MFP 12 Week Challenge by RuffAthletics

Hey everyone,

I'm new to MFP and would like to start off my journey by setting up a challenge. This challenge is for 3 months / 12 weeks. Everyone is welcome to join. The more people, the more motivation I say. So please invite anyone and everyone to this challenge.

This challenge will begin Saturday January 24th, 2015. I think that's enough time to get people to join. I've setup a spreadsheet online for everyone to keep track of each others progress. Please add yourself and let's motivate each other to get through these next 12 weeks.

MFP Challenge Spreadsheet

If you have questions hit me up. Good Luck!!!
Owner: RuffAthleticsLeaders: RuffAthleticsCreated on January 21, 201512 membersPrivacy: Public



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