TBG Bein' Fit ToGether

Participating in regular physical activities is a must for all individuals, of all ages. Unfortunately, approximately 60% of all Americans fail to meet their recommended levels of physical activity. Worse yet, 25% of Americans fail to participate in any sort of physical activity. The number one excuse for not exercising is a lack of energy or the person being too tired.

Therefore creating this group will assist "US" in starting or spicing up "OUR" current or help create a better physical activity regimen.

Training involves the use of free weights or nautilus equipment, to increase the strength, tone and sometimes size of a muscle. Weight training is not just for bodybuilders but rather, is for keep "OUR" body strong, healthy and fit. Proper training can simultaneously provide a cardiovascular workout. By keeping the rest-time between the sets of exercises minimal, a moderate heart rate can be achieved and maintained throughout the entire workout. This extends the benefits of your exercising program to the most important muscle of all, the heart.
Owner: mzraeLeaders: mzraeCreated on November 18, 20155 membersPrivacy: Public



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