Welcome and Introductions



  • Kamnikar64
    Kamnikar64 Posts: 345 Member
    Hello, I'm Lisa (yeah there are about 8.2 million of us out there). I am 48 with a daughter in college and the other in 8th grade. I've never liked exercise and really want to embrace that whole lifestyle. I did C25K 2 years ago and ran my first 5K but wasn't really ready. I finished but basically have not moved since. My brother and I are going to sign up for the Disney race in 2014 and I need to get started. Everyone says once you start running and really run well, it will feel great and you won't ever want to quit running. I'm ready to feel that way.
  • joyfulteach
    joyfulteach Posts: 419 Member
    Hi I'm Jennifer... I actually have no plans to ever run a 5K, but I'd love to build up my endurance and be healthier. I've been walking an hour or so on the treadmill 3-4 times a week for 2 weeks now. So I thought it was about time I build up to jogging. I would like to burn as many calories in 20 minutes as it takes me to burn in walking over an hour. :-)
  • Hello everyone!! I am Laura and I am actually thinking about running the Chocolate 5K in October..this is sooo handy and is awesome that we can do this together..getting support from others is always a plus. I joined my fitness pal back in March but not until this week I had started using it at 100%. I did WW from Frebruary through Mid July and I've lost 40 pounds since but since I can't pay anymore I definitely will be taking advantage of this site because it is awesome! Thank you for creating this group and I look forward to learning and sharing experiences with you all!!! To a better and healthy life!! Cheers!!!
  • casherrill76
    casherrill76 Posts: 28 Member
    My name is Courtney...I downloaded the app on my iPhone months ago, only completed day 1....so I will start over with you all! I am trying to lose weight and feel better. I use to run, but since putting on my wieght, I struggle walking! Here's to the next 8 weeks together!! :)
  • Hope nobody minds if I join in. My name is Leigh. I actually started the program this week but am considering repeating W1 next week as it's been a long time since I've been a runner.

    I am 38, have a 9 month old baby and need to lose at least 40 lbs. I have lost around 30 lbs already (since the birth of my baby) and am around 10 lbs lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight. I was way too big before I got pregnant though so I have a ways to go still. I have actually done the C25K program with great success before. About 8 years ago I used it to go from a non-runner to being able to walk/jog 4 half-marathons. Then life happened - along with non-running related foot surgeries on both feet, marriage, pregnancy, etc. I'm hoping to use the program to get myself moving again.

    Oh, and I'm using the Get Running app and will also be using my fitbit (supposed to arrive today) to help track my progress.
  • debvan5
    debvan5 Posts: 3
    My name is Deb, I'm 54. I started running 5ks, 1 a month for the past 8 months, 9 comes up on Sunday. I should say I jogg 5ks, i've never had a finish time under a 14 min mile. I've used the c25k last year to get me started jogging. I'm hopping to use this board to try and improve my time. Don't think I'll ever be anything under 30 mins to finish a 5k, but will be happy with just improving my time some. Need to learn to pace myself and not try and keep up with others, just run my own race lol...happy to be here and looking forward to seeing how well we do!
  • deedeetris
    deedeetris Posts: 207 Member
    Hi Everyone: This was just what I needed!! I did part of the C25K before and was feeling good, but fell off the wagon. Ugghh. I am from Wisconsin and I want to get into it again. There is a 5K in October and I''d love to run half of it. Good luck everyone!
  • MomStar5
    MomStar5 Posts: 8 Member

    I'm Brandy, I am 38 and I will be starting this program for the 3rd time. The first was last year; then I had a baby so I stopped. The second was earlier this year. After I finished I moved on to the ease into 10k plan where I hit a road block at week 9. Soon after that I was sidetracked by summer (since ,June 5). My goal was to run the Tinkerbell Half at Disneyland with a friend but we both realize we aren't going to make it this year and we aren't going to stop trying.

