This was harder than I thought. I thought The sit ups would come eaesy even though I NEVER do because I prefered crunches (which I can 100 a day). But OH MY, not sit ups....Boy was I wrong and now I got a challenge on my hand! But I'm up for it!! Let's Go....... :happy: The Goal That Was Set: 100 Sit Ups 25 Push Ups 2 min…
What a way to get the abs I want by March 21st 2013. Why is this date so important, I am renewing my wedding vows after 15 years and I have already purchased a dress that I want to wear and it hangs on my closet door as motivation. The dress fits but my abs could use some work to keep from looking so lumpy for a like of…
Hi... First, thanks for creating this group. I sooooo need the help. When will you start posting? Hope to hear from you...It's getting it moving.