


  • soozytroozy
    soozytroozy Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all, I'm Sue living in Monifieth, Scotland and 41 (although not sure how that happened). I joined a local SW class last June and have lost just over a stone to date, with probably another stone and a half to lose. I have recently been struggling with staying on plan, which is down to my motivation more than anything else. However, I am now into day 8 of my '30 days of SW commitment' and have started wearing a Fitbit and logging my food and exercise on here. I love it. How do you copy over your SW plan onto MFP successfully? I exercise regularly; mostly gym, kettle bell class, tennis and walking - but try and be active at least 5 x pw. I have a 4 year old son and stay at home with him - although will be studying Reflexology come October.
  • hi all joined slimming world in june 2012 and so far lost 2 stone
  • Hiya I am joined slimming world online last Monday and have lost 4.5Lbs in my first week which I am delighted with. I have been to classes before but really didn't like the approach - found my local class too like fat fighters.
  • princessleia1980
    princessleia1980 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi everyone! I am Sarah and I just turned 32! Eek! I started overeating about age 11 and first joined Weightwatchers when I was 18. I got to my lowest weight at age 21 and started the regaining and losing cycle with stages in life. I gained weight living in America, and lost some when I came home, gained a bit more studying for my PGCE, lost some to get married, gained some having child number one, then child number two, lost it all after child number two, gained some more while having child number three, and am now attempting to lose that weight. During my losing weight cycles I have followed many diets at home and reattended Weightwatchers, but I have always been hungry and lost very little weight. Some friends recommended Slimming world so I have joined up and am really happy with it!
  • Good luck I started following slimming world after seeing brilliant results from work colleagues. I too have lost lots before and put it all back on and more and am determined this time will be different.

    I have joined slimming world online as easier for me - what is your local group like?

    Sure it will work well for you.
  • Naybelline
    Naybelline Posts: 407 Member
    Hiya, started slimming world a few weeks a go, still trying to get the hang of things lol
  • L1saJW
    L1saJW Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. I'm Lisa. I've been 'slimming' since I was 17. SW definately works better for me than WW - always felt hungry on that! I'm 3 stone down on my heaviest weight (just before I had my daughter) - but that was 7.5 years ago and I can't keep saying it's still baby weight lol!! :laugh:

    My problem is willpower. I write food plans all the time, shop accordingly and either 'something' gets in the way which means I don't have a good week or I 'reward' myself for a good weight loss week.

    I've tried setting non-food rewards for each half stone lost and even that doesn't work!

    If anyone has any great ideas I would love to hear them. Also, please add me as a friend if you wish. I know the Slimming World plan rather well as I've been going on and off for 15 years. :bigsmile:
  • Hi, I'm Sian. I live in London and am in my 40's.

    I joined Slimming World in September 2011 and lost 2 1/2 stones by January but I've messed around all year being busy and not kept strictly to the plan with the result that I now weigh the same as I did in January.

    I'm glad I didn't put any weight on but I'm keen to go on and lose the other 3 stone on my list and to get back into the Slimming world plan over the next few months.

    I've just discovered MFP because I was getting really frustrated with the food database in Slimming World and wanted to be able to look up and log foods easily, particularly as I travel a lot for work.

    I'm liking the dividing line between carbs and fat and I'm looking for Slimming World to take priority and not worry about going over the calorie allowance if that's with free food such as fruit and vegetables but to be concerned if that's pasta and other carbs.

    I've also connected it to my Fitbit so that my walking and activity gives me extra calorie allowance, my own body magic! with the rule again being that the extra calories again should ideally be super free foods.

    I'm really excited to see that there's a Slimming World group so that hopefully I can make the 2 systems co-exist.
  • lisa483
    lisa483 Posts: 105 Member
    Hi, I'm Lisa currently living in Australia but originally from Liverpool in the UK. I am so glad to have found this group as I have been following the Slimming World diet for about 8weeks now myself as they do not have groups in Australia :0((. I have lost nearly 14lb since starting Slimming World and my previous weight loss was through WW and MFP. Feel free to add me I really look forward to making some new Slimming World friends :0)))
  • welcome everyone :)

    hope you all enjoy you slimming world success
  • saunders0000
    saunders0000 Posts: 41 Member
    hi im linda
    i joined sw in january and about 8 weeks ago i decided to go it alone ive been doing ok and now ive joined the gym. were off to florida next year and im hoping to lose another 60lbs by then. it's harded doing it at home alone but i couldnt afford to keep going to group. i got a great offer at the gym for £3 a week so thats keeping me going.

