Need a short term goal? How about 6 weeks!?

I made this group for those of you who, like me, are pumped and ready to take on a challenge! Here it is!
SIX WEEKS: Can you keep up your food journal and your daily exercise requirements for 6 measely weeks?!
START: 4/20/2015
END: 6/1/2015

Why not? It is not that hard, right? Just sign on, plug it in and do what you should be doing!
I read somewhere it takes about 6 weeks of doing something every day before it becomes a habit. I don't know about you... but I could use a good habit among my bad ones!

This group is more than a flag at the end of the lane. I need people like me... Those who struggle with self motivation, and worse, have started stuff like this time and time again... Only to stop doing it three days later for one 'good' reason or another. I bet you anything that you and I can accomplish great things... even if it is just for six weeks.
Owner: dovahpixLeaders: dovahpixCreated on April 20, 201510 membersPrivacy: Public


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