90 day challengeeeeeee


This group is only public until MONDAY MARCH 28th!!!!

I work for itworks, and everything there is focused on a 90 day challenge because you're able to track your progress and photograph obvious results. This is not an advertisement group. Im not looking to sell product at all. Just easier to remember for myself and track for myself if it coincides with my job.

This challenge is to track your calories and exercise for 90 days, no skipping days.
Sometimes, when you start with MFP You're great at tracking everything, but as the days go on it becomes few and far between. This challenge is mainly just tracking everything for 90 days solid.
Also, to improve your nutrition and exercise habits.
There will be weekly goals posted as well as weekly check-ins.
Owner: evenewsom1596Leaders: evenewsom1596Created on March 27, 20168 membersPrivacy: Public



Upcoming Events

Aw snap, no events are coming up.
