Rhinelander Color Dash 2014
Hi friends! Was just looking for some upcoming 5K's and found the Color Dash in Rhinelander in August. Are any of you doing this one, by chance?
Bike rides
Anyone doing the MS Best Dam Bike ride or the Leukemia/Lymphoma ride this year?
Memorial Day Events in Wisconsin?
Share what's going on in your neck of the woods.
Wanting to buy...
Spring. Willing to spend any amount of money.
Hi What events are coming up in WI that would be fun/interesting to go to?
Winter Biking
Has anyone tried biking during the winter time ? I've never ridden with studded tires and was wondering if anyone had experience .
Did You Watch Donald Driver's Retirement?
We had it on at work....that guy is so easy to like!
5000 steps
How many of us take the 5000 steps a day ? I found an article on About 10,000 steps is the equivalent of exercising strenuously for 30 minutes, or walking five miles per day. People who walk 10,000 steps per day expend an additional 2,000 to 3,500 calories per week. One pound of fat equals 3,500 calories.…
Polar Plunge
Has anyone done it? I've wanted to do it for years but never have.
Go Pack Go
Time for the Green and Gold to exact their revenge from the beginning of the season. 60 minutes of mistake free play, great defense and Aaron with the arm of gold.