Sugar addicts
Hi all, Is this group still active? I’m looking for a supportive community of people wanting to kick the sugar habit.
A food addict just starting the road to recovery
Hello. My name is Amz and I'm a food addict. It took me a long time to understand this and realize I'm not a person who can eat in moderation without mindful effort. I have been successful in weight loss in the past, but my emotional eating habit has worsened substantially over the last two years. I do not have people in…
I'm 70 days in...
I quit processed sugar 70 days ago. How is everyone else doing with it?? :)
I'm an addict
I'm ADDICTED to sugar. I have insulin resistance and inflammation in my body. I am tired all the time and I don't do well with managing my emotions. I am technically obese and out of shape. I am an emotional eater and my problem is insidious. I've known that I should have quit a long time ago but I keep putting it off.…
help me get started?
Hello, I am extremely addicted to sugar. I can't control myself and it makes me feel terrible. After dealing with years of depression, anxiety, and now failing college. I have had it, but every time I start something I fall off because no one that I know, actually knows how to be supportive. I'm hoping that posting this…
Starting a no-added-sugar 10 day challenge today...
Greetings No Sugar Addiction members! I hope to become a No Sugar for life member...to accomplish that I'm starting a 10 day no-added-sugar challenge. So far, I have eliminated stevia from my coffee this morning. Shoot...I was going to have protein powder in yogurt for lunch, but I just remembered my protein powder has…
Hi. I was off sugar (not completely but almost) for ten years. I finally was able to make choices. Fast Forward to now: I no longer have choices over food impulses. given something healthy but sugary(can these words be used together?) and given something healthy and substantial my body always goes for the first. Hope we…