Day 20

tyroners Posts: 113 Member
Morning all have a great day:-)


  • dhiannon
    dhiannon Posts: 111 Member
    Hi All,

    ITs 3pm and I only have 2 hours to go to get out of work and then off to a PT session.

    I am soooooo hungry today. I dont know what is wrong with me but all I want to do is eat eat EAT!. I have been drinking a lot of water but now I have to stop otherwise star jumps wont be happening tonight :)

    My weigh in is next Monday so I will let you know of my progress - cross fingers its all good.

    Have a great day and keep smiling my lovely mfp buddies. xxx
  • crafty30
    crafty30 Posts: 132 Member
    Morning All :)

    Another hot one here! First morning I could exercise since Saturday because of my back! Took it fairly easily but still had a few twinges :(

    Dhi hope you are feeling better today! Not long at work left for you yay! I have days sometimes when I'm just starving all day, it's a pain! I normally snack on nuts and drink lots of water!

    Hope everybody has a good day x
  • herbalkitty
    herbalkitty Posts: 185 Member
    Morning all, got some good exercise planned for today, a walk and another session down the gym, hope you all have a good day :)
  • lanie37
    lanie37 Posts: 204 Member
    Did a 8 hour shift at the hospital, only sat down for 20 mins for lunch rest of time was either stood or walking. Then walked part way home for a hour. Think thats today exercise concluded........apart from the 200 crunches before bed