Vegan Salads
I came across a great page with 25 Vegan salads. check it out:
Okay, I know it's a slow start here. This is my third attempt to post. Please feel free to share recipes here.
Anyone from London?
Vegans from London ?
What's Your Go-To?
So.. we all have a go-to snack. Something we don't have in our day-to-day routine. Mine is almond butter and cashew milk. Together they make a great snack. What's yours?
Vegan Summers
The summer weather is upon us... does anybody have a favorite drink or salad?
Hiya :smiley: I'm Yasmin, I'm 27 an from rugby, England. IV been veggie since birth and became vegan last June when I finally realised how grim the dairy and egg industries were :cry: I've lost over 4 stone, still got about 5 to go. Just started going to the gym, want to build muscle :smiley: please feel free to add me,…
Goals for the next few months
Gluten free vegan lifestyle for me. I already eat pretty healthy but I would like to make a few more changes to my diet. I want to make sure I reach my goal of 1lb cooked and 1 lb raw vegetables daily. So, I started green smoothies for breakfast instead of oatmeal. I have been getting my raw vegetables in, now I need to…
Vegan Holidays
What's your favorite holiday recipe?
Raw vegan desserts!
lets get this going! One of my favorite recipes are my raw vegan chocolate truffles: 1/2 cup walnuts 1/2 cup almonds 1/4 raw cacao 12 dates Grated sea salt Soak dates in water for an hr Pulse nuts, cacao and salt Add in dates Roll into balls and place in freezer Wait a few hrs (or overnight, it has way more flavor…