February Weight Loss - List your goal, how you'll get there, and the challenges you'll face.

Just getting into this. Since we had kids I've gained 30lbs. I just weighed myself: 242 lbs. Want to help me reach my goal? I want to help you reach yours, too. And I think the best way to go it is to (1) set a realistic goal, (2) explain how you'll get there, and (3) list the challenges you've got to overcome to get there. If you want to join, then join, post your goal/method/challenges, and add me as a friend. Just please no people saying insane things like lose a pound a day. Here's my post:

My Goal: I'm going to lose 14 lbs by March 1. I'm starting now (so before February). Generally, I think this would be too much weight to lose in this amount of time. I don't do super crash diets. But I think this will be doable because this was a pretty heavy day, I'll lose a lot of water weight when I start dieting, and I'm heavy enough right now that I can lose more in the beginning.

How I'm going to do it: I'm going to actually track my calories on here daily. I'm setting up an old tablet at my desk and it'll be exclusively dedicated to this. I'm also going to workout daily. For this month, it won't matter how hard each workout is. A ten-minute circuit will count. But I've got to do something that makes my pant and sweat every single day.

Challenges I've got to overcome: I work insane hours and have 14-month old twins. I don't sleep nearly enough and I think the lack of sleep has contributed to my weight gain. I can't control the sleep. But I can control getting more exercise and forcing myself to do it at work during lunch or before coming home. Mentally, I get frustrated easily when I'm not in great shape (I used to be), and I need to stop letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. Also, if I fall off the bandwagon, I tend to do so for a long time. I'll need people to pull me back in if that happens.

Owner: gormancnLeaders: gormancnCreated on January 26, 20156 membersPrivacy: Public


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