Hairy as a bear!



  • Chainie
    Chainie Posts: 82 Member
    I am pcos and IR but I control my hormones using vitamins and minerals.... BUT I am tall AND lazy so I got my legs lasered so not have to wax. It is VERY effective and I highly recommend it. It takes 3 - 6 sessions but most of it goes on the first two sessions. It is worth it. Hurt less than waxing. Waxing bad for your skin long term, you get ingrown hairs because skin grows over the follicle.

    My tip is find out what machine they have, the actual model. Then google the specs and brochure lol. Pick the place that has the most awesome laser machine. That way you get the best results technology can offer. That's what I did. xx.
  • wow im so glad i decided to read happy to see im not the only one dealing with problems..i try my best to hide everything and hate going out in the sun light i dont like my friends seeing me that why they dont see my problems and ask questions.i never went to the dr for this but i have no doubt that pcos is what i going to call the dr tomorrow and set up and appointment so i can get help i def need to do something cuz im miserable just been tooo embarrassed to say anything
  • kazala
    kazala Posts: 115 Member
    I had laser hair removal to top lip, chin, underarms, bikini & now starting my legs. My hormones are all over the place at the moment & my top lip hair started to grow back a bit (3 yrs after treatment) . I've just had a top up session, the therapist said that just that one session should last me another 3 years. I would highly recommend it x
  • kit1986
    kit1986 Posts: 23
    I've only just joined this group and I'm telling you I'm already loving it.

    It literally feels like a weight has been removed from my shoulders seeing with my own eyes that I'm not alone; that we're not alone.

    Some of the responses were almost like I had written them.

    I tweeze my chin, neck & chest
    I shave/wax my stomach, underarms & legs

    I've been seriously thinking about laser hair removal - and by the sound of it might be a serious consideration

    Thanks for all the advice girls

  • jennimo216
    jennimo216 Posts: 4 Member
    I have to agree with kit1986! Before this group, I literally felt alone. No one in my family understands, truly how frustrating everything can be. Not just the infertility issues, after many years of trying my husband and I were blessed with 2 boys. They are 8 years apart, but are super close. My family thinks because I have my boys, I shouldn't let the other stuff bother me. Of course, if they had hair on their body where a woman shouldn't have hair, I'm sure they would change their tune. :happy:

    What I do though is shave my underarms, legs, bikini area and facial area. The hair on my chest, belly and back is fine but noticeable, but since no one except my hubby sees those areas I leave it alone, except for the occasional thick hair, then it gets tweezed.
  • I just finished laser hair removal and it was awesome. I had my chin and upper lip done and I no longer have the dark hairs. The blonde fuzz is left, but I am cool with that. Do your research on the type of laser used as there are some that work great and some that do not.

  • Chainie
    Chainie Posts: 82 Member
    My family thinks because I have my boys, I shouldn't let the other stuff bother me. Of course, if they had hair on their body where a woman shouldn't have hair, I'm sure they would change their tune. :happy: .

    PCOS is linked to Insulin Resistance (which can turn into diabetes in about 1 in 4 people); increased risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, adrenal fatigue, anxiety/panic attack, kidney disease, liver dysfunction, thyroid cancer, early menopause, and who can forget weight gain ... Did I miss anything? PCOS / IR... Yay. ;-). I wish I knew how serious it was earlier in my life. 8-O
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    Shave face (every damn day!)
    Tweeze chest (couple times a month)
    Shave underarms & legs (once a week)
    Trim nether-regions (twice a month - can't get too close or painful infected hairs are the result)

    Hate having these problems....
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    wow it was sooo great to read all of this today. i would occasionally wonder if i was the only one worrying about this issue! my solutions are... i bleach and trim my facial hair (and go far enough up so that my sideburns aren't too bad), i tweeze the random black hairs on my arms, and for my chest and belly... i dont let my hubby see me naked. i also have clumps of hair falling out of my head. i have not found a way to treat/ disguise this issue yet, so any suggestions would be appreciated!
    Taking Biotin helped me.
  • fashionista954
    fashionista954 Posts: 98 Member
    Has anyone done electrolysis?

