Here's where you can your first "Hi!" to us, if you want to. Just be yourself. :) Here, I'll start us off (you can make your own format if you want to, lol): Name: It's certainly not "late for dinner"! :D We'll just go with "My name is iamnotspamhere, and its derivatives. :) " Age: 25 Gender: Obvious Favorite Anime:…
Group Rules
The Rules (for this group): *Do not dishonor God. You may express disbelief, but do not insult Him. *Treat everyone with respect whether they're here or not. *Follow MyFitnessPal's Terms Of Service. ♥ By joining and/or posting in this group, you agree to abide by this group's rules. Thank you for being here today! ♥
Introduction To The Group
Hello! My name is ON_A_DIET. How are you? I hope good! I want to improve my temple of the Holy Spirit. Joyce Meyer has written in one of her books that if you saw a run down church, you'd wonder about the pastor wouldn't you? I hope to participate in some discussion here!
Hello, I was curious about this group; thought there might be some discussion here. I would be interested in hearing why you started it, and more about you