Biggest Loser (TVCC gals)

Welcome to our 20 week (5 month) weight loss challenge. Fee is $100 pp. Weigh in is on clinic scale and Frankie O is our "keeper of secrets & prize money".
Start date: Monday, November 3rd. End date: Monday, March 6th.
1st prize is $1,000 and anything over this will go to the runner up. Weigh-in at start/end on same scale in clinic and a calculation will be used to determine % lost. Most % loss wins the challenge.
Ongoing: Bi-weekly lunch meetings on Mondays where we will share recipes, suggest incentive challenges, maybe potlucks, tips & tricks, support each other discussing victory and failures as people feel comfortable.
Owner: carrieconnell33Leaders: carrieconnell33Created on November 3, 20145 membersPrivacy: Public


Important stuff will go here one day.


Upcoming Events

Aw snap, no events are coming up.
