Books about vegan athletes

marathon64 Posts: 378 Member
I just read two amazing books by vegan ultra athletes

Ultra runner Scott Jurek Eat and Run

and ultra runner/ultra triathlete Rich Roll Finding Ultra

These are both AMAZING books in their own right if you are interested in endurance athletes but the added dimension of their focus in the book on their plant based diet makes them even more amazing. As a result of reading these two books I've decided to take my interest in a plant based diet to the next level and I'm trying to eat vegan for 30 days to see how it goes. Super excited!

Do you have any favorite books about people who write about the impact of their vegan diet?


  • VeganHippieChick
    VeganHippieChick Posts: 27 Member
    Professional Ironman triathlete Brendan Brazier has some books out as well as vegan bodybuilder Robert Cheeke.
  • kdlfit
    kdlfit Posts: 14 Member
    I have read Thrive too but need to get Robert's book. Great suggestions.
  • Kymmy81
    Kymmy81 Posts: 168 Member
    I have Robert's book and it's great. He is such a positive person, and I think that in itself is inspiring :)
  • hungryshay
    hungryshay Posts: 40 Member
    I have been reading the No Meat Athlete ebook about half-marathon training. It's a very comprehensive book and I think it was only $2.99.
  • urbansmamma
    urbansmamma Posts: 202 Member
    Wow thanks for this posting!! I need to check these out.