The Fabulous 4

The Fabulous Four consisted of eating

Protein at Every Meal

Think grass-fed meats, beans, wild-caught fish and organic (cage-free eggs). Protein jump- starts your metabolism and helps to build and maintain muscle. You need protein at each meal. A good rule of thumb is 4-6 ounces of lean protein per meal. Protein Powder such as "Raw Protein" by Garden of Life is a good brand of protein, and is what I personally use in my smoothie each morning. See recipe here.

Good Fat at Every Meal.

Think extra-virgin olive oil (first cold pressed), avocados, nuts and seeds. Good fats help to regulate and keep blood sugar under control. Good fat is crucial for brain health and brain development in children. Good fat s is good for lubricating your joints, your bowels, and keeping your skin healthy and beautiful. Consuming good fat at each meal helps you burn fat, won't make you fat, and is your friend when it comes to staying healthy.

Green Vegetables at Every Meal.

Green vegetables in particular are very important because greens clean and deodorize the body. The more chlorophyll, the more cleansing to your tissues and organs. Greens reduce inflammation in the body are shown to prevent cancer. Greens contain fiber, which is necessary for good colon health as well. Greens give you more oxygen, which in turn, gives you energy!

Fruits in Moderation Every Day.

Eating fruits is wonderful for you. If you are presently struggling with Candida or Diabetes, you may need to refrain for a few weeks, and focus on the others mentioned above. Fruits are packed with antioxidants. I recommend organic berries, organic apples, and whatever you like. Just make sure it is NOT seedless, as that it not natural, and would indicate it is GMO (genetically modified.) On fruit and veggies there is a sticker that might have 4 numbers it mean it’s been grown pesticides. If you see a sticker that has 5 numbers and is starting with an 8 put it back because it is a Genetically Mortified or none as (GMO) and if it has 5 numbers and starts with a 9 that is good to have because it is Organic
Owner: rbedard37Leaders: rbedard37Created on April 17, 20156 membersPrivacy: Public



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