Accountability Buddies!

This is a group where we list the foods we eat each day and the exercise we do. Just to make it easier to resist those bad foods or increase motivation to eat good foods and NOT skip those morning workouts!

I know it seems a bit redundant to 're-log' your info here but it's mostly for the competitiveness factor - like "yes! I totally ran farther than anyone else in the group today!"

The discussions on the board will be for each day and we each add our food and exercise details (nothing super specific - that's what the daily log is for!) so we can compare.

Please note that this is NOT a place for shaming! And I mean yourself as well as others!
Owner: zucchiniesinbikiniesLeaders: zucchiniesinbikiniesCreated on December 14, 20145 membersPrivacy: Public


Important stuff will go here one day.


Upcoming Events

Aw snap, no events are coming up.
