Half Marathon training challenge

This group is for anyone looking to challenge themselves in 2016. My work is sponsoring a half marathon the end of June and I really want to participate. I have a long road ahead of me in the weight loss department so if I can do this almost anyone can. In the past I have run a handful of 5ks and ONCE ran 5 miles PD. That was several years ago so I am basically starting from scratch. We will do regular training check ins, training plans, nutrition ideas, and anything else that we see fit to discuss. Mainly we are here to motivate and uplift each other as we work to active this goal. We can do this! Starts Jan 1
Owner: oremgirl1Leaders: oremgirl1Created on December 31, 201518 membersPrivacy: Public



Upcoming Events

Aw snap, no events are coming up.