    great i finally found a group on here :smile:
  • priyac1987
    priyac1987 Posts: 115 Member
    Hi Guys,

    Im Priya, 25 years old. Been on mfp for a while, but keep doing well and then disappearing for weeks, then coming back and then disappearing for weeks, so its no wonder i haven't really lost any weight. Thankfully I have just stayed the same weight for the last year! I lost a stone and a bit after graduating university and have been trying to get rid of the rest of the weight (2 stone) since then. My problem is definately motivation and eating properly and I know a few people who have had success using Slimming World so thought I would give it a go. Planning on joining in the new year because I cannot afford to join just yet, but just thought it would be good to introduce myself in advance, as everyones stories is what is motivating me to join! Would be great to get some SW friends on here, and also open some discussions up on different weigh in days, so we can all weigh in together and support each other with great losses, STS's and gains.

    Everyone is doing fantastic! Keep it up :)
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 968 Member
    Feel free to add me.
    It's always nice to make some new SW friends xxx
  • eldarkangel
    eldarkangel Posts: 25 Member
    just started last week and its going ok. seems to keep the cals down
  • BlazingJaya
    BlazingJaya Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm Suzi and I'm from Oxford. I've been doing SW since last July and so far I've lost 2stone 1 lb. I've joined MFP to try and help with portion control, and also because the SW app doesnt work on my phone- I want to be able to food diary and exercise track in the same place! I am currently 2 stone away from target, so hoping MFP will just give me that boost!
  • Hi, I'm Suzi and I'm from Oxford. I've been doing SW since last July and so far I've lost 2stone 1 lb. I've joined MFP to try and help with portion control, and also because the SW app doesnt work on my phone- I want to be able to food diary and exercise track in the same place! I am currently 2 stone away from target, so hoping MFP will just give me that boost!

    Welcome Suzi. I'm from Oxford too! Only been on SW for 3 weeks - but happy with it so far. I still log occasionally with MFP to work out my calories doing SW. Found I'm eating more filling meals on the same calorie allowance so happy enough with that.

    Congrats on your loss with SW - gives me hope!
  • BlazingJaya
    BlazingJaya Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Drumsrevolver,

    Which group do you go to? I go to the Headington early group :D

    I find SW to be awesome becuase it's so unrestrictive but at the same time, works out at the same calorie density of my previous (failed) calorie counting diet. I do think the MFP calorie calculations are too low- I've said to my consultant I'm not going to pay huge amounts of attention to them- if I'm still hungry once I've eaten my allowance I will eat more free and superfree food. The only thing to do is make sure you don;t exceed your syns even if the calorie allowance says you can IYSWIM
  • I don't go to group Suzi - I joined it online as well as using the site minimins for more online forum support - they've got a very active subsection there.
    I do think it's important to stick with just one plan if you do SW and try to adhere to a 1200 limit - i think you're pulled in 2 directions and really just do a CC diet with none of the satiety and flexibility you get with SW.
    I found it far too easy to fit high cal treats into my MFP allowance at the expense of proper balanced meals which I find I get with SW. I've used the online food diary on SW online and found I was over syns on certain days but under on others without any deprivation and it's all evened out as I've had a loss each week so far - never had that solely with MFP so am chuffed.
    I do like logging meals on here though just for interest and syncing my fitbit - I usually get more cal allowance too - bonus!
    I made cake today and making more cake tomorrow so all my syns will be used up on "testing"! :bigsmile:
  • Spaminatin
    Spaminatin Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I have recently joined SW for the first time after hearing so many good things about it.

    I gave up smoking in August last year and since then have not stopped eating. Instead of twenty *kitten* a day I now have twenty meals! I have put on almost two stone in that time and gone up a dress size.
    I turn 30 in a few week so I would like to shift some weight before then. I just need to stick at it - even at weekends!!
  • Good luck Spam! and really well done on giving up the *kitten* - brilliant step towards better health. Sure you'll do well on SW - you get to eat quite a bit :bigsmile: