbs in a week and you struggle to lose just one lb in two or three weeks.
  • MartiJ521
    MartiJ521 Posts: 434
    @reading, I sent you a friend request. I accidentally ignored yours earlier from my Iphone, so sorry!
  • simplementtraverser
    simplementtraverser Posts: 5 Member
    Ahh...same here...been here for about two weeks and LOVE it. I do not love PCOS however. :-)
  • usfirefly
    usfirefly Posts: 14 Member
    hello everybody, I am also in that boat.. trying to loose weight with PCOS. fairly new to MFP to, so feel free to add me!
  • kit1986
    kit1986 Posts: 23
    Hey everyone,

    I too am a sufferer of PCOS.

    I've been diagnosed for 10 years though I'm only now just starting to get myself into gear.

    It's good to know that we're not alone - feel free to add me :)

  • hey everyone...I've got PCOS too :-/ we can beat this though, I'm confident of that! most of my MFP friends are PCOSers cheering each other along, so feel free to add me :)
  • Chainie
    Chainie Posts: 82 Member
    Hi girls!!

    Anyway, most people will tell you the only way to do this is low carb but I'm a firm believer that the low carb is not a lifestyle for me so I still eat whole grain bread and whole wheat pasta and I'm losing. Slowly but surely.


    Good Luck,

    That is right. A diet too low carb is setting a PCOS/IR sufferer for a fail. All protein diet okay for 4-7 days but after that, try to control those hormone induced carb cravings with PCOS. Low GI carbs, managed properly, are a good tool for weightloss for PCOS/IR. I lose a kg a week (2.2lbs) no starve, no flogging myself. 40% carb 30% protein plus vitamins and minerals to control the hormones. Good for you Lindsey! :-)
  • Hcrowder81
    Hcrowder81 Posts: 15 Member
    I feel the same way! Please feel free to add me. I have had PCOS since I was 19 (31 now) and the weight became more and more difficult to lose as I got older. Just started using MFP even though I signed up a while back. I'm ready to do this for ME! Let's motivate each other and share our stories!
  • sylmcguigan
    sylmcguigan Posts: 48 Member
    I've got PCOS too and am recently diagnosed and still trying to come to terms with what it really means. Could also you use some friends so we can all motivate and help each other out.
  • I've got PCOS too - have been TTC now for 18 months without success. Have just joined MFP and have at least 40 lbs, maybe even 50lbs to lose. But short term, need to lose about 10lbs in order to be prescribed Clomid.
    Would be glad of some friends in the same boat.
  • aatlchavens
    aatlchavens Posts: 44 Member
    Oh, me too!

    It's taken me 2 years to lose 55 lbs while the friend I started my weight loss journey with lost her 50 lbs in about 5 months. :( I'm proud of my accomplishments but it would be nice to have people who understand that .2 lbs in a week is still a good loss!
  • jennimo216
    jennimo216 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 18 years old, now I'm 33. I've been using MFP for about 2 months now, but still looking for friends with PCOS, so feel free to add me. It would be nice to have some people who understand what I go through. Even though I explain to my family that PCOS is more than infertility (I was blessed enough to have 2 very healthy boys, 9 yrs. apart, without fertility drugs!!), they don't seem to understand, with the exception of my husband.