Recovering from addiction and/or alcoholism and living a healthy lifestyle

Hello! My name is Yvonne and I am a grateful addict/alcoholic in recovery. My drug of choice is meth, k2, and hard liquor. I have been clean and sober since January 3rd 2016. I have gained a lot of weight that I want to get back off. I fight anxiety and I suffer from PTSD (would rather not announce why). I am looking for friends on here that have battled battles the same, or similar to mine. Motivators and inspirers. I no longer live with negativity in my life. I thrive to keep smiling, stay clean and sober, and to inspire others along the way. This group is for exactly that!
Owner: Vonnarh1979Leaders: Vonnarh1979Created on September 6, 201618 membersPrivacy: Public



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