    I am so glad I found this group to help keep me going. I will be doing t/th/s sessions so my family can get in on some of the fun. ;-)
    This time I'd like to get outside for some of the runs and not rely on the treadmill as much. My little one will help decide how much of this plan will work.
  • grho
    grho Posts: 71 Member
    Hi guys! Hope you don't mind if I join in. My name is Glenda, I am 31 yrs old. I have started C25K twice before. The first time I got to week 6 and hurt my ankle jumping off my treadmill while it was going (bad idea!), the second time I made it to week three before I just quit. I hate running with a passion, but if I am going to lose weight I have to start exercising more and something structured like this is just what I need. I have about 65 pounds to lose. :) I have the app on my phone, which works great...if only it came with something to nag me if I didn't do the workouts! Looking forward to getting started with you all next week!
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    HI Heather My name's Bonnie... I'm a little older , I'm 53 and need to loose a bit of weight; but, I've always dreamed of running a 5K. I've walked them; but, never ran anything (Except away from a dog that climbed the fence; that was a good 3 minutie sprint! ;-)) I'm looking forward to the encouragement; stories and new friends.

    Talk with you soon!
  • bex_86_
    bex_86_ Posts: 92
    Hey everyone, my names Becky, I'm 25 and I have been planning on starting the c25k for the past few weeks. However the app is still sitting unused on my phone.. So stumbling upon this group is perfect :) look forward to completing this challenge with you all and hope you don't mind me joining in :):)
  • Hi I'm Ali. I'm turning the big 4-0 at the end of September. Before then I want to look and feel better. I did 2 5Ks last year (mostly walking) and then stopped. Someone recommended the C25K to me and I'm hoping to be "trotting" more and walking less. The tips have been extremely helpful - I used to get terrible shin splints and pain when I ran. Starting off with jogging as SLOW AS POSSIBLE has made all the difference for me. I'm so glad to be a part of this group!!!
  • Hey Marissa - I had the same problem. I just realized I was jogging way too fast too early. Now that I'm jogging as slow as possible it has made all the difference.
  • Lmezz11
    Lmezz11 Posts: 619 Member
    My name is Lara. I have never done a 5K before but would really like to some day! I work a desk job-ish so I think this will be a great program for me. I wish everyone good luck!!!
  • Poisonpez
    Poisonpez Posts: 1
    Hello. My name is Sean and I plan on running in the "Run for your Lives" 5k in Baltimore in October. Its a Zombie run in the woods... yah... going to be awesome. The only real problem is I doubt I can run 5k, let alone do that while running away from people dressed as zombies, so I figured I would do this C25K AND HOLY COW there is a group doing it!!! Yay lets all do this together!

    Good Luck and Happy Walking/Jogging/Running
  • Hi I'm Christina and I downloaded my app in March, started and quit about two months in. I was up to jogging 12 minutes. I can't wait to start with you all :) Need to lose about 30 pounds...
  • n_gal87
    n_gal87 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi all! My name is Nic, I'm 23 and looking to loose about 55 lbs., I've started c25k in the past but never finished. I'm determined to do it now. I'm really excited to be part of this group, hopefully it keeps me motivated and accountable!

    Good luck to all!!
  • honestykay
    honestykay Posts: 32 Member
    Hi, I'm Nicole,28. I'm a mother of 3 with a busy schedule. I love running and just want to improve my times. I have been running the last 3 weeks and want to keep it up.
  • powertrip180
    powertrip180 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Sarah. I am 29 years old. I have never been a runner. I was the kid in school that fake ran until I was away from teacher then hid behind the tree to smoke. I found out I had PCOS 2 years ago while trying to have a baby. I quit smoking then and have had no regrets. That is besides the weight I tacked on my already overweight body. I have 100 lbs to get off and my motivation is children. I may have to modify the schedule a little bit because I work 2 16s back to back each week but I really want to start running. Lets do this! :)
  • pjjammy
    pjjammy Posts: 4 Member
    Helllo heather and team c25k! 44 in cali excited to start the training! Anyone want to do a virtual work out at 5:00 on start date? Meaning we commit to doing the training for day one at 5:00 and we check in w each other :)