Healthy food Selfie
Take a picture of a healthy meal or snack your eating. Explain why its a healthy option.
Sodium Shockers, Check your labels! (5/7)
Are You Getting Too Much Sodium? Your body needs sodium. But most of us get too much. U.S. guidelines call for less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day: about 1 teaspoon of table salt. And half of Americans should drop to 1,500 milligrams a day. You may be surprised by some of the foods that are high in sodium. It's…
Sodium Shockers, Check your labels!
Are You Getting Too Much Sodium? Your body needs sodium. But most of us get too much. U.S. guidelines call for less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day: about 1 teaspoon of table salt. And half of Americans should drop to 1,500 milligrams a day. You may be surprised by some of the foods that are high in sodium. It's…
Read your food labels (day three)
Good morning, Analyze and reflect on your meals today. How much sugar is in your food?
What can we eat? Let's discuss. I provided some ideas below.
Food recommendations for Fed Up Challenge: -100% whole wheat breads or Sprouted grain bread (Ezekiel 4:9 is a good one. It’s usually in the healthy/organic freezer section) -Ezekiel also makes pastas and tortillas. Both are great options when trying to stay from white flours and added sugars. -oatmeal -brown rice -meats…
My mom was ordering pizza and I really wanted some of it but I asked if she can make me stir fry instead I was glad to make this decision
I ate a corrot and steak
Chill out with the sodium bruh
Freddy Rivera
Got healthy food in da house
My mom has some glutton free chips and some grapes, so it's good to have these healthy options so close by.
Ice Cream
Having kloter's Ice Cream Barn open now is really not helping with this no sugar diet! That place is my weak spot!
Cut out sugar from your diet
it's good for u
Cutting Sugar
I find it's been hard cutting sugar at times when you are at other people's houses because they feed you things with sugar. It's hard to find sugar free things at people houses if they have unhealthy food.
'Bout to eat dinner
My seasoned chicken cooking in the oven. *VERYEXCITING*
#Don't eat sugar