    Yes, I have. The hair growth on my face did slow down quite a bit, but I couldn't bare the dark spots that it caused so I eventually stopped. Waxing, threading & tweezing seems to be working best for me right now.
  • Oops25
    Oops25 Posts: 68 Member
    8 years back, I started noticing growing amount of thick hairs on my chin and upper lip, and saw it spreading to my upper neck, sideburns and cheeks. Initially I was cutting them with scissors, when they grew more, I started threading them, then tweezing.. It used to take me almost 30 minutes each day for my hair removal routines just on my face, forget about other body parts !! Then I felt I had enough, I went for a laser appointment (which I had considered before but gave up because of the cost they quoted for 8 sessions), and this place quoted a fixed fee for 2 years (24 treatments)..I get laser done on upper lip, cheeks, chin, and upper neck. For the first 6-8 sessions, I did not see much of a change..but after that I saw immense improvements..That's why I renewed my package again (after nearly 24 treatments) at half the price and this time included my hands too.. The hair on my upper lip is now totally gone..I still have to shave my chin and cheeks regularly but its a lot of improvement, by the end of this 24 month cycle, it should all be gone..

    I know that it isn't permanent, and hormonal changes later in life, like pregnancy, menopause etc can bring the hair growth back, but I absolutely do not regret laser because I have seen so much of an improvement.. now even if the hair does grow back, I am guessing it will be manageable and not like how it was before I started with laser.

    For my tummy, chest and legs, I wax. I used to wax my hands too, but now laser, and used to shave my bikini area, and now I get brazilian wax done. The butt area I just leave it the way it is (like a hairy bear ;) ) though I am tempted to start wax there too ;)

    I know my post has been really long, but just looking at the number of people who are now feeling better reading that they have company and that they are not alone with this problem, I felt it might be inspiring for all of you..

    I know it sucks that we do not get periods but get all sorts of side effects like hair growth in the wrong places and hair loss on the head; weight gain; and what not ! My doc put me on birth control to treat my PCOS...will have to wait till my next blood test to see if my extra high levels of testosterone have come down..

    Good luck to you all, may the power be with you ! Remember, you are not alone in your journey..we all feel the same pain and frustration :)
  • scarlet331
    scarlet331 Posts: 42 Member
    I spend a lot of time tweezing those pesky hairs away .. I don't like it and it hurts but it works. I am going to see a electrolysis sometime in the next couple months to help get rid of my excessive hair. I'm afraid it will hurt. If that doesn't help, I will ask my doctor about Vaniqua or put me on Spirolactone to help with the hair
  • sydvenus
    sydvenus Posts: 12
    I just bought a no-no! special from QVC- LOL-- it does not hurt at all and when the laser goes over you can kinda smell the hair burning, that with a lotion 2-3x a week seems to be working nicely for me esp on the face. You know how they say if you shave it comes back darker- I get that so I hope w. more and more usage it will gross less. Anyone else have success this way?
  • kneal82
    kneal82 Posts: 2
    I have taken spirnolactone for about a year and while it didn't stop the hair growth it did slow it down and the hair didn't come back as dark. I still had to wax and shave though.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I have taken spirnolactone for about a year and while it didn't stop the hair growth it did slow it down and the hair didn't come back as dark. I still had to wax and shave though.

    Same results. Shave jaw, neck, chin, chest, tummy, legs and armpits daily. If I don't anyone within 10 feet can see the stubble. :mad: To make matters worse. I have to shave my chest because it grows everywhere..not just a few hairs. This makes wearing shirts that show my chest impossible unless I shave. If I shave chest daily, I get bad razor burn/pimples because I'm so sensitive.

    It's the worst thing in my life that I wouldn't wish on anyone. To have one day to be able to wear a cute shirt without jet black stubble across my chest or massive ingrown hairs is a miracle. :cry:
  • msclara
    msclara Posts: 10
    I have taken spirnolactone for about a year and while it didn't stop the hair growth it did slow it down and the hair didn't come back as dark. I still had to wax and shave though.

    Same results. Shave jaw, neck, chin, chest, tummy, legs and armpits daily. If I don't anyone within 10 feet can see the stubble. :mad: To make matters worse. I have to shave my chest because it grows everywhere..not just a few hairs. This makes wearing shirts that show my chest impossible unless I shave. If I shave chest daily, I get bad razor burn/pimples because I'm so sensitive.

    It's the worst thing in my life that I wouldn't wish on anyone. To have one day to be able to wear a cute shirt without jet black stubble across my chest or massive ingrown hairs is a miracle. :cry:

    Same here girl! The other day I put on a vneck style shirt to go to the store with my bf, noticed some "chest hair" and had to pop into the bathroom to do a quick shave, and it turned my chest red. How embarrassing! I have to shave EVERYTHING daily. :(